Thoughts on this show?
Fuller House
More like Fuller blouse
Tried to watch because of nostalgia, I watched it religiously during its first run. Couldn't make it past 1 and a half episodes.
Even Stephanies gigantic milkers couldn't save it.
More like Fuller Bra' amirite comrade! xD
i wanna filler mouse
if u catch my drift :^)
Top tier keks user
I thought of that before I even clicked on this post. As is customary, you get the (You) for posting first
How rude
she's a meth head too so i bet she used to have wild crazy stimulant sex. man whoever was her drug dealer was a lucky bastard. i bet she fucked him all the time for some meth.
more like Fuhrer House
footfags need to die
I bet she was fun in the 90s. Getting fucked and doing meth,crackand ecstacy all day. I wonder if she still has those drug fueled orgies.
Sissy I need milkies for my appie jacks
goddamn it I was going to post this
made my day user
oh shit remember topenga
Yes! Murder all footfags!
I won't even give a girl a foot massage anymore because these godamn footfags.
Kill them slowly, burning them alive is a great option
How many Steph foot shots do you have, fellow patrician?
she doesn't even have great feet and her face is too norwegian. shes got a great body and nice legs though.
dj is hotter.
She's still fit.
About 15 years ago I went clubbing with my cousin and his friends. 2 girls and a kinda nerdy dude. So it's like 2:30am we are all drunk then it's revealed to me that the nerdy kid played on a little show called Boy Meets World as the role of Minkus. I immediately went into talking about Topenga mode. He was annoyed.
Fast forward a couple of years ago, the same nerdy kid is now a tranny.
Good Lord I do declare this thread has given me the vapors.
He was just on Walking Dead. This post is bs.
I've known some methheads in my time but none of them looked like her.
It's a meme dumbass
Stop bullshiting that's impossible
I didn't hang out with him one night, that part was true. He went to college near me
It should have been a two hour reunion special.
I'm talking about that picture man then again all the gay shit posted here has made me paranoid as fuck.
Also Balki Bartakomous is a fag
-eyewitness testimony
It's not him it's just a hilarious meme, well it was hilarious a couple of years ago.
classic Cousin Larry cockblock
Seeing that picture of Sophie Turner looking like young Boy George was pretty funny too.
Btfo balki