Just saw episode 1 and it looks promising.
Anyone watched more?
Just saw episode 1 and it looks promising.
Anyone watched more?
DaaD or KrrK?
Say what?
>not where, but when
what is this about
Some kids get tortured by some guy with DoA’s you spin me right round on playback in some German town.
Episode 1 doesn’t reveal much tbch.
>Some kids get tortured
Doesn't sound very comfy
Yea, dude is a serial killer I guess.
Has that stranger things 4K feel.
Being this new
Had no idea this exists. Don't know anything about it but I loved the poster. Might check it out.
>The question is not where
I'm about halfway through it. It's got time travel shit and I'm still not entirely sure where the plant or the crazy room with the 80s music fits into the story yet.
>be crazy bitch obsessed with guy as a teen
>end up unknowingly meeting, growing up with, and marrying his son who got thrown back in time
>husband kills himself
>still be obsessed with guy and become his mistress
>your son has the hots for what is essentially his aunt
Crazy germans
holy shit, lurk moar ya fucking fag
should I watch with subtitles or dubbed?
When is "dubbed" ever the correct answer?
just marathoned the trailer
looks 100% kino
don't feel like reading i'm watching the first episode dubbed but i'll probably switch after
Holy fuck it is sad that this show is getting compared to that reddit dogshit Stranger Things.
ya fucking normies am I right
Whats the name of the gay song in the trailer
Maratoned 4 episodes, its awesome and it will be hyped just like stranger things, screen this. Btw OST is god tier.