>this nigga is 41 years old
What the fuck...
>this nigga is 41 years old
What the fuck...
lmao wypipo Hahhahahah
black don't crack honkey
that's why we take all yo women
He got soul.
He dyes his hair and wears make up
Am I the only one who thinks hes a cool actor? his voice sounds cool
An' go ta prison fo' rape.
Melanin poppin
>the ugliest race also ages the best
fair tradeoff
Are you faggots actually impressed by that?
Leave your houses, 40 is the new 30.
This cunt right here has 48 years.
Paul Rudd has always been babbyface
black don't crack my nigga we stay frosty nigga
Black men maybe, because black women die of diabetes in their 50's.
But blacks aren't the ugliest race, that would be jungle Asians and Indians
ben affleck has a notoriously huge dick
Imagine the NEET posting this
>Doesn't spend entire life laying out under the sun damaging skin cells
>Melanin protects from day to day exposure to sun
>Copious amounts of Cocoa Butter Lotion
Genetics. After you pasty niglets have spent enough time evolving on earth, you'll generate better ones and a darker skin tone from prolonged adaptation to sunlight. Takes a hot minute though so don't expect to see the results in for a couple of thousands of years. It's why most of you are so oblivious and lack soul... You're new here.
>I lot of peepal ask me, jonathan, where did you get your name "good luck"?
>and the answer is...
>forty years ago, I slept with a woman without her consent, and the police never found out
>and from then on, I thought I had pretty good luck
black dont crack, but if if a black has ANY acne at ANY period in their life, the spot where the zit was is dark FOREVER. blacks also get awful ingrown hair marks and scars as well. and don't foreget the fact you need to use lotion every couple of hours or you'll be all ashy.
blacks have the grossest skin and have the ugliest features, but man, they sure look young.
way to go MUH brotherz.
im more attractive than you
Dis you?
no. abbos.
it goes abbos. south indians. blacks. jungle asians. south americans/brazilians. north indians. mexicans. jews. arabs. persians. whites. nordic whites.
You sound salty or autistic. It's always hard to tell
sorry need to add.
it goes abbos. south indians. blacks. jungle asians. south americans/brazilians. north indians. mexicans. chinese. jews. arabs. japanese/south koreans. persians. whites. nordic whites.
the only things blacks have going for them is big cocks. but their big cocks are the color of a turd of someone with blood in their stool.
avg korean is busted, move them behind japs
t. weeb
have you been to Japan? most women look just like that. it isn't like your JAVs
these before/after pics are literally meme pics. there is NO PROOF that these are real. no matter how much people shill them. yes, south korea has the largest amount of plastic surgery in the world, but there is no way in hell that is the same girl.
t. hoong bang kim sung
Acne is rare in blacks pepperoni puberty face.
The spot where a zit was isn't dark forever. It has a normal regression just like in whites except blacks don't usually pile on tons of chemicals to lower the rate .. Probably why they dont hit a wall after having chemically compromised their epidermis over so many years of using shit like Pro-Activ. Ingrown hairs occur due to not doing proper maintenance on curly hair... Hair that is super comfy and cropped vs. a feminine forest.
Lotion.. Ashy skin... whites get just as ashy if not more as your secrete far less oil from your skin. You're just unable to see it because you're pasty. As you have lower quality skin especially in the face of sunlight and a lack of protection and because you neglect moisturizing your skin properly, it's the reason why you have so many skin related diseases/allergies/skin cancer. Skin is your body's biggest organ and whites hardly take care of it.. which is why you age like shit.
If you have any other comments, feel free to share them.
>Anonymous , who is statistically most likely to be white according to website demographics, roleplays as an over the top black stereotype, saying what everyone is thinking when they see OP's post.
>Instead of taking it as the overt joke it's intended to be, it actually receives salty replies.
You guys are too sensitive to handle the site. You poison every thread, because you can't takes a joke, and ramp up jovial exchanges into warfare.