ITT: scenes soyboys will never understand
ITT: scenes soyboys will never understand
Other urls found in this thread:
>Getting killed by a Jew
>Not a soyboy
Also Tarantino is total soyboycore
Heh, you already caught someone with your b8
it's a great insult because if you don't like it or it upsets you, you are one!
I wonder how many people don't get that the Nazi was the positive character in that scene
>it's a Sup Forums runs a new memeword into the ground episode
>training to fight a guy who can fly and is impervious to almost everything
>do fucking crossmemefit
nobody gets it dude
only the truly smart patricians on Sup Forums get it
only soyboys know what that is, that's just my natural exercise.
My favorite scene.
Found the soyboy.
The entire film is a parody of itself, the nazis are gathering to watch a violent movie about a war hero who killed a lot, and the nazi audience seems to be enjoying the gore just like we as this movie audience are enjoying the gore, for the nazis its ok to enjoy the killing because they aren't humans, they are the enemy, for us its ok to enjoy the killing because they aren't humans, they are the enemy.
Entire movie screams "you are not so different you and i"
well well well, another soyconsumermale. ha ha cuck
It's retarded. I drink soy milk because it's healthy. There's nothing bad about healthy shit.
>the virgin soy milk drinker vs. the chad whole drinker
>he breathes the Reddit air
>he doesn't buy his own bottled oxygen
soyboys need their public chemtrail air or else they get depressed
>the soyboy's face when even a japanese homosexual is less of a soyboy than them
The Nazi faces his death, proud and unafraid, earning a nod of grudging respect from the Bear-Jew.
He died well. For a Nazi.
>when a soyconsumer posts a pic of their shrunken cerebrum
>Sup Forumstards are literally using a meme created by reddit
>rebbit stealing our memewords, what a shock!
You seem to have arrived here in 2016 too.
This. What a film.
Go drink some more estrogen laced milk nazi
>he literally drinks soy milk
>he actually admits to drinking soy milk
I-I thought soyboys were only a myth...
It's the opposite you fucking idiot
>earning a nod of grudging respect from the Bear-Jew
When? All I remember was the Bear-Jew bashing in his head like any other Nazi and then taunting his convulsing body. The Bear-Jew has zero respect for the soldier because he still believes that to serve the Nazis is to be a Nazi.
I mean, we all know that this place is infested with Reddit, but the thing that really gets my noggin joggin is that we're living in an era where admitting that you browse Reddit isn't immediately met with an irate shitstorm. That I find unacceptable.
>gets done pulling tire
Does Snyder know how exercise works?
do you?
just the way it got to donny when he said it just made him lose control that much more.
>another insult for morons to pull out of their pocket because they have nothing better
umm no sweetie, rebbit never makes or says anything original. You just capped a Sup Forums thread that happened after the posts on rebbit to come up with that shitty image because a word triggers you, soyboy.
do soyboys have a tendency to become joiboys?
Imagine being so insecure about your masculinity that you're terrified of magic beans that might turn you into a woman
Soyboy really seems to offend people unlike words like faggot or cuck.
t. soyim
You're admitting to drinking soy? That's bravery
imagine being this cucked
>Inglorious Bastards is secretly saying we, the Post-War society have just as much bloodlust and hate for a people if not more than the Nazi's ever did
Is soyboy just the newfag way of calling someone a cuck?
>Not smart enough to think of a good comeback, so I'll just use a buzzword
Actually neck yourself
calm down soygoy
Look at this dood!
>Hurr the jews
Neck yourself
good soygoy, here's your shekel.
>soyim still responding
lmao fuck off
Scene was fucking great. i would've smashed that Nazi's head in also
>the soyboy kys
imagine getting btfo so bad all you can do is post a wojak
stop saying soyboy!!!!!!!!
t. r_the_donald tourist
>n-no your r*ddit!
I dont like it because it's not an effective insult
It's what happens when the original board inhabitance are outnumbered by an influx of immigrants.
Depressingly similar to European countries.
>Depressingly similar to European countries.
But that's not true at all
ITT soy
found reddit
Yeah I'd actually prefer shitskins to reddit capeshitting tourists
the ending too
Gotta admit, never thought I'd see the day where I'd miss post-2010 but pre-Reddit Sup Forums. Fucking ridiculous.
I’m very secure in mine and I laugh at yours