ITT: the worst character of their respective shows

ITT: the worst character of their respective shows

posting here before the controversial ones kick in

Lesbian Willow


dyke bitch should have been killed off in season 1, she was COMPLETELY USELESS after that point


Tattling on mcnulty seemed out of character

Yeah her not dying after season 1 kind of ruined any drama that the undercover detectives were in danger

Frank is the only appropriate IASiP answer.


I thought your thumbnail was this guy. But it's true for his show too.

older Dewey thats why he molested

This stupid bitch really tried to ruin the show

I hate this character so much that I want to viciously beat up Ed Helms

disagreed. She is maybe the best character in the entire show. You have to remember that you're supposed to hate her and when you understand that you see that she's the most effective of all the characters actually.


Brainlet detected. That argument only works for season 1. Every season after that she was forced into places she didn't fit.

Rididididoo! Haha yes! Cornell University!

even the writers hated him by the end
>2 off from glory


she wasn't even in season 1, she was introduced in the first episode of season 2 you pleb faggot

That's not Mary Jane

At worst she's a livia replacement

Love potty mouth cop lady