Who else is marathoning the whole trilogy on (or around) christmas? Surely I'm not the only one.
Also LotR appreciation thread.
Thank god we got it before the age of diversity
Who else is marathoning the whole trilogy on (or around) christmas? Surely I'm not the only one.
Also LotR appreciation thread.
Thank god we got it before the age of diversity
Other urls found in this thread:
>shire music starts playing
>tears start falling
Every time
>finish trilogy
>feel exhilarated as if I had been on the journey myself
Yeah, I will be. Only have the theatricals on BR. Should have got the extended but it was like double the price.
>tfw getting the SEE dvd boxes three christmases in a row and bingewatching all the content at grandma's
life will never be this comfy again
Every christmas. Yes.
pleb desu senpai
>muh death of saruman
Mein Neger. Same here.
Can we do a marathon today? I made a thread about it but got no replies :(
No way, I'm saving it for Christmas day. You can't watch it too often or it wears ou.
That's from Harry Potter
I want to buy the theatrical versions but I can only find the extended versions. I already have the 15 disc blu ray set but I want theatrical for when I show the films to people who haven't seen them before.
There's literally no point in ever watch the TE, ever. If someone hasn't seen the TE have them watch the EE anyways.
The Maple films studio edit trims down The Hobbit Trilogy to a single film.
>Thank god we got it before the age of diversity
what about bilbo edition and that two hour cut which has the music from the animated movie?
You should start your marathon with the very popular fan edit by Dustin Lee of Maple films that trims The Hobbit trilogy down to 4 hours. This edit has received very positive reception from people that didn't enjoy the trilogy and I thought it was superb. There is a very good review on Youtube by Michael Mercy that goes into detail about the fan edit and I recommend checking it out. youtube.com
Are there any fan edits for the lord of the rings trilogy?
B-but I love the EE trilogy. Why woul I want to see a maimed version?
Thanks to tools made by dedicated autists online I was able to remove the godawful green tint from the extended edition of FOTR and I gotta say the difference is fucking drastic
Whoever allowed putting this green tint on the bluray of the extended edition needs to be lynched and hanged publicly
The EE trilogy us 12 hours long tho, little point in adding more things to watch that day.
The EE is really, really long. Even people who like it may start to get bored at times. The theatricals are a bit faster paced and most of the stuff that was cut aren't completely necessary for people who are watching through them for the first time. Even Sarumans death doesn't need to be shown because as far as they're concerned he's no longer a threat.
I want them to get through the whole thing so they can really appreciate the films. Not everybody instantly loves the film the first time they watch fellowship and want everything. It's important that they don't get bored.
Besides, I would probably mix TE and EE depending on which film it is. The point is I want the option.
It's of the hobbit. Do you really love the EE of the hobbit or did you think he was talking about lotr?
>doesn't mention Bilbo edition and the Two-Hour Edit by Fiona van Dahl
I'm on ROTK, just at Pelennor Fields. Not ready for the Theoden death yet.
Top 3 Characters:
I'd swear that post said LotR. The hobbit was utter shite, I may check out that fan edit tho.
Why of course, I do a marathon every year around December. In fact I'm watching RotK right now and just got this ready in time for Denethor's food scene.
Did the TE ever even come out on BD?
Forgot pic
I don't know because I can't find it, but this guy says he has it
We should establish watching LotR as Sup Forums's christmas tradition
Why are neckbeard aspies so afraid a black might be in their kids movie?
haha that scene always makes me hungry for chicken and tomatoes too
That Maple films edit is about fixing The Hobbit guys. geez! Anyway, It's acyually superb and it's how I start off my LOTR marathon.
Because blacks are annoying and ugly.
Hell yes. The hour is nigh. I might do it in a week or so.
I watch the complete Star Wars box set every Christmas. Pls no bully
I thought it already was.
I love food themed to what I'm watching, great taste
It's surreal how someone can make such a GOAT trilogy like LOTR then just 10 years later such an awful mess of a trilogy that is The hobbit
I can't decide between the Maple films edit and Bilbo edition
I recommend the Maple films hobbit edit. youtube.com
TTT (9/10) > FotR (8/10) >>> RotK (6/10)
It's weird to see how obsessed this board is with the series. The generation before me had the original Star Wars trilogy and the generation after had LotR, but there was no real nerd zeitgeist trilogy in the late 80s/early 90s that was pretty good but ended up super-overrated by those that watched them in their formative years.
>Just watched all three extended editions about 2 weeks ago when I was sick with the cast commentaries
>That banter between the hobbits and Christopher lee being truly touched and moved that he was a part of these movies and they were as good as they were
I might just watch the appendices again as I've seen the movies sooo many times
>TTT (10/10) = FotR (10/10) = RotK (10/10)
RotK is a fucking mess.
