Tell me honestly, what do you think about this scene?

It was decent. Fit well with the tone of the movie. Tied up the arc of Starlord not seeing his Mom when she died. The most action we've ever seen from an Infinity Stone.

Overall 8/10.

Was the the power of friendship or the power of immortal aliens?

I just watched this and I spent the entire video repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last minute it was so painful.

>Ayy quirky raccoon movie lmao
If you liked it you're in the wrong place

literal autism


It's satisfying in a very adolescent, climatic way. I imagine James Gunn had a lot of funn putting it together after pitting the characters against each other the rest of the script.

God, being underage is so fucking embarrassing.

>Letting your concieved notion of rivalry between two anonymous internet forums full of virgins, and your allegiance to one of those forums (which has created the only source of primal tribalism you can experience from your bed which you never leave) rule how you percieve the world around you.

>tfw you realize that Rocket is still holding that little piece of Groot so it was all five of them beating Ronan with the power of friendship

>people responding to this copypasta seriously

Infinity Drax looks badass.

The music made it for me. Been a while since I saw a scene like this take place so I didn't mind it at all.

Was this guy immortal?


then why did he die?

idk man shits crazy on xandar

Wasn't he just a Cree? I looked it up after the movie, and they're a regular old alien race. So how did he survive a spaceship to the face, and holding the power stone?

He has a magic hammer like Thor.

fug i cried

it was extremely painful

They brought back Agent Coulson by giving him a blood transfusion from a Kree alien.

So they're space wolverines? Neato I guess.

Coulson is gonna come back as immortal and beat Thanos?

>we're the guardians of the galaxy
made me walk out of the theatre shortly after desu

*breathes in*

Cause the movie was over? Excellent job, you can adhere to social norms.


honestly i liked it. it closes the speech that star lord gave them on the ship when they were dubious about the mission: individually maybe they're all a bunch of fuck ups and losers, but as a team they can do good things

reminds me how much I loved that movie

This entire scene is Kino, it's the best Marvel movie along with Iron Man and Winter Soldier

>You said it yourself, bitch. We are the Guardians of the Galaxy.
>[evil is defeated]
It was so corny that you could have eaten it off the cob

He also tried adopting the look of the Apocalypse

Cornkino is still kino

Starfart is like a planet or Celestial or whatever, right? Why wouldn't he be able to wield a stone?

>disliking capeshit makes you underage
Is this opposite day or something?