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Happy to see this thread continue. This is quality content, Sup Forums. Let's keep it up.
Oh get fucked.
I've been carrying around an idea in my head that is this exact fucking poster for like 5 years.
If only they carried over their chemistry over to Highlander 3
That film has you beat by several decades. Sorry bro.
Old Japanese films and videogames from the 80's/early 90's have the best soundtracks.
Demon Seed is surprisingly fantastic. Good, old-fashioned procedural hard sci-fi.
That Gunhed movie looks interesting.
I don't know what hidden gem really means, but I never see this mentioned on Sup Forums, I think it's my favorite buddy cop comedy of the era.
the idea of an asskicking wheelie has been done several times
>wheelchair wolf
>fdr american badass
Don't forget Ironside.
Rolling Thunder (1977)
>it's your time, boy
Beautiful practical/miniature effects. Great soundtrack. Nice, grimy, low-budget Japanese cyberpunk atmosphere - but it has an international cast and is mostly in English. Definitely worth a watch.
Spoiler: he's not running from his wife.
Thank you based OSTanon. Perfect music
I know. Oh well.
Here's my recommendation. It's actually really good and I've never seen other people discuss it at all really.
>Circle of Power, also known as Mystique, Brainwash and The Naked Weekend, is a 1981 film, co-produced by Gary Mehlman, Anthony Quinn and Jeffrey White, and based on the non-fiction book The Pit: A Group Encounter Defiled. It stars Yvette Mimieux in her final film performance to date.
Full movie is on YouTube
the story behind how this movie got made is pretty cool
>in the 1980s, toho held a contest for people to submit ideas for the next Godzilla movie
>the final 2 entries were a movie where Godzilla fights a super computer written by an American and the other by a japanese dentist that had godzilla facing off against a giant plant with the soul of a mans dead daughter
>Toho chose the latter, but retooled the other script to fit with a potential Gundum adaptation
>the final product was a coproduction between Toho and Sunrise
pic related is the prop they used
This is a TV series, but very few people know about it anymore.
A Hidden Gem is a little known movie that is genuinely good.
Midnight Run was a massive mainstream movie with widespread critical and audieince acclaim. It's the opposite of a Hidden Gem.
These movies are also not hidden gems
there's something really special about this movie
Gunhed is kind of a cult thing in Japan. It still gets merchandise and spin-off materials to this day.
Fun late night movie
I've never met you, but I already know that you're an insufferable cunt. So here. Here's another hidden fucking gem for you.
There's also a surprisingly good manga series by Kia Asamiya if you need more Gunhed in your life.
This was an unexpectedly good surprise.
Someone please provide me with a download link of all the music...It's so good.
I can't find it anywhere though.
Referring to Gunhed OST obviously, I have a copy of the movie.
This is the best hidden gem, dug out from 1987.
Alec Balwin’s Comeback movie.
Macy kills it
Any good hidden B horror movies?
I think there was a very minor uptick in discussion about this film when Bill Paxton died, but overall this doesn't get talked about or acknowledged anywhere near enough.
ok ok we got it, make your own thread about it now weebs if you please
RIP Val Kilmer’s career
The Hidden?
Left Bank (aka "Linkeroever")
A Belgian movie about a young woman who moves in with her new boyfriend, but weird shit starts happening to her, and she begins suspecting her boyfriend might be involved with a woman's disappearance.
It might not sound like much but it gets pretty weird, and the end is some crazy shit. It's a really good looking movie and has some great atmosphere.
i learned about this film from a list of method man's favorite movies, no lie. and he was fucking right, it's amazing.
Frailty is a legitimately good movie. Does a really good job of mixing drama and horror.
Paxton clearly took notes from all those years working with Cameron. It's so well-balanced.
I remember running across it when someone uploaded the full movie to YouTube, and watched it because Kyle McLachlan was in it. I wasn't disappointed.
This was recommended to me in a dream.
