>“It was common knowledge that certain producers or certain people in Hollywood are people to avoid, privately," said Anderson to Kelly. "You know what you’re getting into if you’re going into a hotel room alone.”
>“Don’t go into a hotel room alone," Anderson added. "If someone answers the door in a bathrobe, leave. This is things that are common sense.
Too dumb to understand the intricacies of human interactions..
Easton Gonzalez
Dylan Turner
Jew or good goy
Jordan Kelly
I thought she was dead
Jordan Jenkins
I astounds me that this stuff is news to people. Did they think the sleazy producer stereotype was just an invention? That it had no basis in reality?
Xavier Rivera
People just don't want to be told that, though it really is unfair they had a shitty choice forced on them, it was ultimately STILL a choice
Alexander Fisher
>Pamela Anderson says common sense stuff >people who lack common sense are shocked
Gabriel Butler
>People rage because of common sense >"Telling people to watch out and be on guard is victim blaming"
Ryan Bell
She's right. Everyone's fine with Weinstein being a pervert when he makes you a star, but suddenly someone says "he's a perv" and everyone would rather jump on the bandwagon than say "yeah, I fucked my way to stardom".
Adrian Adams
>the apparent bimbo is actually smarter than the rest of the girls
when real life imitates art
Benjamin Morales
wtf i love Pam Anderson now
Juan Phillips
Le ebin hive mind of contrarianism
Angel Anderson
Dr. Ruth got the same shit for saying the same thing about getting naked in bed with a dude instead of answering a door.
Jackson Sullivan
Harvey invited me to go to a hotel room at night alone
What could go wrong?
Evan Cook
If you're a guy and someone tells you to avoid certain parts of town, especially wearing x clothing because someone might beat you up or even kill it's completely normal
When you tell the same thing to a girl saying that she might get raped you're a fucking white male
Jonathan Ross
Isn't it amazing that the women smart enough to think "doing this might end in rape" don't have any rape stores?
It's so fucking amazing.
Daniel Foster
>If you're a guy and someone tells you to avoid certain parts of town
that's racist
Eli Diaz
Yeah because towns and people are the same xd
Evan Howard
>>"Telling people to watch out and be on guard is victim blaming" That kind of thinking really frustrates me. Yes it's not your fault that you get raped, it's the fault of the rapist, just like it's not fault that someone breaks into your house or steals your wallet while you fall asleep drunk on a bus. Doesn't mean that you couldn't protect yourself though, you could not go home with a stranger while drunk, you could lock your door while you left your home, you could take care to not drink so much that you pass out in public. The people who claim people are just victim blaming when they mention that there was something they could've done to protect themselves, are just making them easier victims.
Brody Smith
Of course she's ignoring the fact that all those hoes WANTED to fuck the producers in exchange for roles
They are not naive little girls who didn't think nothing would happen
Brandon Jackson
The thing that angers me the most after all this are those fucking whores pretending to be victims,the fat jew gave them a career and made them famous and they all did it because they wanted to
Adam Smith
>"hey guys maybe you shouldn't stand so close next to an open flame if you're soaked in gasoline" >YOU FUCKING VICTIM BLAMING CUNT I HOPE YOU DIE WOMEN ARE PRECIOUS HOW DARE YOU
John Johnson
It's only racist if a phone app does it user.
Jacob Torres
More like everyone in the world wanted to fuck her and she knows how to avoid these situations.
Lucas Barnes
I'm polish so I don't have a problem with nigger ghettos. However in major city's there are some working class districts where going at night, especially wearing something football teams related would be a pretty stupid idea. implying people like Jewstein didn't had their fame as sexual predators. If you're going for a metting with a guy like him in a hotel room you know what you doing
Mason Reed
You've got to be a special kind of dumb bitch if Pamela Anderson knows to avoid Harvey Weinstein but you don't.
Levi Rogers
We live in a post-responsibility era. Everyone's a victim and no one has agency (except for white men.)
Liam Hernandez
>no nigger ghettos >people will attack you for wearing the wrong sports shirt
Yeah, doesn't sound like a nigger ghetto at all...
Leo Harris
Pam Anderson was my first fap. She'll always have a special place in my heart.
Jayden Howard
poles are the niggers of europe
Mason White
>Everyone's a victim and no one has agency (except for white men.)
isn't that actually true?
Adam Foster
It's funny that one moment women are just as capable as men, then the next moment they have no agency and should not be held accountable for their actions. These "brave, strong women" knew damn well what they were getting themselves into, and decided that 10 minutes of Jew cock was worth fame and wealth. They're nothing more than whores, very expensive whores.
Connor Perry
Didn't she visit Wikileaks boy right when things started to get fucky too? wtf is her deal
Hudson Howard
It is.
White men are the only people with souls, therefor the only ones that can be held accountable for their actions.
