Anyone looking forward to Netflix' Altered Carbon?
Anyone looking forward to Netflix' Altered Carbon?
Oh look a nigger
What does that mean?
you forgot the judenschweinkikepigjews who are pushing all this
>what did they mean by this
>is that android's body kino
>android thundercock
>altered kino
what other stupid fucking memes are circulating last month
It means kys
What does kys mean?
>Altered Carbon
as a fan of the novels, yes
as a watcher of boxes light by light, no
lerk mooer or fuck off newfriend
Not anymore, thanks.
Im not attracted to him. What does that make me?
Okay user
>getting this triggerd
>more nigger sjw marxist bullshit
no thanks "comrade"
Yes, it will be the triggering of the century. Sup Forums is not prepared for these multiculti feels.
I'm a bit nervous, actually. It's such a good book I'm afraid the adaptation will suck ass.
it has netflix seal of kwality
Wait , is it based on the Takeshi Kowach books?
Yes with kinnaman playing the cop sleeve he gets
Doesnt takeshi use two sleeves in the first book?
i have better shoulders than that guy
Why is nobody pointing out that this isn't a real word?
Reminder that the author of these novels is a fat balding manlet who also wrote a story about a black guy who fucks white girls and whines about patriarchy on his blog.
But he does hate muslims and there is a brutal sharia torture and rape scene in the altered carbon series so there's that benefit.
that's because that book was written in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 in the early 2000s when you could get away with it, nowadays that would be extreme islamophobic and count as hate speech, plus he had half of America turn into a multicultural Islamic society in Black Man as a good thing.
Do not recall that aspect of black man, but tbf everything about that book is wrong. I would still like to see it adapted so the cuckino trend can finally be blown completely out of the water and come to an end.
Regardless of his intentions at the time, Kovacs unhinged anti-islamic ranting and the muslim massacre adapted to film will cause massive butthurt and be well worthwhile.
BBC is the future desu, white boys should watch tutorials on how to service them
Right. I'll burn my copy of Altered Carbon when I find it.
I'm not looking forward to Netflix anything.
Trash platform with trash shows and trash movies. Only literal dicklets use Cuckflix.
>all these triggered white bois
this is your future, just accept it.
based haha
Actually all of your whores are getting RICED in the takeshi kovacs universe, this is confirmed.
a friend bought me this novel as a gift many years ago and i never read it.
when i moved house, i gave it to the charity shop.
that's all i have to say on the matter
You might have single handedly awoken the proletariat to their hunger for a multiculti future of xirbeings, good job.
Wow. They finally made something out of those. They were kino books.
first post best post fpbp
2nd was best book for being pure **world building** and james cameron aliens style escalation of violence. Hope they at least make it all the way through to the end of the series before giving up.
I approve of this show
>Altered Carbon
Everything I've ever heard about this makes it sound like snowcrash for edgelords.
isnt that the guy who got blacklisted recently for jerking off into potted plants in front of women who said no?
There's body changing technology and some shooting, that's about it.
Check out this stackless catholcuck over here.