Did this happen in real life?

"Only blond, blue eyed white males are allowed to punch Hitler!"

You're letting them win the war, Fritz

Yes. Drumpfkins BTFO

The problem isn't that she punched hitler, but that the circumstances leading up to that moment are complete and absolute nonsense.

if I take off those earrings will she die?

Almost.... comical

That'll just give her a power boost, dumbass. Why do you think black chicks always take them off before a fight?

Leftists and their Nazi punching fetish is autistic even if the person is white

I hope the second issue is more coherent than its pilot. I have serious buyers regret already.


Just completely out of nowhere, her friend has a fucking time machine, Like, we're nearing the end of the issue and just fucking out of nowhere, there's a time machine and they just use it like you would use a computer, there was absolutely no hesitation.

And so she ends up on the WW2 Battlefield and she conveniently runs in to Captain America and, for some reason, Hitler is on this random WW2 battlefield.

I get what the point of this was, it's saying that she's taking over Captain America, but it's also a two found reference to this whole "punch out nazis and anyone who disagrees with you"

I am tickled that we live in a world where conservatives are defending punching Nazis and also Putin's Russia.


>conservatives are defending punching Nazis

Yes, everyone who disagrees with you should be subject to violence.

The problem mainly stems from leftists calling everyone who disagrees with them a Nazi, then thinking it gives you free reign to assault them because that's what Captain American did in a comic book 25 years ago

They killed millions of people, yes they are subject to violence

Wow check THIS nazi out. Someone oughtta punch him!

But Hitler supported people of colour.

>They killed millions of people

So, unless the person you're punching has actually committed a crime, why should you punch them?

>They killed millions of peopl
Source? Did you mean the war? Every nation in the world has gone to war, so everyone deserves to be punched then? Are you retarded?

Sure mr Goldstein

But everyone who doesn't adhere to SJW ideology is a Nazi.

I just want you to know that when your mother gave birth to you more than likely your dick touched her vaginal walls when you slid out of her.

billyens and billyens

>Hitler shown as evil
Literally far left communist jewish propaganda. When did we cross the line? Why does everything have to be political?

>advocating genocide is the same thing as just having a differing political opinion

Communists killed more. We allowed to punch all communists and socialists?

So, should punch out communist?

You can be fascist and not want to genocide. Meanwhile communists openly talk about killing the rich, clergy, police officers, etc. Classical liberal here do unless they're actively moving towards genocide, you have to let them speak.

Why shouldn't I? Nazis advocate my state sponsored murder so they way I see, it's self-defense.

>we live in a world where punching nazis is frowned upon.

What's next? Defending jihadists and commies?

Stalin and his ilk murdered more than sixty-million people and set up tons of shit brick houses like North Korea.

its almost as if she and this situation came straight from a comic book

Yeah. #killallcommunists

Sorry, SJWs, your reign is over.

According to who? Some moron with pink hair and problem glasses? Why do you give so much weight to their 'arguments'?

>So, should punch out communist?


What kind of question is that?

yes because we know what's best whereas you retards let THIS happen

How does she even know who Hitler is?
Isn't she from some alternate utopian lesbo dimension with no men? I mean, unless they simply replaced all the men with dickgirls, and thus they had Dickgirl Hitler.
But even so, the utopian narrative of her home dimension means that even if there was a Hitler, there was no WW2 because it's a fucking lesbo utopia or whatever.

It's just not logical is what I'm saying.

>Did you mean the war?
Yes, what else could he possibly meant user? Are you sure you're not retarded?


>How does she even know who Hitler is?
She probably read a book, I recommend you give it a go.

>someone named after america punching hitler
this is bad for some reason?

>So, should punch out communist?

I've got two hands, I can punch left and right.

They're the ones going around actually punching """"""nazis.""""""

And? Talk to the GoP and their pro-Russia agendas

>fuck white people
I agree, white bitches are quite fuckable.

Her character makes no sense, she's latina even though she's from another dimension, like, is she from parallel dimension Puerto Rico?

Friend, we are talking about comic books right now

I'm just saying it's hypocritical to attack one group of people for a thing that all groups have done at some point in time.

Punching Hilter, yawn.

Now castrating him in a gruesome and bloody halirious way, now that's quality.

At least they weren't advocating some bullshit pseudo-science.

What? Are you such a shit debater that cant stop people from believing that genocide is bad?

