*blocks your path *
*blocks your path *
White people are so ugly.
Lol i went to school with the third bitch from the left. Is this porn?
This is going to get ugly.
This is the ideal female body, you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
That's a wall. They are blocking my path into a wall
... Impressive
12>Girl Between 3 and 12>4>3=7>10>8>Girl between 4 and 2
Rude desu
12 is obviously the hottest. roll
Yet black women are so beautiful that 90% of the famous ones have to shave their heads and wear wigs to appear more white LMAO
>fatty womanlet
>ideal female body
ok, manlet
#7 can take dick the best I bet.
>picking that snek lookalike
3 6 7 8 are the only attractive ones
t. Contrarian
To clarify, i am not going by # on their shirts. Counting left to right
>skinny upper body
>fat lower body
Literally god tier
>none of them will ever lock their legs around your neck as you eat them out
Why even live?
>not even pretty
>some are fat
get this garbage off Sup Forums
There's something weirdly ugly about those girls and I can't put my finger on it
I would bump, set, and spike every single one of them.
>no libero
Fucking dropped
Almost all of them are slightly overweight. Look at their fat legs
Its their noses. All very ugly aesthetically noses.
Damn #1 is a qt
>fat ass
>god tier
ok, black guy
If you were talking about the eighth chick going to the right, yeah. No way I would risk my children being manlets with the actual #8.
>fat legs
I take it you have no idea what sport theyre playing?
>he doesnt like thicc thighs
get a load of this homosexual
>those legs
>not fat
american i bet
>getting that triggered
Yeah so you dont know what sport they even play lmao.