Bruh, look at these drops
Oh no, NO NO NO
JUSTice League
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I WIN!!!
Production budget: Not available
it didn't even have a budget, it's a sleeper hit
Post the flash v superman scene
Yes thank you India!
>Justice League
>Foreign % of Worldwide
So this is the power of the pajeet DC defense force?
Marvel always release movies in plenty of other countries before the United Cucks
got you senpai
At first i was laughing too. Then i realized marvel cape shit will only thrive like this.
Marvlets, they never learn.
wait til you see the
Bravo Whedon
Thanks dude
yes. its not synder's fault from overseeing a shitty universe that no one outside of beaners, pajeets, and trailer trash like.
not synder's fault at all.
it's such not synder's fault, that he will NEVER be handed anything with over a 60 million dollar budget again.
>Man of Steels Day 14 is more than double Justice Leagues
>It's end domestic gross was $291 million
Jesus Christ JL might not make it to $250m domestic
Okay? Lots of movies release in foreign countries before they do Domestically
you're right. the legs are already gone. man of steel at least had neckbeard edgelords going to multiple screenings to prove how BADASS it was and show those critics how wrong they were. now the edgelords have left because of whedon. there is no one to save it. it's totally dead. be lucky to make 600 million WW.
Why do they do this? Do you want spoilers? Because this is how you get spoilers.
>Do you want spoilers?
what spoilers, that nobody dies? Shocking.
Vision, Loki and Gamora die
You think death is the only redeemable part of a movie you silly cunt?
>kill the one main black female
>Zod dies... comes back
>Superman dies... comes back
>Pa Kent dies... appears in the Himalaya
she's green
meanwhile for Thor...
She's green tho
>Thor's third week day totals are higher than Justice Leagues second
How embarrassing for DC
This is the first thread I've seen since thanksgiving even talking about it here. I knew it was gonna be bad but I thought for sure the normie audience would love it.
>Kill Gamora
>Bring in She-Hulk
Yes please.
>kill gamora
>let JUST widow live
You better be lying user.
Infinity War trailer was more important
>Pa Kent dies... appears in the Himalaya
That was in Clark's mind
the absolute state of execs at WB/DC. this is why all their recent capeshit sucks. pic related.
This is why you don't calls movies before the numbers come in Block busters.
Did Disney kill it with the Coco/Olaf movie?
will somebody PLEASE EXPLAIN the "oh no nononon meme to me!?!??!? I DON'T GET IT!!
Coco is slated to be #1 again this week, while JUSTice League might fall as low as 3rd place
Not 100% confirmed but according to the leaks that seem pretty legit from the footage in the trailer and the leaked Comic Con stuff. Basically Thanos needs the soul of someone he loves to activate the soul gem, so he kills Gamora, his daughter
poor DC
pls respond
YES. The beaners came out in full force to support it. Beaners love beanershit and DC, but they'll always go for beanershit with the time arises.
its a Sup Forums meme about a youtube celeb blonde polish whore dating a black man. the first pic is of the announcement of their relationship. the next pic is that she is pregnant and he abandoned her. the last pic is of her holding her ugly mixed baby.
search un YouTube:
look at the top of his head
Same issue at sony
>that he will NEVER be handed anything with over a 60 million dollar budget again.
Lol, whatever weirdo. Batman vs. Superman grossed $855 million. He's probably going to have a hard time getting his hands on a budget higher than $150 million, but it's not like he's going to be out of work.
Holy fucking that real? That's seriously how high-level Hollywood executives communicate? It looks like something a 13 year old wrote.
How do these types of people climb so high up the ladder? That's not a rhetorical question, I seriously want to know how this happens.
wish i could bet you user. its over for his career. its like the district 9 dude. he'll be forced to do commericals and shorts from now on.
A 13 year old who at least read comic or even watched a fucking spiderman cartoon will have a better idea of Venom first, then Carnage and at least Spidey will whack the sinister six if he was symbiote spidey.
When I was younger I used to think I wouldn't be able to properly address people in letters and emails when I got a job but it turns out old people are always like your grandparents on social media.
pure fucking luck. they usu start as an intern and shadow a producer or director, they gives notes, if the director/producer likes the notes, they get more jobs, if they have enough good ideas, the studio gives them a producer credit even if they provided no money for production of the film. they get their name attached to one movie that's successful. producer is really a meaningless title. then if they have enough hits under their belt, they get more power and keep moving up.
they usu start as an intern and shadow a producer or director, they gives notes, if the director/producer likes the notes, they get more jobs, if they have enough good ideas, the studio gives them a producer credit even if they provided no money for production of the film.
>they gives notes,
more like
>they give blowjobs
But Neill Blomkamp is screwing around with his visual effects Unity / Adam thing. He's doing what he wants to be doing. He's doing the James Cameron thing of working on expanding the boundaries of effects, making shorts to demonstrate what he's doing.
Besides, Zack Snyder's been way more successful than Blomkamp. They'll probably let him re-make He-Man next.
When are we going to get fighter jet vs. giant spider producer pet project kino?
What went so HORRIBLY wrong, Sup Forums? Is the future of the DCU in danger?
What's wrong with foreign countries liking a movie?
He-Man and Snyder sounds like a good fit. Then a She-Ra movie happens, and we get a Masters of the Universe Cinematic Universe
Sounds like something they could do for the live action Robotech if it ever gets made
Fucking Cards
and the critics praises this bitch
They roasted Casey Affleck for sporadically looking at cue cards when he was on SNL but didn't say a word about her staring at the cards even when it wasn't her line