Jesus fucking christ this was the heaviest feel trip i ever been on.
13 Reasons Why
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Why's he all cut up? He get his ass kicked?
>Dumb roastie kills herself because people wouldn't call her beautiful
>Dude, your tape is the worst of them all
>His reason was because he was too nice or something
Goddamn, I hate teenagers
She hung Clay out to dry
>attention whore kills herself because lol who fucking even knows
>blames every single other fucking person but herself for her problems
>is the textbook definition of a roastie
If this show wanted me to feel bad for that bitch it failed so bad.
I just ended up hating every single character on this god forsaken show.
Youd have to be a 14 year old girl yourself to feel anything from this shit. Her reasons for offing herself were the most shallow, vapid and vain reasons I have ever seen. Women do not know what real suicidal depression is.
I wanted to beat my little brothers ass for recommending this to me unironically..
I unironically loved it.
>it's comfy as fuck
>nice atmosphere an music selection
Dear Teen Girls, suicide is a magic podium! Killing yourself guarantees that people have to pay attention to you! It's totally like a rule or something.
does she get them titters out in this or what
I don't like the show but I find the way the narrative is told to be interesting
This guy gets it
how could you possibly feel bad for a white middle class teenage girl who killed herself and blamed it on others? fucking christ
This show was so bad it made me want to kill myself so I wouldn't have to exist in the same universe as it
Not enough roasties kill themselves.
The series involves numerous sexual situations/dialogue in almost every episode. There are some occasions of depictions of sex acts, rape, and masturbation. The only actual nudity involves male buttocks
Her ass wasn't even that good.
is it a nice male buttocks
>middle class
Maybe 20 years ago. That house is easily worth 2 million dollars.
looks like the #litty-est suicide scene of the summer!
Way to bring this piece of shit trash back into living memory OP you faggot.
>Women do not know what real suicidal depression is.
dont disrespect my deadfu
I guess if she was a person of color it'd be a tragedy to you
Has anyone mentioned the fact that the main character is a thicc Olivia Cooke?
>dumb cunt let's herself get abused despite past experiences
>doesn't call the police on the fag who molested even though she was 100% in the clear
>hates the fag clay because he was her friend
>The straight and is a gay midget Mexican with a quirky interest in cassettes
>clay has to steal a Walkman even though you can buy ten for a dollar at any through store or gas station because lol #usteens amirite
Fucking hated it. Awful writing, awful plot, awful acting.
>and those are the 13 Reasons Why i killed myself
jesus christ netflix
he gets attacked by her dog when he breaks into her house to get the final tape
Was it a mixtape? 13 Reasons Fly?
absolutely not. but the fact that she's not black means that the possible reason to kill yourself being
>my family is has been broke for 200 years because we used to be slaves and didn't even have civil rights until 40 years ago, the world is completely against me and I have no hope of fighting it and winning
doesn't exist
I guess if you really thought that was true you might kill yourself
Gotta be honest i wasnt expecting this scene to be so intense like this man. Wher her mom enter the bathroom I had to hold to not to cry like a bitch in front of my gf.
>last episode
>"well it turns out there werent just 13 reasons why..... we found 20 more tapes in her drawer. these are even more juicy than the last."
>turns head toward camera
>"you want to see whats on these babies just as much as I do im sure. dont worry, our wishes will all be granted next season"
Feel bad for the teacher. Dude just wanted her to tell who didn't, got blamed for telling her to move on with her life if she can't stop being a whiny scared bitch
>my gf
exactly. it's not true, but there's some half-retarded reasons to believe it. if you're white it's impossible to believe that the world is against you
yeah i only watch tv shows with my gf. when we get bored we just have sex :p
>google "13 reasons"
>first thing that auto completes is "13 reasons season 2"
the fuck is this bitch saying?
those vain reasons could be a bigger deal to someone else. things like how she was raised can contribute to her perhaps overactive behavior and lack of dealing with problems better. also People who are suicidal are obviously going through some mental issues disturbed mental state anyway, no matter what cause. Could she have dealt with things better? yeah. and yet could she have dealt with better if she was given better councaling? yeah
kek whatever nigga
The entire premise for this show is Pure Tween Girl Narcissim.
I kind of want to watch it for that reason alone, but I'm not going to sit through a whole series.
OP's pic reminds me of this.
why is there 14 tapes
The world can still be against you if you're white, what the fuck do you think gays, women, trans people, and the poor are always complaining about? Race isn't the only thing that matters.
Whites are a global minority and are forced to share large portions of their countries with hostile non-whites.
The world is against whites, empirically.
: ^\
Ehhhhhh... show was decent. Good binge watch material. Kinda got sucked into the mystery of why this bz wanted to an hero. My wife wanted to watch it and I even got a little choked up at the end. Way better than that OA trash.
