This movie sucks.
This movie sucks
It also fucks.
Is it because you self-inserted as Mr. Robinson?
you suck
Ben is ugly and he's generic and has no personality and he has a weird voice.
It starts out okay, but it really begins to drag by halfway. Although I could be thinking of a different movie. I only saw The Graduate once, at that was about a decade ago.
Sneed thread
It arguably qualifies as the original soyboy movie. Benjamin Braddock is basically just a spoiled, weak little yuppie brat who lets the women in his life completely dominate him.
One of many examples of the film being a condom slipped over the audience. Nothing in here has any significance at all outside the boomer phenomenon. The line about plastics wasn't a prediction, plastics were already taking off: it was supposed to illustrate how people casually give you maddeningly asinine career advice.
3 hours and 48 minutes is way too fucking long for this movie.
Fuck off
now THIS is a woman
IMO, it's kind of a "you had to be there" thing.
It speaks to Boomers, but not so much to any other generation.
At the time it was avant-garde, but it's mostly only of historical interest now.
You have a misunderstanding of The Graduate that is on the level of Tom from 500 Days Of Summer
Exactly. Ben represents the Jewish interest in Hollywood to destroy gentile marriages. If the results are anything to go by, they did a bang up job.
Fuck you all. The Graduate is a great film. I'm surprised you all hate it. I thought as young men with crippling insecurities, lack of experience with women, and no direction in life, you'd all be able to relate to it.
it's like 3 hours long (or it felt that long), and the same faggy song plays over and over again
shit flick
>Nothing in here has any significance at all outside the boomer phenomenon.
Are you the moron who said this in a thread last week or are there this many idiots on this board?
kill yourself
>I thought as young men with crippling insecurities, lack of experience with women, and no direction in life, you'd all be able to relate to it.
Taxi Driver is a better simulation of that.
its boomer shit what did you expect.
sorry you feel that way. to me it is one of the great films of the 60s. the ambiguity of the final shot on the bus is sheer perfection and sums up the confusion of an entire generation
Nobody here is homewrecking hot mid-40's women then running off with her also hot daughter.
That's the extreme version of that character. For most people their awkward early twenties are just a period in their life, not the end of it like Travis
I wasn't here last week. The time is coming when nobody will remember this.
Ben is the original Soy Boy
Not this generation and not any after. If you live to the 2050s youll live to see women lose all rights in western society. Not a virgin before you pull that shit I lost it at 13 to my babysitter.
you need to die asap
goddammit i wish my babysitter would have raped me
Are you literally that psychotic and autistic?
This. I appreciate The Graduate for what it was, but I can't say that nowadays it's anything particularly relevant.
t. normalfag
How is it not particularly relevant? Everyone goes through a phase in their life where they're insecure and unsure of themselves. That's the major theme of the film. The movie isn't drenched in media and politics relevant during the 60s. Everything that happens to Ben in the story can happen to someone today. It's timeless.
hot as FUCK
Being out of college with no idea what to do next or what your identity is, and latching on to the first relationship to feel "real" to you is always relevant. If anything it's more relevant now as more and more people go to college by default and come out still feeling like kids in adult clothes
>The movie isn't drenched in media and politics relevant during the 60s
It's actually kind of noteworthy that a film made in 1967 has next to scenes of political involvement by young people, even on the campus. No war protests or women's and civil rights stuff, no hippies, no rock music, no long hair. Either by design or by ignorance it's sort of a film out of time even when it was made. A version of this made even a few years later would have Benjamin attaching himself to the counter culture or a political movement instead of a woman to define himself, which feels like a really early 60s european art film motivation.