What happened to her? She's only 33

What happened to her? She's only 33.

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christ she looks a mess

Jewish genes

White woman

Cock carousel.

Dyed her eyebrows. In the trailer there is a picture of her with long red hair.

>only 33


Jewesses are cute for a short window and then they turn into hags fast. No wonder jews are so fucking frustrated and neurotic.

100% it's the dyed eyebrow.

She got knocked up like a dumb slut and the bloke left her. now she cant live a proper life.

why are women so fucking stupid

>only 33

30 is the cutoff age for women

>only 33
that means she has been on the cock carousel for 18 years.

Whoever passed that makeup job after the screen test needs their eyes burning out.

That's 97 in male years

Chain smoking and having that shitty haircut accentuates how ugly her face actually is

you have unreasonable expectations
most wont age like GOOP or Brinkley


Genuineley burts out laughing for some reason

Feminist aids.

Drinking more than smoking

>33 years old
>divorced twice
>looks like this

But I just saw her on GITS and she was hot.

People are such idiots...if you remove her makeup she always looked average, google her younger pics, she never looked anything special, people are just fucking sheep

>I can Google old pics my intellect is frigging superior

She just got lucky because she had fat tits and was willing to suck the right dicks

White women don't age well.

That's a dumb argument. I'm not expecting Kylie Jenner to become ugly again overnight. She already paid to get that shit fixed. And Scarjo can easily afford the best miracle workers.

That's almost every fucking female, especially celebs.

she is a jew

Although you are correct, still fuck off Krager


She's an Ashkenaz Jew, so she's pretty much white.

she was a qt who'd make a perfect girl next door/fuckbuddy

now she's just old and average

She has been pushing it for a while now. The fact she made it to 30 with no problem is pretty good .

There's nothing wrong with her. She has bags under her eyes! Oh wow who doesn't

Nope, I go outside and see how many girls are out there who look much better, or about the same, as many celebrities.
Those celebs get professional makeup, lightning when doing shoots, etc.
Plus there is always a propaganda which bombards you with certain celebrities and how hot and perfect they are, then everyone around you starts constantly talking how those celebs are perfect and hot, and eventually you start doing it and do it until a new celeb is pushed, because the old one stopped printing money because people got tired of him/her, because for a few years they were literally everywhere.

Just take a walk outside and look for yourself how many girls are out there which are hotter than your favorite celeb waifu.


>30 is the cutoff age for women
More like 20

>ScarJo is only 3 years older than me.

All this time I assumed she was older because of her smokers voice.




>take a walk outside and look for yourself how many girls are out there which are hotter than your favorite celeb waifu.

Lol. Try finding a girl under 25 that isn't doing everything physically possible to look exactly like one of those celebs user.

She got a baby. Try not having a normal night for 3 years straight and you'll take 10 years on the face too.

Yes I'm sure she is personally getting up at 4AM to burp her baby and doesn't have any staff doing that shit for her at all.

What happened to her boobs? Did she lose them in one of her divorces?

This is a good post, my man. And the same effect happens with shows and movies.

She is white. If she were black or Asian, she would look 25 in white people years.

>blocks your path

she went for the white feminist that fucks black guys look, and nobody can tell her anything or she's gonna rat marvel out to the press. Gone are the days of sexy redhead widow.

shat out some babbies

that or her reptillian suit is melting

This is a good post.

if you believe that is no make up you are a certified virgin

Boobs don't get smaller after you have kids.

do you genuineley ernie out too?

She looks like that girl you meet at a party and make out with and never talk to again.

Thought the same thing straight away. It was like a makeapp shot or something. Those Jewish genes can be cruel. They age faster than fruit.

>kylie jenner the living blowup-doll being "fixed"

an awful makeup team combined with Marvel's staple: horrendous lighting

She had an operation to make them smaller. This thread is garbage btw.

Looks like Anna Torv

>Jews age badl-

So, it's not just barbers you can go to and tell them to just fuck your shit up?

Is one eye an inch higher than the other? Looks like a Picasso painting.

If you went outside once in a while user you'd know that she's well above average for a 33 year old.

That's what happens when you wear make up all the time.

>dyed eyebrows

They did the same with hemsworth in the first Thor, looks real weird.

Still would

>muh hotter girls at the mall

Too many dicks to the face. There were all kinds of sexual rumors about her years ago, including getting fucked by Benicio del Toro in an elevator. She probably sucked and fucked every dick in sight after Blake Lively cucked her.

Also probably a heavy drinker and smoker.

The wall is real

She probably had hundreds of guys Like her on Tinder but ignored every one because he wasn't 6'5" and ripped with a 9-inch dick and six-figure salary.

Spent too much time trying to become Hillary Clinton

user some of us live in America where any girl who isn't fat is automaticaly a 7+/10

Or, like pic-related, she had the perfect boyfriend that she could have been with forever but dumped him for no reason

Now that is the face of a ROASTIE FUCKING ANNIHILATED!


>only Turkey giving the middle finger to the sea

what did she mean by this?

I know this is Sup Forums but please fuck off incels

>Also probably a heavy drinker and smoker

her voice doesn't lie

this one is just sad
this one is hilarious

well that's what you get trying to trade up when your in your late thirties. when will roasties learn.


Should be shot without trial, after being tortured for 1 year...I'm talking extreme unbearable pain here, we should get pain experts to make sure we're doing it right. Once she recognizes she's a worthless NOT HUMAN piece of shit she has my permission to die. But make no mistake, there'll be no eternal punishment in the after life for her, no...you see, for braindead cunts like her, hell is BEFORE death.


White women turn to shit as soon as they hit 30

Fuck off incel


I literally cannot tip my fedora fast enough for this post

Fuck off incel loser

No. Those semitic genes are a doozy.

Black females are born shit though.

11/10 genetics

>wow look how attractive this black person is because I can't see their face because their face is black

>falling for the European women meme

Whats her problem? She gets to be strong and completely independent for the rest of her life.
Living the dream surely.

This guy is hardcore.

There are people in this thread right now that dont know what all those flags are.

This is what she actually looks like btw.


Roasties trying to bargain with time, LMFAO.

>white women turn shit after 30
>so get a woman who is ugly from the beginning to save yourself the disappointment