
Latest floppies I bought. Decided to give Doom Patrol a try since I've been hearing nothing but good things about it. Got #1, 2 and 5 from my LCS, and 3 and 4 should be coming in the mail tomorrow. I've also got the second Question annual and the first 3 Question Quarterly issues coming in the mail within the next week.

forgot pic

Here's my shelf as well

what's the general consensus on buying damaged shit on IST? worth it?

Started working at an "Everything Costs One Dollar" store, and notices they sell some comics next to the trading cards.
At a casual glance over my break, it seems to mostly be Liefeld's trash. I think I'm going to get the issue of Prime I saw though.

the damages seem to be just slight dings to the covers from what i've read and seen, definitely worth the extra percent off

'Damaged' items are rarely significant. They're just items that nitpicky autists send back if they aren't absolutely pristine.

can i buy you for $1 too user :3

That's called slavery

How are you liking Akira? Have you only read up through book 3?

Isn't book 3 where the movie ends?

I've read the whole series before, but it's been about 10 years since I last read it(local library used to have all the volumes) and I remember really liking it. I've been putting off reading it again until I get all the volumes.

Yeah, more or less, but the movie still leaves out plenty. The film and the book tell different versions of the same story and basically exist as strange companion pieces to each other. I can't recommend the book highly enough. It's my most favorite story ever told.

That's definitely the right thing to do. The last time I read it I almost did it in one sitting.

I really want to read it again. I actually ordered the last 3 volumes online but I never got the package. It supposedly was delivered while I was at work and it was not here when I got home from work less than 2 hours after it was delivered. I don't know if it was stolen or delivered to the wrong address, but USPS sure did take its sweet ass time to look into my lost mail request only to tell me it didn't find shit. That still pisses me off to this day

I had the exact same thing happen with a toy I ordered but it was fucking USPS. I'm pretty sure it was stolen. Anyway, I changed my shipping address to my work's office.

>I can't recommend the book highly enough
I've been meaning to get to it, I managed to find the Dark Horse copies of one of his other translated works Domu a Child's Dream and it was fantastic

Domu really is phenomenal and it really prepares the reader for Otomo's style.


Just ordered my favorite thing is monsters, the abominable Mr seabrook and the first volume of she wolf

I've been on a bit of a tear

Man I love having a full-time salary

ain't that the fuckin' truth

quit my job today though

Just graduated in December, and was immediately $60,000/year. Shit's great. I'm still debating whether I want to go get my Mater's.

Does this count? Flea market buy


>>Sandman and MAX
Good shit. How is black panther?

pretty top-tier

What did you pick them up for?

For 2 bucks each, why not?