I don't have another image and the last one's nearly archived
Late Late Toy Show thread
>Big, big present this year
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I would have loved if he wore now I have a machine gun, ho ho ho
Ryan's sloping off for his next line, he's running down
Why do you think they cut to commercial.
Has an irish peacekeeper ever been shot?
Made it to another break, that's what counts.
Leatherface when?
Imagine if he was dead lads and it was just a coffin in wrapping paper.
First for /ourgirl/ Nikki
11 were beaten to death by African savages and 30 died in the middle east
Don't approve desu. Leave her be.
Stop bullying.
Watch the siege of jadotvile and find out. I heard it's accurate
Surprised to see this thread desu.
I like the toy show. Wholesome feels
Meant to reply to you.
Oh yeah, meant to watch that.
>based Ryan tubbers
>I heard it's accurate
>Shit we forgot to put in airholes
Fucking Balubas.
I was thinking.
this lad is fond of girls if you catch my irony ;)
about 1 a year on average since 1960.
A guy in the Lebenon was tortured to death by an arab. The torturer is now an ice cream man living in Florida.
That dub accent slip
D'you know what
I'm not sure those girls are actually playing the violin
Its kinda accurate, like I dont think the Dutch mine owner was literally standing beside the battle rubbing his hands with glee like a bond villain.
The singing kid's gone John Joe.
I posted this last year but:
Don't rain on my gay pride parade.
>gamer girl
is shit
What reason the deceit?
Yeah i was in the choir in school , had solos and everything. Can't sing a note now.
The RTÉ agenda at it again. Let's see what casual shit she plays.
>you are a joker?
Fuck is he crying for. He obviously sings all the time
At least she's a comedian. They can be funny!
>ashamed of our shelves
ha ha ha ha ha classic
Meanwhile alan shatter gave their grandkids Irish passports & one way tickets to letterkennya & the central african republic of dundalk
Footballer will come out
>You're the top
>creative mode
>Alan Shatter
I wish the Irish media would stop reminding me that he exists.
Lads what the burger says to the french fries when they ran into each other in the McDonalds bathroom?
I musturd!
Because he got a standing ovation after performing in front of hundreds of thousands of people.
>that one "Up Galway" distant in the crowd
He was Count Shatter today on Callan's Kicks.
>central african republic of dundalk
See dundalkdemocrat.ie
Which footballer is gonna come out now?
I thought she said up yours, made me laugh
I’ll take cyrus christie coming out to a chorus of boos for 500.
They won’t even bring out the One Good Halfcast in Ireland since Phil Lynnott.
>There will never be a 15 minute Call of Duty presentation on the Toy Show
Paul Galvin is long overdue a coming out...
I Appreciate ye Being Redpilled and all.
But you’re still being flooded with third world retards and it doesn’t show signs of stopping
He promised an E3 review this year and never delivered.
There is like a 5% migrant pop in ireland..
Galway niggers
Wasn’t he shagging that MILF Grainne Seoige tho?
I can appreciate pretending to know all about Fashion to get closer to more pussy desu.
Lad doesn't have a breeze who they are
Bullshit, it's about 15%, lot of them are slavs and chinks though.
>Ed Sheeran
alright, that's enough. I'm going back to my room for the night.
Was he? Fair play.
You could just check the census.
t. Waterford
Wonder will they get that ginger fuck to pop out of somewhere?
That's pretty high.
Yeah there are some non-whites here but it's not the worst place in the country for them. Don't know why you would list Dundalk ahead of Balbriggan, Blanchardstown or Longford for example
Ed sheeran anyoment now
More's the pity. I'd welcome an Eamon and Donal segment, too.
5% Too Much.
And don’t act like the (((eu))) isn’t jacking that up as much as possible, when alan shatter was in a supposed random role in government there was a “mysterious” growth of passport handing outs to africans.
Yeah that's 500000 people.
That dwarfs the population of any Irish town except Dublin.
I lost my heart to a Wexford girl if I'm being real lads.
>the one kid dressed like Sheeran
I hope not, they had him on a previous year.
But they're all in Dublin so it's OK
And we need it to have a viable population. God forbid we shrink and the nation collapses
>500000 people
You mean 50,000 I presume?
There are girls in Wexford?
We already have the highest birthrate in western Europe. We'd be doing fine if we didn't have such a massive problem with emigration.
Because it was the first place I noticed a big number of blacks walking through town day to day.
I couldn’t walk through without seeing at least 12
Then last Year I shit you not was at a hotel for an interview, went into the wrong confrence room & it was filled with about 100 africans, who all awkwardly looked at me with their dumb soulless eyes
It’s fucked.
And now Monaghan is becoming just as bad. Fuck the eu & fuck our spineless politicians who are comfy being paid to let this happen.
Also wasn’t Ed on the Toy Show like 2 Years ago?
Why bring him back when McGregor is In The Country atm?
That is the single most jewish comment I have ever came across on this website.
Was on a night out in Enniscorthy. Must have been something on that night, the amount of birds out. All around 21. 90 percent were over an 8
Try Dublin, it's mostly nonwhite now.
A lot of Wexford women are very thrashy.
It really isn't. Do you live in Dublin? Still high high majority Irish White
Fossils are rocks
its a dinosaur penis
If you stick to random suburbs, maybe. Last time I was all I could see was the mosque
sarah'd absolutely get it
in 5 years, when it is right and legal that she should get it, of course
2016 was 11.6% non national, however there's also an 87% increase in dual nationality.