Everyone else is little better than an animal. They can be trained, but don't expect them to understand why.
Thomas Lewis
>easily realizes that nothing good is going to come from a "business meeting" in a hotel room when the other person answers in a bathrobe.
>too dumb to understand the intricacies of human interactions
Pick one, nigger.
Cooper Rogers
>The people who claim people are just victim blaming when they mention that there was something they could've done to protect themselves, are just making them easier victims.
Considering how the vast majority of those same people are now turning out to be sleazy predators, maybe they were doing that for exactly that reason.
Jose Long
>2017 Pam
Would Sup Forums?
Jose Mitchell
>"hey goyl, you have a great look and are so talented. I have a great movie in mind for you? How about you come up to my hotel room so we can discuss it?" >"I can't believe he wanted me to suck his dick. I never saw that coming." Pam is just speaking common sense. These producers are scumbags but take some accountability and don't put yourself in dangerous situations.
Jeremiah Ortiz
Not anymore.
Europe imported actual niggers by the millions. Half of Europe will be like Somalia within a decade.
Carter Edwards
What intricacies, ones like turning up to the door in a bathrobe in a hotel room for a """"business meeting"""".
Mason Rivera
Based Anderson BTFOing these attention seeking whores. They were more than happy to indulge Weinstein in his sexual favors in exchange for roles. It was an exchange and now they're trying to spin it as if they're the victims.
Joshua Martinez
Pam is redpilled as fuck.
Jaxson James
If she didn't have Hep C. I hate wearing rubbers. Fuck, who am I kidding? Yeah, I'd fuck her.
Lucas Powell
She has hep c but hell yeah I would.
Chase Barnes
Her heart belongs to Julian Assange. Read her internet blog.
Jason Brooks
>would probably give you a bj with her gums
Jayden Jones
Did she fug him as a reward?
Ethan Martinez
If nothing else so that I could travel in time to ninth grade me and tell myself I'd get to try the real thing one day.
Owen Taylor
t. 56%
Dominic Sanders
Teeth is just in the way.
Carter Watson
Holding business meetings on hotels is common practice in many industries, as interviews and deals often happen during events in isolated areas with no proper office nearby. These hotel rooms generally looks like apartments and the front door generally leads to something that looks like a dining room, not a bedroom. I doubt Weinstein greeted his victims wearing a robe.
Jonathan Powell
>mfw he opened the door completely naked
Gabriel Miller
The #metoo women are the same that go into porn, regret it, and then "it wasnt what i expected it to be"
Be a fucking adult you spoilt western whore.
Ayden Rogers
its not like they were raped or didnt know, they willingly whored out for fame
Benjamin Young
>by the millions actual 56% education
Landon Brown
Blake Moore
Regardless of whether she's right, and she is, the whole problem is that there isn't even a discussion about this. I mean how is no one is allowed to say something that most people think when they think about actresses, especially terrible actresses, that get parts and somehow didn't know what was going to happen meeting a powerful man alone. You can't even discuss the implication anymore.
William Torres
The worse hoods in Poland like Nowa Huta, Bałuty, Praga Północ, Dziesięciny aren't even quarter as bad as typical nigger ghetto. I went to every one of them when visiting those cities. Still you need to have some common sense when going there. And it's not amazing that those places exist- you'll always have some center of patological people in every big city
Oliver Moore
>“Don’t go into a hotel room alone," Anderson added. "If someone answers the door in a bathrobe, leave. This is things that are common sense.
Well... She ain't wrong.
They knew what they were getting into and did it anyways because they wanted to get ahead.
Kayden Martin
No, they wanted to give head.
Angel Brooks
How did you know they were dentures?
Robert Robinson
A lot of Sup Forums is ignoring the fact that Pamela Anderson had the ability to say no, women who were less sexually appealing or who didn't have the same star power might have been put into a tricky situation. Reminds me of rich people asking if poor people have tried not being poor.
Jose Morales
So if I don't lock my house when and I get robbed and the insurance refuses to pay out can I sue them for victim blaming?
Joseph Reyes
>tfw you realize the real hot bitches don't need to sleep with producers because they are automatically put into movies to attract audiences regardless of acting skills
Only 7/10 "serious actresses" are couch cast Really makes you think
Liam Rivera
>women aren't adults and are not capable to take care of themselves
I bet you call yourself a feminist.
Gavin Jackson
I think most people think like you and I do, but the extreme left have a lot of media presence and so it seems like "victim blaming" is some widely-held belief. That's why everyone else realizes that saying something like
>"If you don't wear a seatbelt, you are putting yourself in more danger from other drivers"
is perfectly reasonable and not blaming not-at-fault drivers.
Elijah Myers
Every woman (except genuine disableds) has the ability to not put themselves in dangerous situations.
