>He's too expensive, sir.
Other urls found in this thread:
less expensive, less famous, and better
the rock should be embarrassed desu
This meme only works when their roles are interchangeable whereas the Rock and Bautista’s roles are massively different
The Rock would look so stupid in BR2049 scene. He is any way you look at it a meme actor.
>wife 19 years younger
Really /ourguy/
Bautista is for studios who actually want an actor to play a character
The Rock is for studios who want to make money
The Rock can't act as anything but The Rock. Batista knows how to play roles.
Honestly He is a better actor than The Rock
Dwayne is really losing his shit recently, its sad. This big boy is probably his best competition. I hope Dave gets more roles.
Except Bautista is a better actor
Fucking this. Bautista actually tries to pick interesting roles while Dwayne Johnson picks shit flicks just for a paycheck.
Cheaper and less famous, but more versatile and better actor
Why do you make this thread every day
>Less Famous, Less Expensive but More talented counterpart
>Marvel doesn't want to make money
Stupid faggot
GotG is an obscure comic with virtually unknown characters and the riskiest movie Marvel did profit wise
"Marvel's first flop" was a meme since it was announced for a reason, then graduated to "literally redit" after success and finally to "Sup Forums was hyped for it since the beginning because it hates woman" during the Wonder Woman marketing campaign for a reason.
He's on the sinking ship over at DC to boot.
The Rock is a bankable action star for whatever reason
Bautista is an actually talented character actor but people don't buy tickets for him alone
I choose to believe that OP actually is The Rock and feels the need to express his frustration with not getting that role in Blade Runner constantly.
did you watch Bushwick?
Rock playing this youtube.com
no fucking way
Sony needs to sells Blade Runner blu-rays
Daily reminder that injectable testosterone will make a man out of you
0/10 thread is not LITTY
What did Dave mean by this?
Less expensive, less famous but more talented, more acting skill and less of a fat headed cunt
I don't get this, he's nothing like Dwayne Johnson.
Why do you keep posting this, OP? I doesn't make any sense.