ITT: make up a sunny episode

ITT: make up a sunny episode

Other urls found in this thread:

Manipulative guy manipulate, gay man be gay, Stupid man be stupid, frank crazy, girl drugs

Dr. Mantis Toboggan, ER Surgeon

the gang converts to islam and kills all white people

>The Gang Become Exterminators

There's a rat infestation in Philly and the bar is the only place safe and the only place with a decent health inspection rating because of it so the FDA in Philly contact Frank as to why this is and he lies saying he has a crack team of exterminators and they hire the gang to secretly go to every restaurant/bar in Philly to secretly exterminate. Things go away and the gang are trapped by their fear of rodents except Charlie and he has to rescue them before the restaurant opens the next day. He saves them and they get out but flashback to earlier in the day Charlie was making mustard gas rigged with a timer to release upon a certain allotted time but he forgets he can't read and he forgets about it after the rescue so the next day they hear about a mustard gas attack on the news cut to them reacting as to why this happened with Frank's cellphone ringing.

Frank Dies
>starts at his funeral
>Denis and Dee don't really care
>Mac is crying
>Charlie just looks stunned
>the gang gets worried about Charlies disturbing behavior
>all the side characters start dying
>the gang starts to suspect Charlie
>Dee dies
>Mac and Denis don't care she's dead but worry they are next
>Mac and Denis start to betray each other trying to be the last to survive
>Mac dies
>Denis and Charlie have a final confrontation
>Charlie explains he just wants everyone to be together again
>murder suicide
Final episode

you're stupid


that's the worst thing i've ever read

>The Gang Milks A Formerly Funny Premise By Beating It Into The Fucking Ground Until It Just Becomes Annoying

This could actually work as a title for any episode past season 4 or so.


Their stupid what?

The gang has to deal with sexual assault allegations stemming from a bunch of old incidents, with Charlie acting as some kind of lawyer/detective for all of of the other members.

The Gang Gets Haunted

You just can't appreciate true kino. I didn't write it funny but the deaths would be. Mac would be screaming how the Mcpoyels died in a blood orgy. The lawyer can actually be killed in a duel.

>The Gang Goes Shark Hunting
Frank just saw Jaws and him and Charlie are fired up about the shark menace in the community. They rent a boat and go shark hunting. Dennis comes along, but only because he wants another boat to bring girls to and he needed to agree to it.

In the end they end up killing a dolphin

>t. retard that thinks season 12 is the best season of the show

shut up, faggot

The Gang Shitposts

>the Mcpoyels died in a blood orgy. The lawyer can actually be killed in a duel.
shit like this is why the show isn't funny anymore in the first place

>Dennis wakes up and finds a few grey hairs
>Mac cracks his back doing karate moves
>Dee has super exaggerated wrinkles
>Charlie and Frank are still youthful even though they live horribly and Frank is genuinely old
>Dennis, Mac, and Dee desperately try a bunch of shit to seem younger while Charlie and Frank get even more insane
>"The Gang Gets Old"


Reminder that this is being removed from netflix on December 9th. If you are one of the people that like to rewatch it on netflix you have about a week left.

the gang cancels the show

fucking end it already seriously, it's been terrible since fat mac

>the Gang embraces Anarcho-Capitalism

you know it's written Dennis not Denis, right?

Why can't Soros just stop with his retarded shit? I don't even have Netflix but they took off everything that appealed to me.

>My Name is Earl
>Malcolm in The Middle
>whatever show or movie I would have been looking for but instead spend more time browsing like a retard instead of watching trying to find something similar

Seriously? Whenever I'm round someone's who has netflix, it's like the only thing I watch

I was hoping the twist was Dennis was actually the killer.

Basically like Charlie Rules The World but shit posting?

Dennis might as well be a serial killer at this point.

charlie get ipad

The Gang Elects Trump

go away child

>"The Gang tries Virtual Reality"
>Dennis deceives Mac into wearing a state of the art VR headset to get Mac to shut up about the 'possitiblities'. The headset itself is just a direct feed of a camera mounted on the forehead. The sudden appearance of a newly-rejuvenated Rickety Cricket makes the deception seem real. Mac goes around interacting with the world thinking it's ideal; completely tuning out Dee, attacking Charlie and Frank midsentence and planning a romantic dinner with Dennis. His dreams come crashing down when a vengeful Frank and Charlie remove and destroy the headset, causing Mac to go berserk and feel completely disconnected from 'inferior' reality.

>The Gang Diets
>Everyone in the gang tries to follow a certain lifestyle/diet. Mac goes Fregan (eating stranger's leftovers) much to Dennis' disgust. Dennis himself goes Episcopalian, consuming only Fish meat and monologuing on the superiority of sly, wriggling fish compared to big dumb farm animals. Frank and Charlie attempt to go Vegan, with Charlie digging up bulbs and grass seeds from people's lawns and Frank eating nothing but iceberg lettuce. Dee attempts a 'cleanse' which causes her kidneys to shut down. Episode ends with everyone vomiting horribly.

