Is this going to be the shittiest movie for 2017?
Is this going to be the shittiest movie for 2017?
There is still baby driver out there
It's going to fail so miserably bad at the box office. Nobody wants to see a woman and a nigger as protagonists.
maybey you should go watch looper .
or go watch force awakens again on mushrooms.
JUSTice League says hi
The short answer is yes
nah luke skywalker is in it. as soon as he's dead nobody will give a shit.
>shittiest movie
>successful toy commercial
If you want to blame anyone for the plague of manchild movies, blame /toy/ and Sup Forums.
Tracking for a $215 million domestic opening
probably the shittiest of all time
I despise the entire cast of this movie.
No, Justice League came out this year.
can it be as bad as the han solo movie?
Yes. It will be so bad that it will no doubt do incredibly well at the box office and be generally well received (for a children's movie, which it is) and yet (obviously) hated by the majority of Sup Forums who will still somehow manage to talk about it day in and day out before and after it comes out more than anyone who actually liked it probably just because they hate it that much or something and it's so bad and big poopy star wars no good bad movee and so we better talk about it forever and never stop :(
Honest question why do you spergs really think these movies are bad and will do poorly? Is it because no one watches your weeaboo trash? Who hurt you? Why are you so angry? Is it because youre alone? Why do women scare you?
No reason to see it when every scene will have it's own thread in detail describing how shit it was on here before most of the Thursday showings are over with.
Sup Forums will never ever be right about Star Wars
i can't wait for the jabba the hutt spin-off
Why is Poe on the villain side of the poster?
>soft-spoken homo
>not a double-agent
I have a feeling it's going to be absolute travesty. The film's going to completely destroy Luke Skywalker's character, in between pushing for some dumb feminist agenda and moral relativity.
Rian Johnson sure don't seem to have many fans 'round these parts
The most disappointing movie of the year no matter how good it is.
I like Rian Johnson fine, but he’s made, what, 2 films? He doesn’t have the clout to stand up to Disney / Darth Kathleen, so they’ll walk all over him and make him be a good little cuck making derivative trash like the last two
We’ve already seen what happens when anyone showcases an independent thought - see: Lord and Miller having their film taken away from them and totally reshot by a senile yesman
I thought that woman OD'd or something.
I'd rather not have Lord and Miller make an Ace Ventura Star Wars movie.
I’d rather not have Zemeckis or whatever old fart they wheeled out make a soulless Han Solo cash in with a talentless 5’8” manlet who got selected through Jewish nepotism, but looks like you win, eh?
>muh Emilia Clarke
>muh Donglover
>muh Fuhrer Kathleen Kennedy slay queening final cut
Hard pass, no hesitation
Yes I do
That's how those talentless, uptight tightwads at Disney put it. My guess? A few too many allusions to spice abuse.
Congratulations. May you cherish it and appreciate that it came at our expense
>My guess? A few too many allusions to spice abuse.
Your guess would be wrong since spice abuse has already been covered in novels.
I don't care about your expense.
Well, one day a demographic even dumber than you will come along and get pandered to and you’ll learn this Feel. Enjoy
>Is this going to be the shittiest movie for 2017?
I don't know, I like the idea of the guy who directed Ozymandias directing a Star Wars flick. Gets me more excited than JJ Abrams at least.
Won't be Star Wars since the EUtards already got told to fuck off, and they were the lowest of the low. Must be why you get so assblasted by everything Star Wars.
I already do and I have no idea why we have manchild boards like them. Even Sup Forums is somewhat bearable.
Never read EU, but ‘grats on claiming that there will never be a demographic dumber than you to pander
I could never respect someone like you, but I appreciate the self-awareness
Whatever makes you feel good, buddy.
They're going to have to try to top Justice League's flop.
I hated TFA.
If the leaks are true though and the force kiddies swap places and Luke is the big bad, I’ll gladly go see it. That would be unexpected as fuck. Eagerly awaiting spoilers
>implying they would allow Rey to be interesting
>hey we didn't have Kylo being Vader with two escorts flying exactly like in Yavin
>its okay just put it in the sequel
Poe should’ve died in EP 7
Its gonna be the best StarWars movie ever made.
The ESB of our generation.
poe and finn should be one character
Even Mark /ourguy/ Hammill?
Jesus fuck why is Sup Forums so desperate.
Is C3PO a nazi?
>that fucking negroid protruding skull
At least it will not be as bad as TFA...i mean its impossible, right?
Yeah look how.much the last one flopped
I hope it's just a fag lovefest between the nigger and spic, so parents won't want their kids to watch star wars ever again.
I've fucked many women, and yes women can be scary, they are evil creatures that manipulate and steal your shit, and claim they dindu nuffin wrong.
Daisy Ridley said she is out after 3 movies, that tells you something, this is a burning ship. If this movie was going to be good she would be screaming to be in 3 more.
theyre gonna do the ebin grey jedi shtick
this. what's the point of even making the movie with some strange new actor that doesn't even look like Ford. Yuck!
it's gonna be a copy of ESB
It tells you what they've already told you - that this is the last Skywalker trilogy. It's also still making ridiculous amounts of money.