Dominic Cox
>real hot bitches don't need to sleep with producers oh how naive
you should go to hollywood, there are 10/10s waitressing everywhere hoping for their big break
which 10/10 do get the part I wonder
Brayden Williams
Unless they were restrained they had the ability to say no and leave. They didn't, because fucking some ugly kike is preferable to a life of wage slavery. Stop defending whores.
Lincoln Murphy
Explain to me why women in such positions of power have waited decades in some cases to speak out? They've been raving publicly about "woman power" for years while they knew that shit was happening.
Carson Miller
Good take, but don't expect the bootstrapy edgebois of Sup Forums to react with anything other than >muh accountabilitee. The right loves to ~promote accountability~ by strapping the agents with the most power of any.
Brayden Howard
this guy is right. There are 9 or 10s everywhere you look in Hollywood. And they are willing to sleep with anyone for a part.
The fact of the matter is that actresses don't actually want the casting couch culture to end, they would much rather get a part by opening their legs than auditioning at the Old Vic for a few years
Eli Scott
The ones that did first had no careers left to ruin, they were old and weren't getting parts so they had nothing to lose (Ashley Judd started it, prodded on by Rose McGowan)
The ones currently working, only spoke until right until after Weinstein lost all power and the Weinstein company became essentially powerless so they can't influence casting, its all about positioning and getting roles in the end and being a victim when its convenient
>Anderson has been absent from the limelight for several years after an attempted kidnapping at a signing event at a Virgin Megastore in 2005[18].
Kevin Cook
didn't that happen in Borat?
Bentley Gutierrez
Because speaking up could end your career, fuck your shit up with some defamation lawsuit and be entirely ineffectual if no one else came forward.
Connor Diaz
>Joke. >. >. >. >You're Head.
Luke Edwards
It does suck that so much of modern feminism is just treating women as nothing more than victims instead of actually empoweing them.
Ethan Richardson
This is what's so fucked about these discussions, she's not wrong you should walk away from a situation like that if at all possible but when you say anything other than "those guys are all monsters" you're victim blaming scum. Why can't people see that both things are true? She's not saying they're good guys she's just giving practical advice.
Colton Williams
sports fans are worse than niggers actually
Daniel Cook
Victimization is an objective fact that depends on the agent and context, not on the victim. A victim who reacts and wins is still a victim. The idea that denouncing abuse is somehow an insult to whoever suffered it is nonsensical and only serves to perpetuate impunity.
Kayden Lee
Dear God, a play-bunny has more sense and intelligence than certain college graduates. What a planet.
Nolan Clark
Luis Ramirez
She is the one that killed Assange with stds.
David Fisher
Weinstein's M.O. included inviting people to his hotel room with the implication that other people were there too, but weren't, or people already in the room quickly shuffled out after you had arrived with some kind of an excuse.
Ian Cruz
>expected actual 56% education
Henry Bennett
Honest truth is that she probably got warned by people working at Playboy about shit like that. Hugh might have been a dirty old man but the staff had been around a long time and knew all that shit.
Andrew Bennett
I would
Camden Mitchell
Shame, afraid of their career, the guy usually being rich and thus could ruin your life and reputation with his expensive lawyers doing a massive smearjob campaign (you know, like Weinstein attempted by hiring ex-spooks to blackmail people to stay quiet), plus the fact that people for the longest time just flat out refused to believe you. "But he's rich, why would he need to rape anyone?" etc. And then there's what a lot of assholes are currently doing in this thread, implying they were either too dumb or basically asking to be raped by never running away the second they realized they were alone in a room with a man.
Isaiah White
>implying millions of hot bitches can't be found on just Instagram hotter than fucking Jennifer Lawrence
Dominic Hernandez
Let's be honest, there's a difference between fucking Thot nº1548 and fucking JLaw. At those levels it's like with branding, you want to gloat around.
Chase Foster
Yeah, have you ever been to Boston? The only thing they hate more than minorities is any sports team outside of Boston.
Kayden Perez
those instagram whores literally go to saudi arabia to suck dogs and young boys
also despite what Sup Forums thinks there are levels of acting that even no matter how hot the girl is, you won't cast her even if she sucks good dick
I mean there's variance between porn star level acting and jlaw acting, though most would disagree since they hate jlaw here
Grayson Wright
you severely overestimate the intelligence and self-awareness of the kinds of women who go into acting
Jace Smith
she's right
pamela is officially /ourgirl/
Caleb Green
I've been getting a good laugh out of normalfags acting all surprised about this shit. We've been trying to tell people about how corrupt Hollywood is for DECADES. When going into the industry as a woman it's like someone trying to tell you that there's a guy in this room that'll grope the shit out of you but it's your dream to go into that room but plugging your ears when he tries to tell you that.
Jason Cook
>750,000 confirmed this year already not including previous years >Rate of 5,000 per day this winter You can stay in denial all you want eurocuck, but at least peruse the article before responding