>The virgin soldier
>The Chad nomad
The virgin soldier
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Clean cut Evans > Bearded Evans
Top: Sup Forums
Bottom: Reddit
nomad? why not chad commander?
Top - Drumptards
Bottom - Hildawgs
top - wh*tebois
bottom - black MEN
>he looks pretty mad
Four tries and no one has come up with anything funny.
In the comics Captain America lost faith and the country and changed his name to Nomad after he found out President Nixon was the leader of a secret terrorist organization and shot himself in front of him.
>Lost pussy
>Found Allah
t. whitey
Bottom is clearly a white male, I don't understand,
okay so he's some kind of travelling badass but he has time to dye his hair?
fucking gay
Well done
I want this now
>top : Sup Forums internet bully
>bottom : reddit normie chad
Reddit-tier posts like these are why we need cunny posters. Fucking kill yourself.
>trying this hard
Chris Evans is so sexy. N-no homo
The irony of this image is that it usually is triggered trumpettes posting it. On par with that mad men image of don saying he doesn't think of Ginsberg despite being obsessed with him in that episode.
Cap is pretty big boss. Uniform has a greyed out star, he also looks like him now. Was it intentional?
>mfw my eyes are always drawn to his bouncing pecs whenever he runs
n-no homo
> Top: Before 5gum
> Bottom: After 5gum
How'd they pull his look off in the first film? Digital effects or literally just dressing him in oversized stuff?
>the soyboy
>after 1 year of pure onion diet
Probably a combination of perspective and oversized props. Like how they did the Hobbits and Gandalf in LOTR.
is this suppose to be funny? what's wrong with looking like the person in the picture?
Cap is still a virgin tho
They got a body double and edited Chris's face in
hes dressed like a bearded lady, we used to show people who look like this off at freak shows
what the fuck are you talking about? how is he dressed like a bearded lady?
everything aside from the beard is a common way for females to present user, in a punk style
they played as like a damn fiddle
he unconsciously hates himself so much he'll do anything as long as he doesn't see himself in the mirror
nah he slept with that CIA slut
faggot soyboy
I didn't realize dying your hair pink and having black nail polish makes you someone who belongs at freak shows. are the men where you live so fragile that any deviation from arbitrary masculine dress code deems you a freak?
You're fucking wrong.
>top - soyboy
>bottom- alt right
Shut up, soyboy.
>I didn't realize dying your hair pink and having black nail polish makes you someone who belongs at freak shows
well now you know. you could probably make a lot of money that way friend
They kissed once and then he immediately went into exile.
Cap is saving himself for marriage.
MGS-MCU crossuniverse when
as? it's us you useless fuck
Amazing how Evans has become perfect for Snake, I never would've even considered it before. He can even do the voice.
lmao it sounds just as bad hayter
>implying I'm a wh*te cuckboi
So perfect casting then
>I didn't realize
well time to learn something, grow up and get over whatever dad issues you have.
>get this man a shield
Black Panther's accent is infectious
that's the most textbook terroristic threat ever.
He didn't check his privilege enough and doesn't acknowledge he's still associating terrorism with brown people.
But the first shots in the war on language were fired by his side.
I fear no man, but that THING.... It scares me
Scrawny Steve was more of a hero than super steve who became a fascist bully
Imagine if he was actually trying to pull a full Snake voice though. It would be perfect.
>"captain America looks happy"
>he's mad?
Seriously marvel
Is this the greatest beard of all time?
But he's still a virgin according to the movies.
>grizzled hardened war vet who's also a blushing virgin
That's so moe.
Yes and everyone seems to love Hayter.
he looks so anemic in the first pic like you could grab him by the throat and knock him unconscious
Now imagine if JL would have kept supes beard. Would have made billions.
That's the point. Pre-serum Cap has basically every physical ailment under the sun.
chris evans is the ultimate soyboy
>tfw infinity war is a full movie with most of the Avengers except Cap dying and Thanos defeated
>people like what the fuck is part 2 gonna be about?
>part 2 comes out starts with the words "Chapter 3"
MGS kino incoming.
based desu
Fuck off Caramel.
His best look was in First Avenger, prove me wrong.
He has a very lewd chest.
>tfw Captain America stands behind American values and that includes sex after marriage.
why does he have boobs
Have sex.
>I didn't know dying your hair and using nail polish made you less masculine.
They're both lady or poofta traits. Grow up, LGBT
Top: Liberals
Bottom: Conservatives
Top: Harry Potter
Bottom: Atlas Shrugged
Top: J.J Abrams
Bottom: Steven Spielberg
Top: My dignity
Bottom: Your dignity
Big American titties
I'm always amazed that Captain America has been portrayed so wholesomely and un-ironically in the MCU - he's a straight white male who stands for the old-timey American values of the greatest generation and has old-fashioned views on relationships, morality, and religion
you'd just think that in today's culture that seems to vilify all of those things that Captain America would be shat on, but he's been treated with the utmost respect and people still love the character
Even if this happens, it would be shit, thereĀ“s not a single good life action adaptation of a videogame
Top = /lit/
Bottom = /fit/
>still love the character
ironically for the soyboys.
>old-fashioned views on morality
in what way?
reminder MGS2 was a simulation
I've never wanted a casting this much in my life.
DCucks on suicide watch
Constitutional conservatism is very old fashioned now, dude values the freedoms promised by the values that created America even above his own government. He'd be the 'abstain' vote in the recent election, where both sides are giving more power to government than either side ever has.
So yeah it's old fashioned.
bigger tits than gal gadot
>nofap 90 days
Nothing, he's beautiful like every human being.
Understandable. No homo.
I like punished Cap
Top - OP
Bottom - The guy who cucked him