Enterprise did nothing wrong edition
Season 5 would have been great
You will never see the Romulan War
Why even live?
the ENT mirror universe twoparter is one of my favorites Treks ever
DSC's upcoming mirror episode will hopefully be even better.
Almost done with DS9. Should I watch ENT or VOY next?
yeah, I'll believe it when I see it
>Enterprise did nothing wrong edition
temporal cold war
VOY next. Save the best for last.
Voy is mediocre as a whole with first two seasons especially weak, with a few good episodes scarcely placed later on
Ent has two somewhat underwhelming seasons, and two good seasons.
So it all depends on your mediocrity tolerance
et tu?
I'm on s7e24
It was quite good. More Empress Sato would have been interesting.
Watch Voyager last, it at least has a satisfying conclusion.
Nebula class best class
Dukat caca
R8 my new ink fags
Well Sup Forums, do you?
what will they do for their mirror universe? make an actual star trek episode?
A challenge approaches!
>I will never have sex so might as well plaster a TNG communicator on my chest where no female will ever see it
Why was ds9 cancelled?
Or did it merely finish?
Tng was cancelled beacuse they wanted to make movies instead, but can't find any info on ds9.
Quads confirms. Only downside is your EMH is Andy "I got Phil Hartman killed" Dick
TNG established the 7 season run. DS9 had definitely run its course.
Although, imagine if instead of Insurrection they finished DS9 as a feature film with a bigger budget and the inclusion of the TNG cast.
Like VOY it was meant to end after 7 seasons, to match TNG's run. I think it's pretty obvious, since the last season of DS9 pretty much ties up all loose ends.
I assume we just jumped into the mirror universe during the midseason finale. I suspect the mirror universe is gonna be super super brutal since STD is more adult that past Treks.
Can't wait.
The last season of DS9 is both really incredible and really lame. The way it ties everything up is kind of retarded. The Prophets shit was just another example of Trek doing religion badly.
I, the viewer, watching with a quasi-critical eye, simply cannot take the concept of the Holodeck seriously anymore.
At first I started making my Holodeck posts as a joke ("Why don't they call it X instead of a Holodeck? The name is misleading") but I'm starting to get annoyed whenever anyone uses the Holodeck. I just can't stop thinking about all the plot holes, the unbelievable decisions that people make, the fact that it's possible for the technology to work flawlessly while not responding to controls because of some major spatial anomaly, there's so much about the Holodeck that doesn't make even a little bit of sense.
And then there's the fucking Doctor. They put a bunch of EMHs in a cave system to mine dilithium or something, but they can't set up holoprojectors around Voyager? Actually, we know that they CAN and DO do this--in that episode with the Hirogen, we see it done, it's the entire plot--and no amount of handwaving can make me believe that there is some reason that makes sense diegetically NOT to have done this before. And the mobile emitter almost never malfunctions; when it does, they can fix it, no problem. It's even more unbelievable than Geordi's ability to operate on Data's positronic brain without actually being a cybernetics genius like Singh was. Why the fuck can't they make more Datas? Why the fuck can't Data experience emotions but Moriarty can? If a Holodeck replicates matter on demand, why can't the replicate and android? Why does that replicated matter lose cohesion when it leaves the Holodeck if it's replicated, rather than projected? Who decided that the Holodeck was a good idea?
>Khan, I'm laughing at the superior intellect.
>ywn live the good life with your qt Vulcan wife after selling Velcro.
I wonder what happened to that Vulcan who stayed behind.
>"huh, weird, you're 1/128th vulcan"
He eventually became corrupted by humanity and booze, and became an e-celeb.
He started an autism awareness foundation.
How come we never talk about TAS, I've watched the first three episodes and it's pretty great desu. What does /trek/ thinks of it?
Is Bashir the only doctor on DS9?
I frequently mention that The Slaver Weapon is the best Trek episode in these thrads
no, seen a bajoran doctor there several times
>Bajoran ""doctor""
>All treatment consists of praying to the Prophets
>95% mortality rate
You still can't explain how the energy absorber didn't absorb the energy from their life support forcefields.
>anti-female shield
it's super effective
which character braps?
I also can't explain where those LSS's came from in the first place, since we never see them ever again
I don't get it, can someone explain this to me? What does he mean by "most"?
In Gene’s perfect future, are there really still jerks who will refuse to evacuate the children first?
>black bajorans
Was DS9 the first one to have a sensible diversity of races within their alien races? I guess Klingons had a range of skin tones through TNG too.
No it doesn't. The ending is terrible! After 7 years that's all we got? Fuck you and fuck that episode.
definitely worf
Movie Khan was undeniably great but I still prefer tv Khan. On the show he's a soldier, a diplomat, a philosopher, a leader and a survivor. He's multi-faceted and easily one of the best characters on the show. He's still great in WoK, he still has that same power and presence but he's all about revenge. He's more one-dimensional.
>7 years
It's more like 15 years if you follow the narrative from Encounter at Farpoint onwards
where is odo poster?
i miss him
>odo poster
They got home didn't they?
What I wonder is, if there was a 4th season, would any of these wacky stories have been tolerated for the real show?
TNG has the GOAT final episode. DS9 would have if it wasn't for that dumb Dukat shit half way through. Voyager's ending is pitiful in comparison.
