Why is nobody talking about this show?

Why is nobody talking about this show?

does it have superheroes?

Is that the actually useful kid from Dunkirk?

No. Is that really the only reason?
Haven't seen it. This is just a kid from the Last Post.


Despite that I'd say it's still

Why don't you ask a British website.

We don't care about Brit garbage.


Sure let me just log onto British Sup Forums, since this one is obviously burger-only. Come on, this is the best place to ask about this stuff, don't be an ass.

For the same reason no one talked about Ripper Street or The Line of Duty. Much of tv has shit taste.

>British website
But Sup Forums is multicultural, we love our Jewish, our gay, our black, our Chinese, our white directors just not the Japanese directors

Are those actually good? I'd love to get some new quality drama material, but based on what I'm seeing online they look shitty.

No they're shit. TV in general is shit and UK TV at the moment is especially shit

>all these butthurt Ameriboo's
Must suck being from a nation so shitty that you'd rather waste your time on a foreign website than hang out with your own people.


I've run out of shows so I ended up watching some Australian shit, and desu that is even worse. Taste being subjective and all that, I like my Brit drama.

Personally I loved both of them. Although Ripper Street didn't really need it's last two seasons they were still kino. Especially for those who think Jerome Flynn is the best thing about Game of Thrones.

The line of duty is a pretty great show. I will forever respect it for being quite redpilled on social issues. It's also edge of your seat stuff and has a great overarching conspiracy plot.

Thanks user. I'd like to think that if someone is interested enough to type out a recommendation then maybe it's worth checking out.

Can we appreciate how redpilled The Last Post was?

>no forced diversity
>no "muh strok womenz"
>traditional authority figure who could easily have been a villain is actually very sympathetic.
>Arab rebels portrayed as backward and barbaric
>celebrates military values and patriotism.
>mostly positive view of the Empire
>portrays religion as a positive source of hope and solace
>that scene where a soldier recites the Lords prayer before being beheaded by Muslims.

How did this end up being made by the 2017 BBC?

That's why I started this thread. It's crazy how this managed to get past the censors. To add to the whole thing, I grew up from that background, my parents being from a similar colonial/expat military outpost in shitville. Maybe It's only people like me who are responding so much to this show, but either way there are some ninja redpills in there.

You'll find DS Arnot in Line an unlikable dick at first but you kind of warm to him later on and he's far from the only main character.

The show has the balls to have a corrupt cop not only be the forces highest ranking black officer, but also have fear of racism accusations be something that repetedly impedes the investigation.

Considering Moffats last big series was 'The village' which was the absolute epitome of "look how horrible/racist /sexist Britain used to be ", programming it really is remarkable.

I think they managed to get away with it by pitching it as "look how horrible we were", and using the drama bit with the women they slipped the rest of it through by which point it was too late.

>When even Nazi engineers won't let you shoot any more monkeys into space
Those were dark times.

Sort of like the first season of original Star Trek. They pitched it as a "western in space" and added all the social commentary stuff later.

Do you think the drunk slutty officers wife was supposed to come off as a complete ungrateful cunt or was actually intended to be "muh strong independent woman"?

Why was he such a (literal) cuck lads?

The whole cuck storyline is shit, but at very least she cucked her husband with another british man. If it was any other show she'd have a whole storyline about falling in "love" with a native. So on the one hand I hate it but on another it's still drama-worthy.
Personally I'd like her as a friend, but she's still trash. Then again in those situations there isnt much choice so I think her character is pretty good.


>no "muh strok womenz"
What about her? Her accent was terrible, too

Well there was no scene of her fighting multiple men single handedly or anything. As for personality she came across as quite depressed and lonely in the end. It was quite a balanced portayal really.

I get that being isolated like that can make you a bit stir crazy but she had no excuse to be so shitty to her husband. He really was just a decent bloke trying to make the best of things.

At least it ended with them deciding to stay together for the sake of her children.

That abortion subplot pissed me off a bit.

>oh that doctor just questioned if a clearly unstable lady is fit to make a life changing decision at this moment in time and asked what he presumed to be the father of the children thought about it What an oppressive patriarchal shit Lord.

She does seem like she would be a real laugh to be around though.


Well thats the thing, if they were both just regular people in London they'd have broken up waaaay before. You are forced to sympathize with the character because you get she doesnt have a choice to walk away, or whatever. These relationships for all the characters would play out so differently if they were anywhere in the West, but they're not.

The men "carrying on" breaks my heart.


>owning a kettle
they use they microwave to boil their water

the original was argentinans

>hello my white friend

do you not know what edgy means

>britain looking jewish

America has the most Jews outside of Israel. Does this have something to do with le Churchill le Jew servant xdd

>tea kettle

tfw my idiot dad talks about xenoestrogens and stuff like that (i don't buy into that), but microwaves water in a plastic measuring cup.

srsly wtf da

A cute :3