>Return of the King is the only movie I cry at
>Every time I rewatch it I always think "this will be the one where I don't cry"
>Cry everytime
when they had the Extended Editions back in theaters a few years ago I honestly had a headache from crying so hard. It only happens with these fucking movies, Peter Jackson is a goddamn wizard
>mfw rewatching the Appendices and imagining I worked on the films too
how are the DVD extras for these movies better than 99% of actual movies
What happened to the hammer Sauron forged the rings with?
your fish are overdone and it looks like mouse got in your chees
My brother and I always watch the whole extended trilogy on the 25th.
It's chicken, you oaf. You think Stuart was eating fish in that scene?
>The pride everyone in the whole fucking country feels when the return of the king has its premiere in wellington
>Cry almost every time because the oscars bit is right after it
After watching 15 hours of these people killing themselves for the project to be rewarded the way there were in the end I cant even imagine.
The oscars were literally this scene but in real life
I might be stoned for saying this but lotr is in a tier above the sw movies
I recently listend to Phil Dragesh's audioplaybook. And I have to say that the content of the book compared to the movie is alot better. Alot.
The lotr movies received the fucking oscars. It is not only an emotionally resonating masterpiece, its a technical masterpiece made by people who loved the material.
Please stop being a hipster who hates things just because everyone loves them.
>Based Jackson skipping the Oscar after parties and going to the OneRing.net party instead
Denethor was overdone so it fits
nice man, i usually watch movies while eating pic related.
it's been a while since i watched the return of the king, so might just to do that sometime this month. what really pains me though is that i have no desire to watch the hobbit movies back-to-back. even the soundtracks to me were just a one time listen
>received the fucking oscars
So did 12 Years a Slave.
>They didn't bulldoze entire countys to build magnificent medieval fortresses and castles just for a couple movie shots
The first scene is him casting them.
The material was melted in the fires of mount doom and poured into a mold.
I actually just finished my December LOTR marathon. I still feel exhausted from the journey.
oh, wrong pic kek
Thank god i don't see that, that way.
It's a perfect 10/10.
Battle of fields of pellenor is the pinnacle of cinema.
I watched last year. Cant believe its been a year already.
It wasnt a mess. In the books everything happening at thr same time can worked because tolkien is able to rewind the narrative for different charaters who are in different places.
Jackson did the best he could to coherently tell the narrative without confusing the audience.
And if you didnt shed tears during the dialogue between sam and frodo at mount doom, you are heartless.
So when are we doing the yearly Sup Forums marathon? Last year was pretty dope. Had lots of keks making fun of shit with other anons, especially during the Moria scenes.
Green CGI blobs and a gymnatic routine by king of the soyboys is the pinnacle of cinema? Watch more movies.
The trilogy won in total 17 oscars. Not to mention the nominations.
Every single time
I did last week.
Ok man we will watch it just stop spamming already
That's your shit taste m8
Titanic won 11 alone.
god damn I love all of the Orc scenes. Fucking background characters who are on screen for a second max are seared into my memory because of that god-tier design by Weta
The Christmas season is such a comfy time to watch these movies. I think it might have been intentional that they were released in December.
You are 100% correct, oscars are absolutely pointless, but you're still a retarded faggot. Lotr is great.
I agree the first 2 are great, but RotK's ineptitude ruins the trilogy.
So did ROTK in the last movie. Your point is?
Thanks for reminding me, I need to download this.
try cooking the tomatoes for a few mins next time in a frying pan with butter/oil. top it with some coarse salt. good stuff
theatrical > bloated extended garbage
only children dont know that more is less
>neckbeard aspies
fish legs?
Shut up please.
the extended is GOAT
>He doesn't mash 'em, boil 'em or stick 'em in a stew.
There's no reason to watch EE either, it's nearly all quips or shit that isn't in the books. Saruman's scene is the only memorable extra and it's trash.
My brother.
I recommend watched the Hobbit fan edit by Maple Films. It cuts the whole trilogy into a seemless 4 hour movie and I was amazed at how good it actually was once you get rid of Legolas, Tauriel and all the endless Azog scenes and the Necromancer scenes. It's perfectly watchable, in fact I started out my marathon with that edit before moving onto the LotR trilogy. Give it a go.
I tried last year but they're unwatchable garbage. I don't know what I was thinking when I used to like them.
no its not
good to okay movies become overlong bad movies
I dont care about content, I have the entire works of tolkien and my imagination makes better images. I care about good movies
So? Titanic was technically well made not to mention it was commercially and critically well received.
What the fuck is your arguement here? The lotr is objectively well made. You dont have to like them but you would be a retard if you cant see why they are great and why people love them.
>he watches armchair directors
The extended scenes aren't garbage, but they do mess up the pace of the films. They are meant for fans of the film who have seen them before. Peter Jackson said as much, recommending that people watch the theatrical cut for the first viewing.
It's also a shame what they did for the color grading in the extended edition.
I tried to keep it as close as it was in the scene. Denethor munching on cherry tomatoes is so stuck in my mind I can't just go frying them for some extra taste, thanks for the tip though.
You think there are any torrents online of the color-corrected FOTR? I have the blu-ray but I don’t feel like going through all that work.