>communism doesn't wor...
Communism doesn't wor
The Federation is run by some sort of technocracy. Pretty sure commies don't like tech, or even industry for that matter.
They like industry. They just hate food.
the world you were looking for is work.
They actually discussed this in this week's The Orville.
Basically, one of the characters is a tech genius, but he chooses to do an easy job way below his skill set because there is zero incentive for him to work hard.
>communism only works in a fictional TV show developed by an idelaist
Too white
Stalinism's end goal was probably some sort of technocracy, after all rapid industrialization was one of the defining results of the revolution. They just couldn't make it work because of incompetence and corruption. You can't have a rational, ordered society if everyone is starving or afraid of getting dragged off by the secret police.
>Basically, one of the characters is a tech genius, but he chooses to do an easy job way below his skill set because there is zero incentive for him to work hard.
Because of course under capitalism there aren't extremely capable/gifted individuals who work menial jobs for whatever reason.
If your intention is to get the most out of every individual you should really implement a system that punishes those who for whatever reason don't maximize their potential. Fuck freedom.
Communism might work in a post-scarcity society, but land will always be limited. Even when food and resources are plentiful do you really think those in power will want to share? In reality there will just be no reason at all for them to still keep you around.
Well yeah, Stalin industrialized so much I think he didn't like plain communism that much, I mean just see at Pol Pot madness.
>hurr look at this fictional example! that proves gommunism works!
Literally /x/-tier
>Thinks it's communism
>No Economics in the Future
>Working to better the Human Race not the State.
>communism only works in a universe where they have a magical "gibbs me dat" machine
It's funny how the intellectuals who promote communism are always the first to get killed after a revolution.
So these guys were robbing the enterprise for their bomb gas to exchange for ... more replicated food?
Communism is all bad until you get to the point of a technocracy, which is the end goal of Americas current system, After robots can do all the jobs people can collect their universal basic income and do what they want
This, every economic system is meant to deal with resource scarcity. The idea of not really needing to worry about resource distribution or survival has never been a thing in history, it would lead to a society we can't really predict or compare to modern systems.
>private enterprise allowed
Sounds like state capitalism to me
Why does everyone hate Miles?
Not everyone. Just the writers.
>when money is gone people become obsessed with personal standing
class is eternal. also the ideology is less "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" and more "from each whatever he wants to give and to each as much as he wants to take, the pc will shit it out" all the while Section 31 has to keep fighting to keep the dream from coming into reality and to make sure they can get parts the PC needs to keep shiting out product
He's Irish
Second renaissance is coming.
It's not communism because they don't take property from the citizens.
You dumb fucking idiot.
>land will always be limited.
>in endless space, where people build self sustaining habitats or can live on ships
More likely that robots burn all the plebs and all that's left are the rich that own the robots.
>has to keep fighting to keep the dream from coming into reality
I still don't know why Marx cried so much about workers when people like him are absolutely not needed in a communistic utopia. Again, Pol Pot proved that.
>land will always be limited
No it won't. What the fuck do you think the ships fly through? Nothing. Vast amounts of empty space ripe for the picking.
coming in contact with reality. meaning surviving Cardassians,Ferengi,etc. also I don't think hookers on risa get paid in communism
It's not communism.
Everyone is basically rich as fuck, or if not, they have the perks of it. They fixed scarcity. As a person you can either roll back and relax, or choose to better yourself and/or the species. The latter is usually done through highly organised institutions like Starfleet (or only Starfleet).
As space is pretty much vast and unexplored, it basically gives an infinite sandbox for people to fuck around with.
location. location. location.
When you can terraform and have self sustaining habitats any location can be the location
quality otp right there
So it's actually communism, everyone is lazy as fuck.
Locations of non-material significance can't be replicated, and you can't remove the time is takes to create new habitable land. It's like saying that because we can build new houses nobody would ever want to live in one that's already been built.
If it isn't communism then what's the incentive for certain people to do certain things? What does Siskos father get out of "owning" a restaurant if all food is free and he doesn't get paid? Does that better mankind in some way??
What's the incentive for somebody to join starfeet and spend the better part of your life doing something without gain when you already have everything you need? Don't tell me it's to better mankind. What's the incentive for ship designers to do a decent job? What's the incentive for architects to do a decent job?
I don't care what genes vision of utopia looks like, people will never work for free
maybe you should inform yourself about the ideology first before you attempt to strip it apart
>Because of course under capitalism there aren't extremely capable/gifted individuals who work menial jobs for whatever reason.
>That reddit spacing
I get it my fellow narwhal, you're way smarter than your manager Jim from Mcdonalds. I bet he doesn't even watch R and M. It's totally the system and not your lack of creativity or initiative to try something new or risky.
What do you think a communist utopia would look like if not a society which no one gives a fuck about the greater good and just do their thing? I mean everyone ends up joining the Starfleet because there isn't really anything else to do.
>you can't remove the time is takes to create new habitable land.
can't I? I think I can at least reduced it by a lot, just look how much faster we build when compared to few centuries ago.
>Locations of non-material significance can't be replicated
like what? monuments, place of birth? There would be enough of it to go around + social conditioning to not give a shit about such things
People would still do creative jobs, like art, music or whatever. You can even apply it to food related stuff like restaurants and bars/breweries/wineries since people would want to make good tasting stuff for people to enjoy. Even now there's stuff like video game modding which people do for free despite taking lot's of time and effort. Although the big issue is not everyone is creative or takes their hobbies seriously. Not everyone has something to pour their life into for free, a lot of people would get bored. I wonder what the suicide rate for Star Trek would be.
