Thanks to Netflix, we'll never get a Nolan-directed Death Note

>thanks to Netflix, we'll never get a Nolan-directed Death Note
Post a better cast.
protip: you can't


>Light yagami
Baby driver

>Mr Yagami

Dane with dyed black hair


The faggot at the top left is one of the worst actors I've ever seen in my life.

Post a better set of digits.
protip: you can't

Excuse me that's whitewashing.
Why are whitey's so obsessed with asian shit but racist to them at the same time?


Not ''better'', but definitely decent choices. If you post an image with your picks, I'll add it to my Sup Forums folder.

But muh diversity! Why would you want all white people playing these roles brilliantly when we can just throw a load of shit actors in there who have the ((correct)) skin colour.

Its an adaptation not a 1:1 casting faggot

Same reason why black people play the king of scotland in historical plays

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Dan Severn or Don Frye as Mr Yagami

Why do Asians make their anime with 99% white casts? And don't give me that crap about "they're really Japanese", no Japanese people look like Light Yagami, whereas we have Zac Efron and Chase Crawford, and probably a million other men who are the spit of him.

The Jap adaptations were fine already.

He's good in everything that isnt valerian and spiderman

Christain Bale Light would be kino

The Jap adaptations were fine already.

trips have spoken.
if only he weren't so old. also, pic related as Matsuda.

Death note is really something that has to be a series, not a movie. The cat-and-mouse game between L and Light needs time to develop. It can't be crammed into a movie-length picture.

>we woz japanese
Japaneses specify when whiteys are whiteys though. They give whitey characters whitey features like big jaws and big noses.

>implying wingard’s wasn’t kino of the year

Michael Cera

Seth Rogen

Jonah Hill

>Mr Yagami
Danny McBride

James Franco

The Asian guy from Hangover

>fund it
I'd unironically enjoy this
DUDE apples LMAO