Legend Quest S2: She gotta get back to the past

Legend Quest S2: She gotta get back to the past.

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New thread cause the last one died.

Death on arrival
jk but I think we really should start to limit ourselves to post only on certain days, maybe on weekend so it's easier for anons to find the threads, also it stops circlejerking

Everything good in the world is on the weekends.

Can't argue with that

It's friday tho, so its already the weekend

Give me a lewd Teodora request.

You wear a disguise to fool other guys
But you're not a penis you're a Chicken Boo

Panty shot, please.

Teodora almost getting sucked into a Ghostbusters Ghost Trap, but instead her clothes get sucked from off of her and she's trying to cover herself with her arms


Thats a terrifyingly huge chicken.

user on previous thread requested this. Request more stuff if you want.

>tfw you will never recieve a snapchat from Teo
>The photo is her posing in front of a mirror winking at you with skimpy clothing
>The message says "Remember user, Teodora te adora"

Just end it lads

>tfw you will never recieve a snapchat from Teo
A sad truth im willing to live with.

OK I wanna see Teodora and Kitty taking a selfie together.

Can do.

Why does Teodora look like a redhead version of the big titted Pacifica that's popular on the GF threads?

if he was yellow he coudl pass as a chocobo

Probably the redesigned hair. Plus, original Teodora was a noblewoman, so she had a lot of purple in her design because that kind of color is associated with aristocracy, and New Teodora retained this color scheme.

I wish I had some sort of video editing program cause I wanna add the chicken boo theme song to this

Weird how slow this thread is compared to the one from yesterday. Here are some links from that thread.



>Only the first movie (Nahuala) has subs. However, you can torrent the English dub of the 4th movie on piratebay, however Teodora sounds awful in it. Or you can go to redbox and check out the 4th movie on dvd, I saw it there.

Well im home and about to draw stuff anyone want something?
I can do lewd too

yeah yesterday was really fucking fast

There's these two Teodora requests

Yesterday was hectic.


I'm just glad I finished my Teodora pic before it died

Teo and Marcella grinding on Leo



More Leo/Tittycotal

user last night asked me to give Quetzalcoatl real fiery eyebrows so i did

This is from the morning. Scanned and added some words

Skimming though the series for good scenes to webm. Holy smokes, Marcella has dem hips

Leo's a lucky bean


pretty lewd stuff

This with quetzalcoatl

Her waist is smaller than my asshole when taking a shit. Better hope she doesn't swallow anything larger than an egg, she'll block up and fucking die

It's a cartoony art style my dude, prone to exaggeration

I may be falling for bait tho

I hope they go to Australia in S2!

>The Team vs Dropbears

I have to go to the psychologist for now, but illl be back in an hour

Let this happen


do i even wanna try and google that

cause that sounds hilarious and terrifying

Do it user, you won't be sorry

>They find out about the great emu conspiracy
>They fight the great emu empire and prevent it from conquering the world
>The surviving emus band together and fake to be animals only to rise again when the time is right

okay so i decided to check it out and this is fucking hilarious

this explains Nextwave

Poor drawfag, trying to convince others that Teo is real

>Teodora te adora

Im not delusional, it's to treat my antisocial behaviour.

yes, weekend threads would be the best solution.
I am a europoor and allways miss half of the threads because of the time shift
I assume 90% of the posters are north/south american

can i post this one?o r is it to lewd?

No nips showing so its alright


>Fiery eyebrows

>Simon is a Movie Teofag

Moviedora is cute.

She is but Netflixdora is clearly superior

her personality ruins any goodwill her cute design brings


when will someone get us HQ rips from netflix.

he draw a lot of teos

So, how old do you guys think Leo, Teo and Marcela are?

>HQ rips from netflix
Here you go!

Also, if anyone is interested, here is the japanese dub for the show (I still gotta upload the other eps):

I think they're supposed to be 14-15.


Bless you, user, I'm happy people are enjoying the show.

>"Hey, look. A murder house!"

>"We could flip it."

My girl Teo's got jokes.

Not all of them land well

Does Teo spit or swallow?

Come on dude

She'd totally swallow.

And how about Leo?


On episode 4 and I'm digging the style changes they use based on the setting.

Don Andrés was such a fucker


Best girl indeed.

dont worry, there are people interested in the JP dub.


i want to protect her smile

Watching the 3rd movie rn on Netflix. Valentina, this movie's girl, is pretty good.
Makes me think Marcella is kind of a mix of Valentina and Xochitl.

Your request

>Watching the 3rd movie rn on Netflix.
Where do you live, because last time I'd checked they'd removed the films from netflix here in the states?


fug, I was hoping they'd brought them back so I could watch them while making fun of them.

I would have thought that they would want the movies on there as a kind of ad for the show. Like how they put up old MST3K episodes in anticipation of the new series. I wonder if it's because the movies are so bad and they don't want that turning people off from the show.

Speaking of which, are any of the movies decent aside from the animation quality? I haven't seen them.


You are?!
Here is how japanese Teodora sings (same voice actress), it's very kawaii

When the movies were on Netflix, they had subtitles. the Mega links for Movies 2-4 don't have subs.

In my absolutely honest opinion, all of them are decent.
The 1st one has a lot of charm, except for the amount of urine. The second one is watchable.
The third is 40 percent filler, but what the actual plot is is pretty OK.
The fourth one is meh. also about 40 percent filler. This movie also kills Moviedora's appeal after she says she thinks Nando, Leo's asshole brother, is cute.

Eh, it isn't like Netflixdora didn't get wet over basic fuccbois neither.

The Greeks weren't huge cunts like Nando

Was he a cunt in the 4th movie? Still haven't gotten around to renting the DVD.

>mfw going to tumblr and seeing NandoXLeo yaoi in the Legend Quest tag

Would you have the Spanish dub by any chance?

I crave requests. Shoot.

GUD work napalm

I do! The quality isn't really good tho (pic related).
The password is Seriesdelos90.net

how was the psychiatrist user-san?