>Seinfeld is funny
Seinfeld is funny
Other urls found in this thread:
>the pretzels aren't making you thirsty
This post is made by a brainlet
Seinfeld isn't funny to me, Curb is however
If someone says they like Seinfeld just ask who is there favorite character if they pick Kramer they are plebs if they pick George they are autistic if they pick Jerry they are normies but if they pick Elaine then you know they are watching the show correctly
George is the undisputed GOAT though
t. autist
even fucking worse
>not picking Bookman
If Seinfeld isn't funny, than nothing is.
Elaine is usually more of the straight man than Jerry, weirdly enough. Also, George is top-tier, you're just being contrarian.
OP is a Rick & Morty fan
>if they pick George they are autistic
>I like that part in Curb Your Enthusiasm
where Larry finds himself in hilarious misunderstadings that end bad for him
George is best. And fuck you, Seinfeld rules!
>I can't
>I just masturbated, here is money
here's to feeling good all the time
I guess it was good at the time but in retrospect the setups and outcomes for the episodes are cheers level obvious. The thing is it works in cheers because the large set of various characters to interact with the plot.
>Not picking Jay Peterman
lol, user is being edge=y saying picking George as best character is autistic
>sign field
genuinely autistic post
>not picking Newman
Uncle Leo is the best character
>me wuv funee shoes lik com.. comoo... commonee... coommunismity
>not picking Bob Sacamano
>if they pick Kramer they are plebs
They are the same thing!
We always reference this in my office when someone is losing a lot of money on all of their trades. Just do the opposite!
Elaine is just a straight up cunt from the start of season 6
>We always reference this in my office when someone is losing a lot of money on all of their trades
shitposting on /biz/ hardly counts as an office
can i have the clapping brainlet please?
i no branlet i patricin i watch da osca
>not picking Frank
>can i have the clapping brainlet please?
This, but unironically.
This, but ironically
This, but post-ironically
Brainlet threads make me laugh so much. I don't even care what they're about, the pure immature shitposting is enough to sustain my laughter