>The Gang goes to The Beach
>Dennis works on his tan, laying up near the Lifeguard tower to catch the eye of a 'could be Pamela' (gestures to indicate breasts). The lifeguard is an overweight man, and his peanut butter and banana sandwiches attract hornets to the garbage cans under his seat, which harass Dennis.
>Dee and Frank go looking for non-tanning sunscreen (as Dennis only brought bronzing lotion for himself) and Mac and Charlie explore 'tidal pools' and believe they've been stung by a jellyfish, and then a blue-ring octopus, but it's actually just a twig.


Ends with the DA getting proof that Dee blackmails people into sex but doesn't press charges because she's a woman.


This. I just rewatched season 1 and it’s disgusting how much more grounded and likeable everybody was

> 11:00 AM
> On a Monday
> Dennis: "See, the Thai are so much farther ahead of us in so many ways. Did any of you see that Gosling flick, the one with the prostitutes and the martial artists?"
> Frank: "Everything's about Thai hookers with you. And the whores are way better in Vietnam. Heading back is on my bucket list."
> Dennis: "I wasn't talking about prostitutes, Frank! I was talking about culture, and aesthetic, and Gosl-"
> Mac: "I'd like to slide in on this Thai situation, if I can. I was online researching the Thai prostitutes Dennis has been talking about, and I'm very interested."
> Charlie: "Guys, do we even have to leave Philly? Alright, there are ladyboys on the corner. And Frank, you've set up a sweatshop in every building on the block. And if we're going anywhere, we're an Irish pub, so we should go to Ireland."
- Men begin arguing, until Dee enters. The men stop arguing to berate her.-
> Frank: "Heyo, march of shame coming through!"
> Dennis: "Jesus Christ, Dee, you're late as shit."
> Dee: "Yeah, yeah, 'Dee, you're a slutty bird,' I know. Had another date. This was with a --
> Mac: "Hobo."
> Dee: "No, he's not a hobo. He's a s-"
> Charlie: "-Sex offender."
> Dee: "Why would I be dating a sex offender?"
> -Men overlapping-
> Charlie: "I don't know, they know a lot about sex?"
> Mac: "They've got experience, I was gonna say."
> Dennis: "That's true, yeah."
> Frank: "Gotta trust the experts."
> Dee, fuming: "He's one of those security guards at the airport, okay?"
> Dennis: "Wait, your boyfriend works at the TSA?"
> Dee: "Well, yeah. I mean, I used to have to buy a ticket in order to see him, but ever since he got promoted we've been meeting in his break room, which is past security. I guess ol' Dee is moving up in the world."
> Dennis: "So he can get us onto any concourse in Philly International? Without a boarding pass?"
> -Beat. The men all look at each other and begin yelling competing destinations. Charlie screams.-

Title: The Gang Flies

The Gang Comes to a Conclusion

7 am

on a Wednesday

Frank and Charlie are walking down the street toward the bar. Charlie is frustrated, he didn't sleep enough the night before. It's far too early.
Frank agrees, complains about his aching and aging body. He tells Charlie that today doesn't feel like a good day, tries to get Charlie to bail with him and head back home for more rest.
Charlie insists that the gang agreed to open the bar together today, and that they're a team. That means they don't let each other down.

They arrive at the bar and enter.
Two and a half hours pass.

Dee, Mac and Dennis arrive at the bar, expressing similar complaints. Dee is tired. Mac says it's because they're getting older. Dennis, angerly, insists he's as strong and youthful as ever. He stretches, cracking his back, and falls to the floor. Dennis begins screaming that he can't move his legs.

Charlie gets up from the bar and faces Mac and Dee. He's angry. "You were supposed to be here 3 hours ago!"
Arguments break out. Charlie questions their dedication to their friendship. Dee insists Charlie is wrong about when they open. Frank snores loudly at the bar.
Dennis, still on the floor, begins screaming obscenities.
This gets Mac hot. Mac says he's getting overwhelmed by the whole situation and everyone needs to back down before he flies off the handle.
Dennis insists that if he isn't helped off the floor, he's going to fly off the handle first.
Dee begins crying, nobody is listening to her. She KNOWS what time they were supposed to meet. At this point, Frank stands up. He's still asleep. He grunts, something similar to "turn off that loud alarm it's like a chicken on a farm!"
Frank stumbles, and grabs a knife from the bar that he and Charlie had been using to snort coke all morning.
He lunges toward the annoying bird with the knife.
Dennis, clenching his jaw, turns and tries to grab Frank's ankle. This causes Frank to trip, and fall against Mac. Knife first.

