Did you watch the 9/11 movie starring Charlie Sheen?
Is it any good, did they slip some sneaky red pills in there, should I even bother?
9/11 2017 Charlie Sheen, Whoopi Goldberg
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damn, whoopis venom sacs look like THAT???
He has aids I refuse to watch.
What the fuck happened to whoopi
She used to be somewhat qt in the trek days.
>should I even bother
Yes you should, it's high level kino.
There's no way that's real.
"It's the aids"
>that music
my sides
Shit Who tf thought of casting a severely damaged celebrity like Sheen (and cancer like Whoopi) in a movie like this? This shit has to be intentional. Can't help but keep replaying that trailer.
If a movie like this can be made, anything can. I've seen it all now.
What the fuck is this music?
i cant find this movie anywhere?
I thought this was a troll post but this shit is real.
The Black Cracked.
wow Gina Gershon's aged well
now excuse me while I go re-watch Bound and fap my brains out..
I kek'd
Amazing Kino 10/10
It's shooped. Pic related is the original.
As for why she doesn't look the same way she did 25 years ago, it's because people age.
dude, that's not aging, that's mutating
is this real life
It's an edit. Original is here:
>It's shooped.
Ahhh, actually I think you'll find it's not.
>(and cancer like Whoopi)
I've met her in real life numerous times, because my parents used to be her neighbors and would go to the shooting range with her on weekends. She's a pretty cool person in real life and surprisingly red-pilled. Most of the stupid shit she says on The View is an act to appease the retards in that show's audience.
I think the simple answer to your question is that it was an indie film and they were willing to take anyone about B-list who was willing to accept a meager paycheck. Notice that Luis Guzman is there too.
That guy on the right looks like Quagmire.
Does Martins shirt say Stay HIV Positive?
It's nice that he has a sense of humor about his illness.
Not only does it say Stay HIV Positive, it's got a picture of himself on there.
So brave.
its 2017, aids is the new tiger blood