I hope you scrooges are happy
I hope you scrooges are happy
Should have kept is cock in his pants
Looks it's not only trumpist blue collar metal workers and miners who are losing their jobs, eh hollywood?
Funny thing is the "disgraced" guys are still rich as fuck, it's the common men who once again got fucked for no reason.
These showbiz types are all overpaid hipsters anyway. They’ll be fine.
Perhaps the women that complained did...
#MeToo2: Electric Boogaloo
He's the biggest beta faggot in existence, actually fapping infront of women instead of fucking them, Jesus Christ
>it manlier to give women free orgasms instead of cumming without touching women
the state of betas
They were all working on a show about trannies in san fran. I'm glad theyre unemployed. faggot enablers.
>Hollywood fumbled in every possible way this year
>I-it was these guys' fault! yeah!...
even funnier is that CK said he didn't like the way Chappelle just up and left his show and put people out of work
Harvey was the same though. Never came in them, only on them. Some weird jew thing maybe.
Dude, not cool. What are you a nazi?
>raped both rose mcgowan and paz de la huerta
>never came in them
But Louie didn't up and leave
Those people were profiting off the literal suffering of women they should be happy they aren't contributing to that anymore. If you lose your job so what you're doing the right thing after all.
Dropkick murphy's pie in the sky.
Well you would think not a rape kit would prove it for sure.
But whatever women don't know those exist.
I'd Suck a fat dick for it one movie deal.
Those women are lucky.
>Those people were profiting off the literal suffering of women
what? you might be retarded. the women are the ones profiting, the guys just get their dick sucked.
the outrage brigade did this, Louis consensually pulling out his dick in 2002 shouldn't have made anybody lose their job