>le soros bogeyman
opps i guess thats just the flouride talking hehe :^)

Frank's eyes shoot open. "Oh shit who'd I stab"?

Mac's anxiety has peaked. Blood spills from his stomach. His face becomes washed, pale.
Mac screams "I'll get you for this, you old piece of shit!"
As he lunges in an attempt to punch Frank, he winces in pain, and misses. His punch, somewhat weakly, causes him to knock Charlie back. Charlie stumbles over Dennis, who at this point has turned nearly blue from the pain and the screaming, and Charlie bashes his head against the bar.

"This is all your god damn fault Dee, you fucking piece of shit!" Dennis blares at the top of his lungs.
Dee is leaning against a table hyperventilating.
She explodes, she insists it's Charlie's fault. Dee grabs a stool and swings for Charlie's bloodied head with intent to kill. Of course, she ends up pelting Frank.
Frank, still half asleep yet utterly coked out of his mind, quickly waddles behind the bar and begins chugging from a bottle of whiskey.

Basically it continues on like that for awhile, and they spend the entire 22 minute episode murdering each other. Violently.
Not played for laughs.
Frank, coked out and drunk, ends up breaking the bottle of whiskey and dealing the finishing blows to Chawlie.
"We shoulda just gone back to bed, Chawlie! We coulda just gone back to sleep!"

We coulda just slept, Chawlie

Frank passes out on top of a pile of bloodied corpses. The camera stays focused on the scene, with no audio, for about 15 seconds.
Cut to the normal ending credits with normal music.

holy shit this could be something

Dee's a bird lol

Frank tries to shoot a seal, but he misses and hits and kills a white girl. The gang then convinces the judge that it was actually the presidents fault, and Frank walks out of the court as a free man.

>> Mac: "I'd like to slide in on this Thai situation, if I can. I was online researching the Thai prostitutes Dennis has been talking about, and I'm very interested."

very good user

>Bottle episode
>theyre in the bar talking, its closed
>someone knocks on the door
>none of them want to answer it
>the entire episode is each of them posing why they shouldnt answer the door
>turns out it was a sweepstakes guy with a large check for millions of dollars
>he ends up leaving
>they answer the door and no ones is there
>they blame charlie

This is very good

>>the entire episode is each of them posing why they shouldnt answer the door
Community did it

>Dee does porn
Dee finally gets an acting gig, but finds out quickly it's for adult movies. After being rejected as stars Frank and Dennis try to create their own version of the bang bus, with a black van. Charlie and Mac tired of the stories in porn attempt to write plots themselves.

>Charlie fights Dennis
After Dennis "accidentally" destroys Charlie's painting of him, Charlie challenges him to a fight. Dee offers to help Charlie beat Dennis, whilst Frank and Mac try to promote the fight as a ppv.

>The gang goes viral
After watching prank videos on the internet, the gang decide to make their own prank videos with Philadelphia and mainly Cricket as the victims.

Rewatching now, just did most of season 2 in a siting. Early Mac was great. It's comfy being a south philly native. RIP

And their activity gets the TSA guy fired

What episode was that?

Remedial Chaos Theory

The gang goes back in time to kill Hitler then they find out the holocaust was fake but Hitler thinks they are jews and they piss hitler off so much that the holocaust becomes real.

I did already. I have a 22-page spec script and I don't know what to do with it. Anybody have Rob McElhenney's email address?

Not even fucking close. That episodes gag was the branching pathways of a dice roll.

This one would find the humor in the lengths they would go to not do something as simple as answering the door.

They would begin to bicker and fight about how Mac just did a lot of reps so his muscles are too sore, or how Frank is the oldest somthey should listen to them, and how Dee is a woman so she doesnt answer doors.

In the emd they get screwed out of millions of dollars.

good shit

The Gang gets into underground racing. The thing is, they all use their crappy cars and make awful modifications to them.

Mac has a boyfriend and he looks exactly like Dennis.

Mac and Dennis do not acknowledge it at all but the rest of the gang freak out.

This actually sounds funny.

The Gang gets stuck in an elevator

this has potential

On Dennis' hiatus:

>Dennis joins the FBI and uses his own sociopathic understanding to hunt down serial killers and develop the Behavioural Science Unit at FBI

Friends did it.

Most fleshed out idea, good start and could be hilarious.
Has potential for greatness.

>The Gang votes for Trump

>The Gang fights against net neutrality

Frank tries to charge extra so people can look at questionable sites (child trafficking run by his vietnamese buddies)

I feel like this would've worked better if it had aired before "The Gang Beats Boggs"

nah dude, they've been piece of shits since the very beginning.

literally the only difference is the money

>Charlie writes erotica
The guys find some of Charlie's sex ramblings and Frank publishes it as a joke.
Dee and the waitress become addicted to it, become erotica addicts and are desperate to meet the author.
Charlie shows up to a book signing high after huffing paint as greenman and Dee is devastated that she has been damaging her nerve endings over Charlie ramblings.

