ITT: Sup Forums in 1968
ITT: Sup Forums in 1968
Dude Vietnam lmao
I didn't buy a color TV to watch niggers on it
Cast him in the live action adaptation.
>we have to wait a year before it ain't me starts playing
haha i wonder he looks like without his underwear on hahaha wouldn't that be funny....
>America is gonna go to the moon before russia
>all the monsters in one movie
comicucks BTFO, they cant even get one movie out
Oh shit anons I'm getting drafted. Wish me luck fags
Sexual Harassment?
What's that supposed to mean?
We need to reboot spiderman.
He fires rockets out of his ass.
Why is Kubrick so underrated guys?
Tick tock draftees. Looks like you'll be getting your legs blown off for the Goynited States Military while I stay home with my "disabilities" and fuck your wives like you never could with my superior NEET cock
>dc in the corner
unabashedly /ourguy/
Are you kidding? The communists already won the space race. Capitalism is finished.
Interestingly enough, politically speaking the tone of this board doesn't change a lot
What did you guys think of this?
>snuck in to watch this
>treated to excellent cinema
>people that paid walked out of the theater
Pretty good
Fowa suppaaa I errra WANna PARTY PLATTAAEER
Do you think JPM is working on Le Samourai 2?
Hackley Kubrick does it again. What's next? Dude war is hell lmao?
I paid $12 for this shit. Why are DC's comics so much cheaper?
I'm sick of Hollywood pushing these hippie commies and their degenerate lifestyles. Don't let these sexual perverts, 'socialist activists', druggie dropouts, and negroes take over this country. Vote Nixon and make America great again.
While you were busy killing gooks, I was dribbling over Tara King.
ITT: post warkino
>Watch movie
>Really like it
>Can't watch it again unless I'm willing to stay up until 3 in the morning to catch it on tv
Any movies that convey this feel?
Defect to the Viet Cong so you're on the winning side.
But I don't want to fight.
>driving along in your Jeep in Vietnam
>this chick blocks your path
what do?
Just saw this. This Polanski fella is a great director, and you can tell his own personal character, that of a saint, shines through into his work.
This movie's very good!
Run her over.
how come italians make better western movies than americans?
I hear Polanski and his wife are trying for a baby. I wish them the very best.
le 88% face
Go back to your own thread. You got BTFO'd last time, give it up.
t. Brit filled with """white""" slav commies
ol' tricky dick
Love & Peace will get you killed.
Why does everyone hate this war so much? I love participating in it.
Just traveled back to this time period from the far off year of 2011, feel free to ask me anything about your future.
Hold on you harlots let me support this family of four with a retail job at Sears and Roebuck hahahaha
Holy shit, this guy is still at it.
too harsh man
Anyone else here think star trek is nothing more than hippy garbage? I give it one more season and we will never hear of it again.
Rape her and not take responsibility.
will the gosh darn mods ever do something about this spam?
hey Marvelfags, where's your tv show?
Have we colonised the moon yet?
These pinko defeatists protesting the war in Vietnam should be all dealt with, thank god president-elect Nixon has a full proof plan to win it
>full proof
LOL at all your crying Humphrey hippy babies.
BASED NIXON is going to be in power in merely a month and will take us the moon AND win the cold war with the reds.
Get ready for the storm, hippies.
Nixon is BASED as fuck
>CIA thinks it can organize a revolution in the Czechoslovakia
>gets btfo by based Pact
Lmao it's over fascist pigs
Also vote Charlene Mitchell you fags
No, we left and never went back. There was already a colony on it.
just you wait pinko, castro is going down any day now
>Hays code got repealed
Just you wait, the degeneracy is coming. Imagine seeing actual female breasts on a theater screen. Also niggers have been popping up far too often in films lately, further signs of degeneracy. I am extremely upset and offended by this development. The good old days are ending.
>wake up
>still in the Nixon/Spiro timeline
These guys always bet on the right horse.
Mr. Bond, we're feminism
They're going to cancel Batman! We should start a petition to keep it on the air. We need more comic-realism capeweed shows on TV.
If it ends after only three seasons Adam West and Burt Ward will probably move on to bigger things in the movies and we'll never get the best dynamic duo back on TV!!
Actually a pretty good movie.
Critics are all commie pinko scum.
Pfft. She only got the job because Diana Rigg wanted equal pay with the cameramen (and walked even after getting it). Women should accept they're never going to be paid as much as the leads.
How could one man be so wrong, all the immigrants are peaceful and law abiding, the only terrorists we have to worry about are the Irish. I bet the idiots who believe him think one day London will be majority non-white and muslims will rape British women with impunity.
We need some way of recording stuff and saving it on a machine attached to our tellies - they'd probably only be the size of volkswagens by now in this modern age!
Biopic when?
He molested them, didn't he?
i'm going to marry anna karina!
Reported to the FBI
Lrn 2 cartoon, bros then get back to us.
Thank god for California, Reagan as governor, voted for Nixon and 90% white, truly Americas promised land
with both California and Texas as deep red we should be seeing republican victories well into the 1990s. :)
nothing can ruin that.
What is "YouTube?"
Where the fuck is Bob Dylan???
this generation is a joke, cinema died with hitchcock. we wont get anything better, its just hippie sex pervert crap. barbarella??? whatever happened to filme noir
That's what you get for buying into the electric jew
Kek and checked
Hitchcock was alive in 1968 and still had kino left in him (Frenzy)
Can't see this show lasting. Nobody's into current affairs any more, man.
>tfw in Czechoslovakia.
I hope i'll get in time for the release of picrelated.
What's Chucky Hes doing starring in this piece of liberal crap? This some kinda ayythee-ist science peddling?
Best sitcom at the moment.
You were saying?
What did he mean by this?
>I am not a nigger, I am a free man!
Jesus Christ Patrick McGoohan.
Just walked in on this fellah in our hotel's penthouse suite. There was a dozen empty bottles of champagne strewn all over the room and he was naked on the bed with the equally-naked Miss World winner, both of them covered in a mountain of £20 notes. I had to ask him, "George? Where did it all go wrong, mate?"
Not even the slobbering mindless scousers can stop Utd now.
They're making a sixth fucking Bond movie? Jesus christ, when the fuck is this spyshit meme going to end? We get it, communists are bad. I'm so sick of political bullshit in my entertainment.
I won't be surprised if they make 20 more of these films.
no way, the spyshit bubble will burst
All future footballers will model themselves on this man.