Why did everyone in this show get so fat?
Corey is the size of old Julian and Julian is the size of Philadelphia Collins (RIP). Sarah used to be chubby but fuckable, Trinity got thick and Ricky just got fatter. The only ones that didn't get fat are Bubbles and Lahey (RIP).
Trailer Park Obesity
Older people tend to stop staying in shape?
Also I don't know what Canadian Trailer Parks are like but if they're similar to America well that's where fat people live.
It's called ageing you moron.
Jeez Lucy didn't look too good before but this is just a travesty
Even Bubbles is getting a little chunky now
>queens get the money necklace
Kek, she probably only gets like a grand per episode
As you get older your metabolism goes to shit so unless your exercising regularly you will start packing on the pounds quite easy.
>Randy Bobandy looks the same
Her IRL dad is Ray, who is a very successful entertainment lawyer and producer.
no it's called not giving a fuck.
old people still exercise if they
give a fuck
would still bang
>Her IRL dad is Ray
Wrong her real name is Sarah Dunsworth her father was the former James Dunsworth aka Mr Lahey
rewatching it and bubbles really rustles my jimmies, wish he would have stayed a side character
Fuck, I always get that confused. Dunne/Dunnsworth.
because now they're all in their mid-40s playing the same ageless characters they've been playing for 20 years
whatever you say phoneposter.
Netflix-era Bubbles is horrible. Lahey and J-Roc kept the show watchable until season 10, then Season 11 was strong enough to get by without J-Roc, but they are absolutely FUCKED without Lahey.
Can you explain to me why would it have been better if he stayed a side character as I've only ever seen this opinion shared on Sup Forums in the real world everyone loves bubbles he is like one of the most popular characters.
>being surprised that women just gain weight and never lose it
The only way fat white women will ever lose weight is if we throw them into work camps for several months.
I'd also like to know why.