No, it isn't.

In Community, they didn't want to answer door, so they role a die, oh well the autistic Abed says that's making multiverses. So we see each one, with a different person going. Some of them find a gun, some of them yell at each other, some of them get caught smoking pot, some of them burn the place down.

The Always sunny one would be the gang arguing about answering the door, they each have a dumb explanation, in the end someone goes, answers door: nothing. the end.

Are you that dumb?

The Gang Illegally Street Race

The Gang Get Caught in An Escape Room

Charlie Gets Selected For The Mars Colony

Based user

>In Community, they didn't want to answer door, so they role a die, oh well the autistic Abed says that's making multiverses. So we see each one, with a different person going. Some of them find a gun, some of them yell at each other, some of them get caught smoking pot, some of them burn the place down.
that sounds like this
>This one would find the humor in the lengths they would go to not do something as simple as answering the door.

It's still two episode based around not wanting to get the door except one already did it first

The Gang Invests in Crypto

Except for Community the not wanting to get pizza is the starting act that gets all the characters to do their actions. They spend like one minute on that idea out of the 22.

The entire idea behind the Always sunny is it spends 22 minutes of it on that argument.

See the difference? Would you also say that Community beat 10 cloverfield lane to the punch because John Goodman and MEW argued about getting the door to the bunker? no.

The Gang Rapes Dee

Pieces of shit yes. Cartoon characters no

>Dee walks in wearing a white robe
>Mac: Dee, what in God's name are you wearing?
>Dennis: It looks like she's going to get married, but then, you know...she'd have to not be miserably alone.
>Mac: and not look like a bird because birds can't get married.
>Dee: You know, I would normally just get angry and insult you guys back, but I'm not going to do that because I have learned all this negativity in my life has been holding me back. Plus, I can get married whenever the hell I want.
>Mac: No, you can't.
>Dennis: Mac's right. Anyway, how's looking like you're some sort of dove going to help you achieve anything?
>Dee: Well, first Yogi Barra has us give up our material possessions and live with him in that abandoned lot near the edge of town.
>Charlie: What's this about Yogi Bear now? I used to watch that show was a kid. Stealing picnic-(is ignored and drowned out by Dennis)
>Dennis: Wait, wait. Us? So there's more of you pathetic people out there?
>Mac: Dee, listen to yourself. You're dressed like some sort of marshmallow wandering around in a dump. It' a cult.
>Dennis: Now hold on a second there, Mac. If I know cults, then there's most likely a herd of willing and easily influenced women out there in said lot.
>Charlie: Probably a lot of picnic baskets too

"The Gang Joins a Cult"

>The Gang are Shipped off to China
-Cut to Frank
>Where Is Everybody?

characters enter room
characters do absurd overacting
then start talking over each other

>the gang joins the alt-right
Don't lie, it would be amazing.

>Dennis infiltrates the cult with the sole intent of starting his own to get women
>it works
>it backfires

>The Gang Gets Red Pilled

>Frank shows the gang Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>They all mock him but then browse different boards in secret
>Dee is the Reddit insert and doesn't understand what is going on
>Charlie finds Sup Forums and becomes convinced that the Jews turned Mac gay
>Mac finds /fit/ which he thinks is the homosexual hookup board
>Dennis finds /r9k/ and sees it as a way to start a cult, holds D.E.N.N.I.S. seminars for incels

I would definitely watch this shit.

>charlie starts crossposting on /ck/ and makes dinotendies-like post-by-post threads for making grilled charlies, milksteak and fresh delaware runoff crab

>Dennis: Dee, frankly I'm surprised you're even still here we've moved past your part in the story and the point I'm trying to make. I still feel like you guys really ruined my chance at being the head of a religious organization here i almost could have been some-.
>Mac:whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on you only started that abomination to pull me away from god and urge me to choose the homosexual lifesty-
>Dennis: What?! I started that so you would stop eating my god damn cookies- oh god damn Mac you are RUINING this for me again. Listen.We have found ourselves a very raaaare opportunity here. An opportunity that we have never fully committed to before.
>Charlie: rrrrrright okay yeah. let's get some cookies it's gonna be that time soon yea-
Dennis: what?? no I'm talking about being the voice of reason. The faces that these women turn to, the masters that they-(interrupted by mac)
>Mac: see Den I think you are going right down the line you went with the boat stuff and that did not go well that did not go well at all
>Frank: hey wait a sec all of this is about a cult? I've been to loads of these things it's all a cash grab and nothin else
>Dennis: see that's were you're wrong frank. See I have been planning on this for the better part of my life. May I present to you: (Dennis slams down a board on an easel a posterboard with the title "Dennistown"

The gang joins the alt right