This makes no sense

this makes no sense

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they explained the island was practically hollow and filled with cave networks

i watched this the other day. is it, dare i say, monster kino?

Yeah, a living being that size wouldn't be physiologically feasible.

It's an Homage to King Kong vs Godzilla where Kong fights with an octopus you fucking uncultured swine

It's more than anybody would expect at first, I tell you that tho. But just about visual part, writing still a bit shitty tho.

It was genuinely fun to watch

it’s a homage to fucking oldboy you moron

It had its flaws, but the monster fights were all top notch. The final fight when Kong disembowels the lizard was kino


>Smashes a massive rock into its skull.
>No visible damage.

This is why contemporary monster movies are boring as fuck. CGI gives them the power to do literally any fight choreography they can imagine and they go with this sterile, pro-wrestling looking garbage.

how about giant squids or cthulu monsters, those seem to live regardless of their size

more like boring
g14 >this

It's not a rock, it's just consolidated soil and shit. I mean you can tell by the way it breaks apart

There are plenty of times you see visible damage when Kong is hitting it with the boat propellor and then rips his guts out
Have you actually seen the movie?

Was this better than Godzilla 2014?
I didn't care for that one much.

Somebody post that helicopter webm, where more and more helicopters keep showing up from nowhere.

A gorilla eating meat? Yeah, I liked soyboy Kong more.

Why does literally every thread on this board include the word "soyboy" somewhere?

This board is full of trend-following normies that pretend not to be trend-following normies.

Yeah, I don't know.
I still like herbivore Kong more, this one was like just a big ass, hairy nigger

Animals living in water have water to support their weight not animals on land. It's why you will never get a blue whale sized monkey ever, Kong would never be strong enough to support his own body mass especially on two legs.

they are very different, give it a try.

is he drinking? gorillas dont drink, infact someone recorded one doing it once in a zoo and it was as shocking as the video of the ape walking upright

>Was this better than Godzilla 2014?
Yes. Doesn't waste your time on non-characters and delivers plenty of action. Ultimately forgettable, yet pleasant watch.

No. Nothing special for the genre outside of superficial elements like effects.

Nothing in this shitty movie makes sense.

>applying real physics to make-believe monster movies

Vogt-Roberts is next Snyder imo, he can create stunning visuals but everything else is lacking.

no shit, it's a bad movie like zilla 2014

>superficial elements like effects
That's literally the main draw of monster films.

Maybe if you're an autist who only cares about "muh craftsmanship" in miniature buildings. Nobody is watching the original Godzilla or Shin Godzilla for the effects, they're watching them because they're great films in spite of subpar effects.


>the laughing stock of the kaiju fandom

i would have preferred skull island if it was just the team evading the dangers of the island on the way to the evac.

>that video

was it autism?

It was fun, but very stupid and pointless.

John C Reilly was the only real character, maybe SLJ as well... but literally everyone else had no personality.

The skull crawlers looked like shit. The "big one" looked just like the others.