"We're home." The end. Fuck off. The audience deserves more pay off for sitting through such mediocrity for 7 years.
They didn't get home. The Time Police have to undo it because they brought back magical overpowered future tech including magic warp, magic torpedoes and magic armor.
Friendly reminder that The Orville is the true Trek successor. STD is an imposter and probably mirror universe as well
So what would you have done?
I want Fox shills to leave.
Oh, twist is the very end when Janeway wakes up in her quarters and it's their first day in the Delta Quadrant all over again, except she remembers everything.
Definitely an imposter.
What a retarded question to ask someone
>butthurt trekkie
No seriously. If you have a better story idea I'd like to hear it.
I'm not that user, I don't have a better idea, and even if I did I wouldn't tell you about it ;)
Two-part episode. First part, they come across the Borg highway, do a thing and outsmart them, blowing it up as they get home. No time travel stuff. Second episode is a nice, boring, comfy epilogue for the main cast.
And the doctor decides his name is Clarence
Would have been nice to see Janeway reunite with Molly.
Voyager never returns home. Instead, the crew has abandoned the ship to start new lives in the Delta Quadrant on various friendly planets. Final episode shows Janeway launching probes detailing their discoveries, adventures, etc. and its recovery XX years later by Federation scientists
Of course, this would require other changes to the series, for example:
* No discovering that magic device that lets them call home
* A more serialized show where life on Voyager is meager, the ship is constantly low on supplies, in need of repair, more and more of the crew deciding to start new lives on other worlds instead of waiting decades on the ship to get home
>A more serialized show where life on Voyager is meager, the ship is constantly low on supplies, in need of repair
This sounds like the original pitch for a season long Year of Hell tgey had, would have been great
>would have been great
Year of Hell only seems like a good episode because it's an episode of Voyager. It's actually really fucking stupid, if you think about it for more than a minute.
>STD is an imposter and probably mirror universe as well
The Orville is the true Trek. Star Trek gotta be littered with the blood of Trekkkies. Star Trek Discovery aka "STD" ain't my Trek. He is an imposter and probably mirror universe as well :DD Humans and half-vulcan not humans and raised by vulcans ok. praise Family Guy.
t. Les Moonves
roastie detected
This sort of thing can't be funny if it doesn't have a Sburdo pic attached to it, and even then they're usually not very good. 0/10
Sorry, but I really liked Kutwood Smith as Annorax. He could have been a great recurring villain.
Why are you apologizing to me? Is it because you know you're wrong and you're making me look at your idiotic propositions?
i think they are from the mirror universe where spock never had a sister.
it would explain alot.
I'm gonna start drinking in a few hours and should be nice and tight by 5 pm. It's 10:30 am now.
If you wish to trekpoast drunk with me, be here at 5pm Pacific time,and bring your libations and imaginations.
You got it fellow Pacific time zone bro.
>Drinking and trekpoasting with Satan
This is gonna be fucking insane.
dub trips
I wasn't gonna drink, but I guess the prophets wills it
ops, I got something in my eye
even porthos had a mirror entity. That was a funny gag
It was boring, the crew had nothing to do and they ruined the organians
>At the end of 1 month of my administration, the death rate had dropped by 20%
Maybe Dukat would have never been a bad guy if Damar hadn't come along
Finished ds9.
The bajorans really grew on me.
Seeing Kira laugh with the cardassians near the end was a good moment.
was Terry Farrell' performance as jadzia dax bad because her stoic and monotone demeanor? or was it actually spot on because she has had multiple lifetimes to develop mentally, as is therefore calm, reserved and wise?
it was bad because she wasn't a very good actress. She was hot tho so I guess that kinda made it up.
Even though I agree that the ending felt rushed I don't think is terrible and it's perfectly in character with what we know of Janeway. I feel more cheated with DS9's ending that was left open, since it was clearly a window for a movie or some continuation but we got jackshit
I'll be here. I'm not the other user who's moving from DS9 to VOY, there just so happen to be two of us. I'm maybe 8 episodes in to the first season and honestly enjoying it a lot so far.
Wait, what? What's wrong with her acting? I thought she was fine, though I favor Nicole de Boer in the later seasons more.
My favorite thing about the DS9 ending is that after all is said and done, Quark is right back where he started.
>The Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual gives further information about the cetaceans aboard Galaxy-class starships, stating they (a mixed group of Bottlenose dolphins and Takaya's whales) are actually crewmembers and form a guidance and navigation consultation team. These cetaceans are elite specialists in navigation, and Starfleet consults them on suggested system upgrades. The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Blueprints also show several large cetacean tanks within the saucer section. Although the above reference to dolphins in "The Perfect Mate" was written at the request of the manual's co-author Rick Sternbach, it was never revealed in an episode whether or not the cetaceans are crewmembers as stated here.
>The idea of Dolphin crewmembers may possibly be a reference to the short series Gunbuster, which was released during 1988-89 and, during the fifth episode, briefly shows a complement of dolphins aboard the starship Excellion who work as navigators. This is supported by the fact that the technical manual lists the fictional "Takaya's whales" species as a complement of the aquatics lab, which were likely named after the protagonist of Gunbuster, Noriko Takaya.(citation needed • edit)
tl;dr: Trekkies are also weebs
I'm hating myself for even considering not going to a party where my qt is not going to be just to get shitfaced and discuss small details of Star Trek with you guys