Not everyone is enlisted to Starfleet, fag.
ST just focuses on it because that's where the action and exploration happens. Nobody cares what a bunch of NEET retards back on Earth do.
>people who were paid money to pretend to have transcended money the show
>What do you think a communist utopia would look like
>just look how much faster we build when compared to few centuries ago.
*builds ghost cities*
>social conditioning to not give a shit about such things
*destroys identity of own country as part of the cultural revolution*
Any chance you're a member of the Chinese Communist party?
>NEET retards
We agree then.
I mean, who doesn't want to just play video games and fuck robot waifus.
why are edgy commies all over Sup Forums recently? why can't they stay on reddit and lefty/pol/?
Star trek is so fake all a very high percentage of humanity would do in such world would be get drunk by synthehol and stick their penis in different as many different things you can create in the holodeck
tell that to fed colonists who got their homes handed over to the cardassians in the DMZ
then turned into criminals for the act of arming and defending themselves
It's fiction, you stupid cock
just like antifa in the street they have to go where they arn't wanted
it's the risk of exploration, user
they know what they signed up for
and if you were born there?
acoochymoya tribe were there for generations
>spreading throughout the galaxy and getting into foreign planets/civilizations business, often violently
Make no mistake OP, they are an Empire.
so is a communist regime
Then blame your parents. Contrary to popular belief, Trek universe isn't all that rosy much of the time. Mankind mostly figured out how not to be dicks on and around Earth, but the frontier can fuck you up good.
thats exactly my point you dingus
everything about the fedaration being an enlightened utopia is a lie
>communism doesn't work because of corruption
>US is totally corrupt in its current state
>wait so....capitalism can't work either!
I fucking hate Sup Forums
what are you babbling about?
there are more reasons why communism does not work. in a communist system famine occurs like bad weather for fucks sake.
and i dont think capitalism is the greatest, but its better than fucking communism or facism
oh please, they are at a post scarcity economy
But without capitalism there wouldn't be technological advances. Even ancient civilizations only had technological advancements to serve either the desire of powerful/rich people or to make war. Nowadays technology only evolves for the sake of big companies to make more money.
The point is capitalism works despite the corruption.
Communism always ends in disaster.
Even after the last couple recessions, we always bounce back.
If you watched the last Orville episode, they explain it in one sentence: reputation is the new currency.
This is retarded. Their own ideals work back at home and on their starships and established succesful colonies. But a utopia isn't guaranteed when you explore space and attempt to make your mark. Not all endeavours are succesful and that is not something they lie about, nor keep under wraps.
The US' current state is massive government, lots of taxes, thx to democrats.
They also said communism only worked because of matter synthesizers. Basically, all you need is unlimited resources to get rid of the demand for resources. Who woulda thunk?
That's like saying NATO is an empire
>implying in TNG they had the kind of quotas to meet that communist societies of the last 100 years have always implemented which has lead to false inflating of statistics so that the incompetent managers don't get liquidated.
>aye you think this here thing can whip me up some good ol chicken fried steak and some fried greens? or how bout some good chew or a nice gin? you know what nevermind all that just give me a shotgun a rope and a black fella and did you mention an arbor- uh whatyouhaveit?
what the fuck did raimi co-write this shit?
>implying NATO isn't modern day imperial occupation
DMZ WERE established colonies
just one day some chamberlain admirals decided they want to bend over to the spoonheads and fucked thier own people in the process
So if im a federation citizen, and I want my own galaxy class starship, can I?
there wouldnt have been a NATO without a warsaw pact..
as I said, shit happens
It works in fiction where magical devices address the exact issues that make it completely impossible in the real world.
Also, the humans are very different from real people.
The fiction is a good mark of where we could go if we resolved our differences and got our collective act together. But that will not happen in my lifetime.
>Fuck freedom.
and this is why communism is bad.
If you can convince a bunch of engineers to build one for you, probably
Human nature is incompatible with communism. People are asshole animals.
and how would you convince them without engaging in a bartering system which ended up resulting in capitalism
kys commie scum
You wouldn't, that's the point.
That's how dangerous things like a Galaxy class starship are kept out of the hands of private citizens.
How does communism work in a post-scarcity society? I mean if you have replicators and machines to do the heavy lifting, is it really communism?
>fascism doesn't wor...
That's about the only time communism might work
>mfw people mistake fascism for communism
The Federation only works because it has godlike tech that allows people to conjure nearly any object out of thin air and travel nearly instantaneously. Give tech like that to a society with nearly any ideology and it's going to at least approximate a utopia.
*steals your cargo for profit*
I just said that communism is an untenable idea.
You can't argue that in a perfect world that we wouldn't all work together to better things for everyone instead of being motivated mostly by competition though.
it works fine, once you have replicators and infinite energy or an army of robot slaves.
we might get to version B soon enough.
Yeah, not really. That just a society that has robot slaves.
stalinism's end goal was stalin being in power
SST isn't fascist. There is no Fuhrer
Again, kys commie scum.
There are 3 instances of fascist governments.
Spanish, Germany, and Italian
Franco, Hitler, Mussolini