Post actors who look alike.
Post actors who look alike
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i like ops that makes me laugh hard
thx man
Who's the guy on the right
this is two pictures of the same person
Their nose and lips are uncanny.
>mfw i only realise they were different people within the last year or so
now I want to see original Paul McCartney and clone version.
hersheyshlag > keiran
wonder what Krist Novoselic is doing nowadays
His face reminds me of a sperm.
But that is the same actor
They look distinguishable most of the times but sometimes the makeup is right and they could be twins.
>people are still this blind
Natalie has a straighter nose, fuller lips (Keira does that retarded pout every time to make her lips seem big), and thinner, straigher eyebrows
w2c chad lense
Wait Francis isn't NPH? What the fuck?
Keira a cute. A CUTE!
He's the chairman of an electoral reform organization
yes there was a certain movie that used this as an unnecessary plot point.
so thats why directors like using 70mm film
best Lex
you have to look at their tits to tell them apart. Keira doesn't have any
how much does one of Hitler's paintings cost
Making her the patrician choice
That was Mila Kunis.
Holy shit, that's uncanny.
Literally faceblind if you think stone is anywhere as cute as levy
Left photo when he was in happy relationship, right photo after Emma dumb him. Makes u think, hes probably aware that he wont find someone as perfect as Emma especially in hollywood so he got full depression, gay and old very fast
Can someone explain this to brainlets?
These three jews
Keep Micheal Cera and delete the other two and every movie with them improves. Cera would have been a great Luthor
would cera have been a great zuckerberg?
Well she is cuter than levy, she has better personality, she is more talented, smart, funny etecera. Levy at least has naked photos. If u had a choice to make child with stone or levy u would chose stone, much better genes. Ur child with levy would end up in whorehouse
Why do I know you're Indian
Yet oddly enough in her topless photoshoot her tits look really nice
So is 20mm what he actually looks like? I still don't get it.
i can't tell which ones bruno mars
I made a thing
Doesn't he have a twin?
How the fuck do you end up in a badger den anyway?
I'm saving this for future neck redpill /fit/ threads
One is Michael and one is Mr. Manager
me on the top left
I think Levy looks more similar to KStew than Stone
>she has better personality,
no she doesnt.
They're brothers in real life
Same surgeon
The Phantom Menace
It's actually one picture duplicated
you thinking of francis,and hyde fag
Watch Night Moves
Of course not, Jesse Eisenberg was perfect for the role
Hehe that's the same person user.
He's perfect for The Social Network, you're retarded
A Hola
Movie about winning Wimbledon and gold on the Olympics incoming.
this is the same actor
one jalapeƱo peppers hot dog coming up, friendo
left Logan Marshall-Green
right Tom Hardy
that makes no sense. the a list movie star moonlights as a d list tv star in your world?
Gonna have to double post, but I literally can't keep these two apart
It's fucking me up
I spent 20 years thinking these 2 were the same person
He looks like he sweats sperm.
prime breeding material
mmmm be very careful
Andrew v Garfield. Who would win?
We...just say manager
Nice hairline. At least I won't have to look at this pencil necked faggot for the next 20 years.
you're shitting me
this one fucks me up everytime
6 gorillion deutschmarks
If anyone's similar to KStew it's Teresa Palmer
50mm is what he looks like irl