>what the fuck do you think gays, women, trans people, and the poor are always complaining about
nothing. there was no systematic oppression that placed them in low socio-economic positions at birth. that is the only form of oppression and privilege that actually exists
Europe is under attack, yeah; that has fucking nothing to do with racial identity in America, though
if someone made 13 video tapes about why they killed themselves I'll say the deserved it desu
America has more non-whites than Europe and that number increases every year, with politicians actively fighting to continue increasing.
>that is the only form of oppression and privilege that actually exists
Blacks still complain about being oppressed though.
Its a good thing american whites love guns then. The US will balkanize into ethnostates before theres ever a race war/ethnic cleansing. European Union countries dont have the luxury of self defense whatsoever.
I don't give a fuck about this show but I can't get over how beautiful she is. She's like a Renaissance painting.
can you not read? if your parents, grandparents, and great grandparents were *actually* oppressed and you were born into a poor family in some urban shithole then you're a victim of oppression too
but that's literally it. that's where the line gets drawn. real economic privilege is the only kind that exists and genuine systematic oppression is also the only kind that exists
even when you break things down logically it still holds up: Black people are in prison because they're all poor and poor people commit crimes. Why are they poor? Because of racism 50 years ago. That's actually true. The only way for it to go away is time, though, and that makes SJWs mad
Tapes, huh? Somehow makes me interested, want to watch it. Ifk if i will tho.
>can you not read? if your parents, grandparents, and great grandparents were *actually* oppressed
Seems pretty arbitrary to me.
Does this mean blacks born into impoverished rural locales during slavery weren't oppressed, since they weren't in urban shitholes?
Does this mean billionaire Jews are oppressed beacuse their grandparents were confined to labor camps?
Am I oppressed because my great great grandparents were shipped over as slave labor to a colonial prison? Or does it only extend to great grandparents?
>The line gets drawn at the offspring of Great Grandparents born into urban shitholes
Oh. So people living under brutal authoritarian regimes in nations like North Korea or Uganda aren't oppressed?
I guess slaves shipped to the America's technically can't be oppressed, since the line is drawn at parents, grandparents or great grandparents needing to be oppressed.
>Black people are in prison
Some black people
>because they're all poor
OJ Simpson was a millionaire when he went to jail
>poor people commit crimes
Wrong. A minority of poor people commit crimes
>Why are they poor?
Poor life choices and laziness generally.
>The only way for it to away is time
There's nothing to indicate this is true
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this show. The only real gripe I had was that the protagonist's choice to only listen to one tape a time was a terrible literary device, especially knowing everyone else listened to the tapes in succession. Not to mention, why didn't he listen to his tape ahead of time if he was so curious?
It's just very odd, and he was extremely self-righteous. At the beginning, I couldn't stand Hannah because she seemed like a "I'm different from everyone else kind of girl," and I didn't appreciate her choice to blame others for her suicide. Things turned around however when she reflected on her own inadequacies and what she had done to harm other people, and that's when the show really became great (I think it was about the time she had destroyed some friendships, and it peaked when she had lost her parent's money and failed to prevent her ex-friend from being raped.)
They'll figure something out. Pic related. I thought it would take a couple of hundred years to reach this point in Western Europe, but I reckon they can get it done in 50.
They were just trying to manipulate him into concealing the tapes, though they knew he hadn't done anything wrong--she was just suicidal because she had wronged him.
I love that they were somewhat self-aware about what an awful human Hannah is. I was highly pleasantly surprised.
>Does this mean blacks born into impoverished rural locales during slavery weren't oppressed, since they weren't in urban shitholes?
>Does this mean billionaire Jews are oppressed beacuse their grandparents were confined to labor camps?
no, because they were shipped off to israel and given billions of dollars. if we took all the former slaves in 1865 and put them in a colony with lots of money and government support they wouldn't suffer the consequences of oppression either
>Am I oppressed because my great great grandparents were shipped over as slave labor to a colonial prison? Or does it only extend to great grandparents?
well were laws put in place to make your family second class citizens until 40 years ago? I didn't think so
>Oh. So people living under brutal authoritarian regimes in nations like North Korea or Uganda aren't oppressed?
they completely are, but only on an individual level.
just talk about fucking reality, dude. the majority of black people in america are impoverished. Their very recent ancestors were systematically oppressed into poverty from slavery through jim crow laws for hundreds of years. poverty is a generational curse. it takes more than two generations for that curse to be broken.
poor dumb black kids in america today have shitty lives because of old racism, end of story.
