>Sup Forums keeps memeing about how funny this show is
>try to watch an episode
>can't understand a single fucking word they're saying
Sup Forums keeps memeing about how funny this show is
No big loss, it's not funny even if you do understand it, unless you're a Thatcher hating northerner.
Cannae understand the patter mate aye?
Put on subtitles.
It's what I did.
>Fucking amerisoys
when will they learn
>can't understand your own language
The absolute state of Americans.
Poortherners, when will they ever learn?
>find out that Limmy's streaming video games
>oh shit, mite b gud
>he's painfully unfunny, eternally frustrated and rarely talks
>chatroom full of mindless drones that constantly sperg over Brexit for some reason
What happened to him?
the thing is this show is considered unfunny trash in britain
you, the american, only find it funny because of the zany accents and lingo
limmy's show to britain what inside amy schumer is to america and viced-versa
This, but without irony.
are you american by any chance?
Limmy show: the last refuge of Scotland that is still untouched by the american scum
Oh how I loath those fat fucks that come into our pubs demanding pancakes whilst wearing their baseball caps and scratching their arses. You have no idea the pain we must go through when those mutts started talking about their 'ancestry' and 'Scottish heritage' just because their name is Campbell.
Americans are easily the worst human beings that have ever stepped foot in Edinburgh, almost as bad as the chinkies
It was actually great back when he started on CSS, there was a good community and it was a right laugh shit talking each other, L4D2 was very funny as well, but yeah good things never last as they say.
He lost his way after he became obsessed with overwatch.
Uh, isn't he like 40 with kids?
What's he doing streaming video games?
Its really hit and miss
when it hits though it's gold
Don't really see what's the problem with that. Is he not allowed to have some time for himself and have fun?
his twitter is funny
Yeah he's mid 40s and has a wee boy. He enjoys playing games with his fans, nothing wrong with that. He's a real old school gamer too, he loves games.
he does very little else but stream
its unhealthy and worrying at this point
>loves games
>plays overwatch
he only plays at night but i do admit he does seem unhappy a lot of times during those streams.
he was really into SF2, various hard roguelikes and CS 1.6
He'd probably be a lot more joyful if he didn't play COMPETITIVE Overwatch. For some reason that mode somehow manages to ruin everybody.
aey come er, take a lak at this
>farty five pents
>sixtifa pents
eh, it ain't much, but it adds up den't it
eh, com err
>pure w'taaa
overwatch is shit through and through.
there i said it
>scotts are so insecure they go full mel gibson in a skirt over soap
Americans are the degradation of humanity personified
>you, the american, only find it funny because of the zany accents and lingo
Pretty sure Limmy isn't American
We already have a Sam Hyde.
>>can't understand a single fucking word they're saying
I love limmy. I feel it nails Glaswegian humour.
Take the Jacqeline McCafferty skits. An old junkie with an inferiority complex, but it's fucking hilarious man. I'd say everybody knows somebody like that. You should try the chocolate choux skit, or the one where she orders a taxi. Or even the ceilidh one, at that. Some bits are relatable in a painful way, man.
Or the yes or no skit, you get cunts like that at question time constantly.
Pretty sure he's depressed.
>Sup Forums keeps memeing about how funny this show is
This LITERALLY never happened.
Why do you have to lie?
i was watching clips on youtube. from the few words i understood (not OP) i don't think it was funny enough for me to download/purchase a dvd or blu ray.
get troll
in the taxi sketch was the sentence after "she got the monkey off her back" english? that was completely unintelligible.
never mind the entire sketch is unintelligible
>She might have got rid of that monkey on her back but she's certainly not got rid of that chip on her shoulder.
It's probably because it doesn't have a laugh track so you know when to laugh, yank
>Discover limmy
>Go to limmy dot com
>fucking Kek
>send it to a few friends
>it goes down well
> send it to a few work friends
> one of them copies it and sends it to the whole office
> the office hails him as some kind of comedy genius for linking the website
> get depressed that I didn't do that
> life dot jay peg
If it makes you feel better that sounds like it would make a good Limmy skit
try not being a fat fucking amerifat yank fatty fat
it wouldn't be funny if it was an ungenuine wank
i love wanking, me.
i can understand him 95% and english isnt even my first langidge
you are a moron
But you are probably too stupid to understand the show too, so dont bother
Yer aff yer heid man. Awah an bile it, ye fud. Limmy's show is braw. It's pure dead brilliant man. Gonnae no just gie us yer pish patter, ye wee fanny? Or we'll hae tae hae a square go through the hoose, ken? An you'll be the wan getting a doing, nae worries, ken? I'll malkie ye, nae bother ye bawbag.
This is English?
Fuck off, I can't understand a single word they're saying.