When will people stop pretending this CGI looks good?
When will people stop pretending this CGI looks good?
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What 3DS game is this?
Still looks more convincing than the dinos in Jurassic World.
Yeah I watched this again recently and the CGI was pretty bad. When they have that first scene of seeing the dinos it looks ridiculous.
Dude, Jurassic park came out in 19 fucking 93. That level of CGI was mind blowing at the time.
how did it get in there
That's perfectly fine. Problem is when people say that it still looks amazing and better than everything since. The practical effects in that movie hold. Not the digital effects.
It was a statue. At night all statues in the park come to life.
eat shit you nigger millennials. It's called using your imagination. It's also what people had to do with video games before your faggot QTE movie "games" were a thing.
this just looks bad dude, ruins the immersion
also i was born in '99 lol
weak bait
this looks okay
T2 has better CGI, Spergberg can’t compete with Based Jim
A lot of the shots in the rain are with a full scale model.
It's usually easy to tell the difference
Thank fuck for that.
>hurr muh magical dinos ending
what a load of shit that completely destroys the tone of the book
the original scripted ending where Hammond shoots the raptors himself would have been kino
We aren’t. The practical effects are the crazy good ones. Still a classic that will never go extinct.
>We aren’t.
A lot of people normally mention how good the CGI still is today when talking about this movie.
Because r*ddit told them it's still good and muh nostalgia
Literally some of the best CGI still.
What movies have good CGI?
Jurassic World looks worse. And also, it was amazing for its time.
>Jurassic World looks worse.
Does it really though?
It's from 25 years ago.
it all looked more real on VHS.
HD and 4K ruined special effects (CGI AND practical)
This. I don't know how it looks like on these large flatscreen TVs. I watched it on VHS and then streamed it on my PC screen and it looked better than most CGI today.
Jurassic Park and TLW had more natural animation than JW. The renders are higher quality now but animation has regressed.
Lol, triggered
Starship Troopers
Dude, in the Book Hammond is killed by the Compys. I love the book, but the film has a great script too! Different tho.
it's a shame because the 2-3 shots with practical dinosaurs look great
it's too bad that CGI has made filmmakers lazy
At the time it did. Today it doesn't hold up. But that's okay.