Its flyday faggots

Its flyday faggots

Other urls found in this thread:

No, it's Patrick.

Be nice, user

A reminder that some flies taste with their feet.

Do with that what you will.



Are all insects welcome here?

The more fug bugs the better


Ok. I'm nice... to meet you.

Who /moth/ here?

I want to cum on that moth

Looks like Velma-moth.

>tiny lesbian

I'm going to need some fast kill low irritant raid

>You will never date jessica diccico

her voice is like audified cinnamon

She went out with Pen Ward briefly so I'm sure if you actually meet her your chances aren't THAT low.

Let's get this out of the way.


I... I cant choose...

Knowing the body types of girls that actually find me appealing, I'd have to go with the bee

too bad you're more of a D or E


Who's the artist? Looks like Fluffy. Also looks New!

Please don't, you might damage her delicate wings.





Imma go with moth

Danger Moth a qt

>Looks like Fluffy.
It is!
>Also looks New!
It's not! Over 9 years old in fact.

Just the way I like it

Pathetic and not Sup Forums, please follow the rules

>90% of Sup Forums is not Sup Forums

Yup, even Moot said waifu threads are one of the main cancers on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and so on. How hard is it to fucking have on topic discussions?

Moot is dead.

Did moot ban them? Is it down in the rules?

Because last I checked moot ain't in charge no more, and his general sentiments ain't worth SHEEIT.


That's the spirit, user!

Drawing of an user violently raping a moth while surrounded by half-eaten laundry when?

Every once in a while I feel this strange tingling sensation. I think I once called this... "shame." It'll pass though, and I still want that.


Anything but bee is wrong

what part of the world do you live in? never even seen a cocoon before, slightly jealous.

>moot the weaboo faggot who created Sup Forums so he can talk about his waifu Asuka
>thinks waifu threads are cancer
kek, pick one, faggot.

Why did they make the spider so shitty in comparison to everyone else?

Thanks for letting me know just how new you are kid.

>thicc anthro bee

This works pretty well, I feel.



>generic anime shit """""monster girl"""""
please stop with this shit already, insecure faggot.


I forgot about this comic. Is it still going?

Being "secure" means you're fine with the entire spectrum.

>Get a Dreagonfly gf
>She lives her whole life in 6 months then dies

>i wanna fuck animals but don't wanna be called a zoophile so please them them generic anime girls wearing plastic animal headpieces so it's ok for me to jack off to it!
Nope, you're inscure about your sexuality and thus a child.

If you wouldn't a fug a cute animu girl on principle of proving your dedication to a fetish, there reaches a point where that just makes you a homosex.

Sh-shut up. The humanization process brings them closer to human years. That's my headcanon.

Jesus nigga, you're projecting so hard your eyes are actually casting an image on the wall.

>Get a Cockroach gf
>Nuclear war hits
>You die and she lives all alone forever

>Ant and Spider gf have typically longer life spans as a species
>Everyone else dies on you before you're even past 50

Cartoons aren't waifus you fucking retard.

>Spider gf have typically longer life spans as a species

Well, only if she's a tarantula girlfriend, then yeah, you'll grow old with her

So it's not hip anymore?

On the wall? Or is he aiming for something... grander...?

Real waifus only cone from Jap media like Anime, JRPGs and such.

I don't thinkn a former weeb like moot could have made such a basic mistake.

The only true waifu threads are at Sup Forums and probably /c/

Look up what "projection" means before spewing it kiddo. Bet you also spew "literally" all the time too.
Yeah I wanna fuck traps and that's gay, now what? I'm fine with my sexuality unlike you, it's sad you're trying to project your insecurities onto others. I may be a faggot, sure whatever, but at least I'm not a faggot like you.

Damn dude, chill the fuck out. You may be a faggot, but you surely are acting like a faggot.


>finding cartoons sexy is now autism
Welcome to /au/ I guess.

>finding cartoons sexy is now autism

It always has been user. It always has been.

Fuck off with your degenerate bullshit

Well shit, I need to break out the legos and playmat. I've been living a lie.

>that filename

You need to leave.


Kill yourself my dude


You fags are so easy to trigger.



It's Saturday ya focking cant


Moths are pretty

Happy birthday, sorry I don't send you cards anymore.

Yeah, pretty ugly.

> retards keep responding to every troll and bait no matter how weak and obvious it is


You have nothing to be sorry about.

>come into this thread thinking it's satire of those waifu and cheesecake threads
>end up with confusion and an erection.

If someone wants to look like a dumbass and get told to fuck off, it's not really skin off anyone elses' nose.

Don't fight it.

what am I seeing here?


user, when it comes to waifus always assume it's legit waifuposting/cheesecake, folk on Sup Forums (hell, most of Sup Forums really) will fap to anything.

Alright Sup Forums your bug-fu has been "infected" with Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, what do you do and how do you cope?

Why does Sup Forums get so upset when they see Greg? He's just some retard from /toy/

Enjoy my new mushroom zombie waifu

Because it fucks up threads and its just ine faggot trying to fuck with another anons life because of that anons autism



But still. You guys could just hide the post. Makes me think Greg is lurking around here.

Also could you elaborate on how posting one image of some random autist is ruining his life? He already has an ED page, it's not like posting a single image could make his situation worse.