Okay. So all groups of people have committed mass murder? And that means all people are equally moral? Or equally evil? So, I shouldn't hate ISIS because of small pox blankets?

it's hypocritical on YOUR part, not mine.

>showing a swastika
Isnt that shit illegal?

You know what, I don't really care if something is hypocritical anymore. I think we can say that certain people were assholes even if we ourselves are also guilty of the things that made those people assholes, particularly if it helps us remind ourselves not to do that shit again (something that we seem to be forgetting with alarming rapidity).

Top panels are better.

Yes. Islam is a religion of peace.

Yeah, they were advocating some bullshit retarded system instead.

Communists are as bad as nazis. All totalitarian regimes are cancer.

Are you saying genocide is good?


Islam is to ISIS as Christianity is to the KKK, ya know?

You can hate anyone you want, the moment you use violence against them and they were doing nothing then you are setting the precedent for political violence.


But communists are still allowed and socialist governments run Europe, teaching pro_Stalinidt material.

Socialism works user, your racist murder fantasies on the other hand don't.

Only in Germany.

Not in America. You could have a neo-nazi rally and no one will be allowed to do anything about it.

The hammer and cicle aren't banned either, I think.

So you're literally saying that Hitler did nothing wrong?


Only Carol "Yaas Queen" Danvers can #SLAY!

Are you saying you are unable to explain to others why genocide is bad?

Do they? Do they really?
Or are you jumping at shadows and rumors?
Fearmongering media tends to paint a rather savage picture of people they disagree with, and how many times has the word nazi and Hitler been thrown around in the past 3 months alone?
You're the target of propaganda, and much like all propagana, it's demonizing an alternate viewpoint. So long as you believe the other party is out to murder you, you'll never come to the table to discuss and compromise on your differing opinions.

Don't think too much goy, just punch those nazis we tell you to! It's okay, they're nazis! The Media said so! The Media wouldn't call some one a nazi just to rile you up, spur you to violence, and keep the country divided and weak because they think there is no room for peaceful discourse!

>Not the first post from this IP

Islam is just the same desert religion as Christianity.

Socialism as in Nordic socialism, yes. It's alright in moderation just like nationalism is.

>your racist murder fantasies
What makes you think I have those? Are you calling me a nazi for saying that the system that crippled my country and killed tens of millions is bad?

Yeah, check out this asshole who posted more than once, totally against the rules! We only want newfags and they only get one

I can actually.
>Killing people is wrong

u go gurl

Everybody shut the fuck up for a hot moment.

Stop arguing about politics and please come to realize that OP was just looking for an excuse to storytime "America" #1 again. If you stop talking now, then he or she or it or zor or zam won't get the chance to paint that filth on these hallowed halls.

No, you got mad that you got blown out and you're giving up and playing the Sup Forums card

>Do they really?
Yeah, the nazis really wanted to kill the jews.
>it was kinda their thing.

Good, that mean you can use words instead of violence against those so called nazis

>i-it's the jewish media that's making you hate us nazis!
fuck off Sup Forums

Not sure about the rest of Europe, but it is banned in the Baltics. You can have them in video games and movies, but you can't wave around a flag with it in public.

>what makes you think I have those.
Cause you're defending nazis.

That's not me, friend.

Jim Jones would've had a field day with Millennials.

My first post is

Either you're confusing me with someone else or you're making things up.

I can still use violence against nazis cause it's self-defense.

People are defending the right to speech for people, that include anyone.

I'm defending the principal s of free speech and freedom of political thought. I hate Nazis but unless they're literally about to kill someone I will let them speak.

So I can punch communists and socialists?

No it isnt, you are Creating an enciorement where political violence is accepted.

I'm not making anything up, you're practicing whatboutism and false equivalency to defend nazism. I see through you, you nazi defending fuck.

I agree, but I think that at the point when someone is advocating the murder of a group for people for simply being born, they at the very least deserve a punch.

>Adolf at the podium
>stirring up the crowd
>people are throwing bricks through windows
>book burnings are occurring

"This is fine"

>Nazis and communists are cancer

>Wow what a nazi

You're literally as bad as Sup Forumsfags

Sup Forumsmblr is real.

Not even trying to make it plausible, huh?

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences.
You talk like a nazi, expect people to treat you like one.

Don't ever fucking tell me Sup Forumsmblr isn't real