>Potential boyfriend and the first person she connected with betrays her trust and assists in spreading sexual rumours about her
>The first female friend she makes abandons her
>To fit in with the popular kids, her only other close friend sullies her name further to protect himself, and causes his ex-girlfriend to stop associating with Hannah
>Already paranoid and having several friendships ruined, she tries to recover but is harassed by a stalker who photographs her without her permission
>This behaviour ruins her attempt to reconnect with others, and further damages her image
>Now marked as a slut the popular kids participate in active bullying, attempting to get her to put out for them, and then humiliating her when she refused to have sex with them
>Her personal inadequacies fester and result in mental trauma that causes her to ruin her last good friendship with the only person who was consistently generous and kind to her
>Weak, cowardly, and alone--she cannot protect even those she cares about from sexual abuse, and cannot uphold her own principles
>Compounds the suffering and stress of her home life with even the most simple of accidents
>In a period of extreme vulnerability, she is raped
>When she reaches out for help, she realizes that there is little that can be done, and her attempts to warn others of her suicidal tendencies are ignored (an extremely common practice among the suicidal, they prefer to cry for attention than to talk about things directly, and then take the ignorance of others to be willful--a symptom of depressive mental illness)
>Commits suicide
She has a pretty terrible time, so I understand why she chose to commit suicide. I think it's just difficult for people who have grown into adulthood to understand because we can't recall how important high school seemed at the time. But for Hannah, school is all there is, all there ever has been, and apparently all there ever will be.
>be me
>shitty high school in a small conservative shithole
>graduation soon
>somehow reconnect with this girl that graduated a couple years before
>we hit it off in texts, she visits the month I graduate
>Spent that whole summer together
>"user, go to uni up here"
>basically move in together
>have own apartment but rarely stay there
>live together for two solid years
>happiest time of my life
>tfw she had addiction issues when we first started talking, but through a program + my support she got off the need for benzos
>tfw she had type II bipolar and clinically diagnosed OCD (hence benzo issues)
>tfw we'd spend so much time together sometimes doing absolutely nothing; comfortable cohabitative silences
>tfw she committed suicide with my straight razor in the bathroom of our apartment
>tfw she wrote her note from a piece of paper carefully torn from a journal that I only used to write her cute notes/poetry
>tfw it's been over five years and I still can't let her go
>tfw people in my life know about her
>tfw some girl shows interest in me and I feel guilty for considering it
>tfw some girl tells me my late girlfriend sounds a lot like "this girl from a show on Netflix"
>tfw still angry about it
>tfw not angry at all
I don't know anymore, really.
It's pretty rare that people will commit suicide simply over what other people do. Consider that even violently suicidal people like Elliot Rodger are aware of their personal flaws and believe that there is no chance for improvement because of something they had done wrong, not just because other people are bad.
No other race has theses problems. Black people are fucking dumb and you know it.
> completely are, but only on an individual level
In North Korea when you go to prison usually your whole family goes.
I wish she just hung herself and livestreamed it since it's set 2017 and all. Then we wouldn't have to have that random gay muscle car guy character.
No wonder the suicide prevention people hate this show.
So you're contradicting your own rule set?
>no, because they were shipped off to israel and given billions of dollars. if we took all the former slaves in 1865 and put them in a colony with lots of money and government support they wouldn't suffer the consequences of oppression either
Sierra Leone.
>well were laws put in place to make your family second class citizens until 40 years ago? I didn't think so
No. And laws were put in place to make blacks first class citizens 40 years ago.
And laws are put in place now to make me a second class citizen.
>they completely are, but only on an individual level.
Huh. So laws designed specifically to oppress ethnic minorities only oppress people on an individual level.
Weird. It's almost like you haven't thought your propositions through at all.
>just talk about fucking reality, dude. the majority of black people in america are impoverished.
The vast majority of black people in America are WEALTHY. They are so far above the median global income EVEN WHEN UNEMPLOYED that it's not even remotely close to be "impoverished". They are literally given free money, homes and food by their government.
>Their very recent ancestors were systematically oppressed into poverty from slavery through jim crow laws for hundreds of years.
No. Their distant ancestors were, and only for a very brief amount of time.
>poverty is a generational curse.
Jews, Italians, Russians, Hispanics and Irish migrants came from poverty and in generations were wealthy. You're simply wrong (again).
>More than two generations
>It takes more than two generations for that curse to be broken
It's been more than two generations.
>poor dumb black kids in america today have shitty lives because of old racism, end of story.
I'd say the "dumb" is far more relevant to their shitty lives than "old racism".
who the fuck is about to read this wall of text, learn to Sup Forums you faggot
I read it user. He makes good points about the character, her arc, and the overall plot of the story to show that there was some emotional depth to her choice. Melodramatic? Yes. Shallow/Vapid/Another redundant synonym? Not really.
But I wouldn't expect anybody that thinks their minor depression/social anxiety as debilitating to grasp the actual plunderings of damage to her teenage psyche.
I mean, they didn't exactly wrap everything up neatley
>that tumblr image
OP you fucking faggot
well put
it will be okay bud.
she sounded like a fucking nut
Look how bad the Jews had it under the Nazi's, and look how well off they are today.
But her daddy didn't buy her the right iphone! It's SO hard being a teenage girl.
Yeah. Maybe.