Ai you fokking slapheads better not be talking shite bout these boards, me and captain cock are going to have to fokking punch you out
Ai you fokking slapheads better not be talking shite bout these boards...
Fakin wat
Tintin is gaygay
I'd fuck the shit out of him, if you catch my drift.
>posting that poofer from Billy Eliot
It's from the movie, silly nig nog
Tintin is on tonight and I'm gonna watch it, such a comfy movie.
There needs to be a sequel.
now then tin head
what did he say to him, Sup Forums?
hey mate can u punch me
Traps aren't gay
Which album ?
The Shooting Star I think
traps are gay
Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
Oh god those lips
I might have second edition even first one.
I ll check kek
yeah. he gets his jew sweat on when he hears the exhibition is a success
>Teesside Tintin
I love that shit, especially the one where he tries it on this crusty old geezer who actually gets the better of him.
a fine vintage meme
fuk off goon
fucking yes lads
don't forget Boro Pat