Damned millenial haha
I remember watching it on VHS in the 90s out of a 99 cent bin.
Cheesy as fuck. who loves you baaaaby?
>You're a cunt for politely helping an user with a question and as a bonus helping keep threads on topic and worthwhile for other anons
You probably have lots of friends.
Clever user.
It was covered extensively when it first came out.
Doesn't get talked about much because it's not THAT good. It benefited from extremely low expectations when it was first released.
Well to be fair I'm 30, it just somehow passed me by during the Blockbuster years. Then again I was the weird kid who kept renting Kurosawa films...
Enjoyed this. Shame the director and Stallone fell out for his next film.
My recs
Sitting Target (1972) - one helluva heist movie
Summer Girl - comfy 80s babysitter TV thriller on YouTube
Killer of Sheep - Criterion kino
Black's Game - tough as Refn's Pushers, desu
Star 80 - Eric Roberts best
Duck You Sucker - kinetic Western goes boom
You gotta remember that there are a lot of young users on her now. It’s hidden to them. Nothing wrong with mentioning something that isn’t seen on tv frequently.
>Killer of Sheep - Criterion kino
Thought I was the only one to see that.
Walter Hill's most underrated, to this day
It was sort of a hidden gem.
I'm...older. It wasn't a big movie at all. Had no real status. I picked it up because I hadn't seen it, it was R rated and had aliens. It turned out to be really good, and I was surprised. It was a little harder back then because you were limited to whatever your video shops carried.
It's still helpful to be accurate if user's want to know.
Lots of people claim to have seen it but probably turned it off halfway in.
Yes...Eric Roberts is in this movie too.
The Hidden and Dead Heat is GOAT "action horror-com" double feature
And I wasn't disappointed.
On the subject of no-status alien movies: despite being low budget rip-off of Predator and various other monster films, this is actually pretty enjoyable. It's definitely helped along by one of Dolph Lungdren's better performances.
Sutherland and Hurt sitting in a confessional just’s great
mmm... is it watchable or is it like "le so bad it's good" meme movie for rlm hipsters? cheesy flicks for """ironic""" watching is not what I would call a hidden gem.
top comfy
Thanks user I’ll check it out
Don't be like that.
It's kinda famous in bad movie circles. Mostly because of that final quip.
But I did find it better than just a bad movie.
This is a weird one. It was really hyped when it came out, but didn't really do much at the box office or critically. But the director got a lot of big offers from it and then didn't really do anything.
These weren't overlooked or anythign when they came out. It's funny seeing these listed as Hidden Gems.
It reminds me of Pic Related. I stumbled across it in a video shop, and I was like;
>How does no one know this movie?
Yet when you looked it up on Cinemania or whatever, you'd see that it got good reviews and was probably well known when it came out, but just faded like a lot of movies.
i loved that movie when I was a kid.
Chico and the Man is one of the best sitcoms of all time.
Nice one. Thought about posting this myself.
No, it's actually well-made and enjoyable for what it is. It's not some stupid trash like Birdemic.
Saw this about a million times at sleepovers.
Here's one that's not a hidden gem. Just hidden. Also used to get watched a lot at the same sleepovers.
Was especially popular because it contained tits.
Full movie is on YouTube too.
Underrated kino.
hilarious over the top action movie
> can you blow me where the pampers are?
He did it. He went and posted a mid to late 90's Tarantino clone. Thanks. Thanks for nothing, you cunt. Here, cop this.
The end of the cable guy was an homage to this movie.
Keep them coming.
i'm surprised how few people on Sup Forums know this when I post it
but it's good and has great retro computer shit
this is coming out on blu ray soon
Not quite buddy cop, but definitely a proto-Training Day.
Jean Reno is a French cop who discovers he has a half-Japanese daughter. Comedy and violence ensues.
It's excellent, no bullshit. I think it's a classic. Well directed too. Not B-movie Monstervision junk.
I was just considering posting this, great taste user.