Christopher Reeve was 25 years old when he did Superman
What have you done with your life?
Christopher Reeve was 25 years old when he did Superman
What have you done with your life?
Dudes got no dick wtf
I'm happy
I haven't done reddit spacing, for starters.
graduated with a master's degree in computer science and currently working in a field i enjoy while being paid more than enough to support a comfortable lifestyle.
he looked 35
justg taking a fat bong hit
least I'm not a cripple
you know what's the opposite of christopher reeve?
christopher walken
Superior males often look older than their age
I got a bronze certificate for doin' a full week at me school.
where are his biceps?
im so ugly no one likes ugly people especially themselves
>a woman will NEVER look at you like this
And literally who are you ? Dwayne Johnson ? Robert Downy. Jr ?
I've masturbated myself into unconsciousness every day since I was 13.
>work as IT specialist in community college in village with less than 1000 population.
yeah well at least I don't need help peeing
Write a screenplay about it, your life sounds interesting in a dull artsy kill myself kind of way
That's the girl that the fedora kid dances for in that video. The lanklet is her boyfriend.
I'm bad at writing and you know who cares about if you're not from 1st world country
I've not got thrown of a horse.
I'm 26 and I run a survey crew in the oilfield. Got my own apartment and vehicle, with plenty of cash left over after bills are paid to travel or buy shit. It's no movie star lifestyle, but it's pretty good.
It's a promo shot, you can see that they've airbrushed it flat. Film grain is all smoothed out.
Why do I have to do anything with my life? I never asked to be here
fuck that cripple
Orson Welles made Citizen Kane when he was 25
holy shiet
>and you know who cares about if you're not from 1st world country
Pull a Bella Tarr and make it 5 hours long and in black and white. Western film critics will call it a masterpiece
aare you serious? its like pottery
>wahhh I always find excuses
kill yourself and shutup
There was actually an ongoing discussion on how big to make Superman's cock in the film. The producers insisted he should have a really big one so they stuck a big metal codpiece down his trunks.
When a gay man directs your movie
I'm so ashamed that I have no visible bulge in tight pants
I have a friend who would wear a Spider-man costume to promote a comic book shop, and one time he forgot his dancer's belt. It was downright pornographic seeing his massive shlong's outline in the suit.
It's on ITV4 now.
>I'm 26 and I run
nice one
Have a GF
Have a MSC in engineering
Have a nice remote work in my speciality field
Have a couple of scientific papers published
Traveled to more than 20 countries
Can't really complain.
>Dudes got no dick wtf
They don't want to alienate their target audience. Hahahahaha!!!!!
Actually that's what I would look like in that suit. ;__; feels bad man.
I've been depressed all my life from 15-16yr
what the... you are right!
meant for
Actually the chad is the fedora kid, and now that she wants him, he does not want her anymore.
I've been depressed since I was 12
Not posting the best poster you fucking retard
You mean a hollywood twink pedo directs your movie ftfy
Try changing your diet. Cut down on stimulants like caffeine, and depressants like alcohol. Avoid processed food and added sugar.
Get a little fresh air and exercise.
Masturbate 2-3 times a week instead of 2-3 times a day.
Do things that you enjoy not what what other people enjoy.
>Try changing your diet.
I'm not a soda-chugging american
>no dick
someone post the nerd kid cosplaying as teen titans robin with the bulge
nigga u serious
I prevented 50+ thefts. Mostly corective glass, some cosmetics and several USB keys.
not all heroes wear capes
No, it's just been so long you might as well have posted Jane Mansfield.
But I do. My title is "crew chief/field representative".
I'm a doctor.
seems like my joke was too smart for an oilman
Fedora kid isn't a Chad, he just grew up to be a semi normie. The chick probably crushes mad Chad cock still.
Haha tricked you.
Or the green lantern one
A real doctor or a PHD doctor?
I have provided the contrast by which others can feel good about their own achievements, rather than face the fact that their lives suck too in the grand scheme of things.
I am.... Contrast Man.
Dubs and I become a high ranking bureaucrat by 2019
i was probably a joke
Hmm! Only Americans call soda "soda".
Not paralyzed myself.
Well for one thing I didn't take up horse riding and fall off resulting in being confined to a wheelchair and respirator for the rest of my life.
how should I call it? Fizzy-bubbly sweet-goody-good?
>someone post that teen with the large bulge
Leaf here, we call it pop.
Only not depressed when I take stimulants like caffeine, and depressants like alcohol. Very active job don't need exercise.
thank god I'm not a l*af
I can rip a fat bong.
>Do things that you enjoy not what what other people enjoy.
thanks, bro
Jim Hendrix overdosed when he was 27
But on the other hand Vincent Van Gogh didn't paint anything until he was 28
Ridley Scott directed his first movie when he was 39
Wanna know know how old some fucker is, look at the hands.
I pretended to be Superman when I was 5, so I'm way ahead of ole Reeves.
Ridley turned 80 a couple of days ago
best post ITT
I can still walk.
But spends all day sitting in front of a computer