Why does that one guy keep forcing this?

Why does that one guy keep forcing this?
I saw MoS and BvS (and 300 and Watchmen) in theaters and liked them all (except MoS which had to grow on me) from the day I first saw them all the way to right now , where I have the Blu Rays sitting on my shelf.

shameless self bump

When it stops being true, so never.

Source on it being true?


Where were you the past 4 years?

As I said in the OP, liking his movies without going through this so called cycle.

Lots of problems demonstrating a fundamental misunderstanding of Superman's character. Shit visual aesthetic, camera work, Krypton design. Story was just Superman II by way of Superman: Earth One.

An objective piece of shit. Forced symbolism. Shit Lex with incomprehensible plan. Man of Batmurder. Dead Jimmy Olsen out the gate. Forcing TDKR and Death of Superman together. Shoehorned Wonder Woman.

Has it's problems, but suits Snyder's all-style, no-substance slo-mo bullshit. Definitely his best work and an ode to meathead brilliance.

Snyder gets points because he did the best he could given the fact that a) the movie was going to get made by WB at that relative time period no matter what, b) it's way, way outside of Snyder's wheelhouse, and c) almost any other director in the Likely pool would've made something worse. That being said, Snyder misses the fucking point in favor of "cool moments." You don't change the entire ending of an Alan Moore work. You don't introduce badass slo-mo, bone breaking shit. Malin Akerman doesn't do the movie any favors. Some of the sound-track choices beat you over the head.



Some of the soundtrack is a bit much but that opening is perfect.

i asked for a source on BvS being an "objective" piece of shit.

>Shit visual aesthetic, camera work

I'm tired of Snyder shills, they're incredibly obvious by this point.

>no one on this earth likes these movies
Even RT at 25% means 1/4 of critics like these movies.

No they don't, they just convince themselves they do. No one actually likes these movies, it's just like a 14 year old seeing a shit movie and thinking it's the best thing ever.

Film is art. Art is subjective.
Snyder/DC films are subject to a wide range of opinions - some more popular than others.

Objectively speaking nobody can say whether or not a film is good or shit - only that they find it good or shit, or that many find it good or shit.

So pull your head out of your ass and just accept that yes, your opinion is valid, and no, not everyone will agree with you.

I have seen this picture many times, but this is the first I actually bothered to read it and I'm laughing so hard at how accurate it is.

He's posting them on other sites. I was just reading a trailer breakdown on a site I knew would have good slow-downed web-ems of the trailer and there it popped up in the comments.

Got a link to back that up, friend?

>but this is the first I actually bothered to read it
Why don't I believe you?

>t's just like a 14 year old
find me one (1) 14 year old critic on RT


>t's just like a 14 year old
>just like
These films are just objectively shit, accept it man.

It doesn't work like that tho.



Because it is true.

And fuck you OP, I would laught so hard in your face if I saw you in person.

>Because it is true.

>aaand 75% think they're shit lol
>WB: Let's double down!


Beats the fuck out of me dude, I love all the DCEU stuff so far except for Suicide Squad which was just okay. I'll never understand the hate these movies get and I feel like the people that do hate them legitimately don't get it. Everyone wants them to be Marvel movies as if it's some rubric and I haven't liked a Marvel movie since Iron Man 1. Different strokes I guess.

All of Snyder's movies. Go to bed Zack, you giant fucking turd.


>Why don't I believe you?
Don't know and honestly don't care.

There is no source, it's all subjective to taste. But this is Sup Forums, so someone else's choice that differs is shit.

I'm fairly sure it's the opposite, but not paid sadly.


>I'm fairly sure it's the opposite
Warner is the only company 100% comproved to buy reviews. Considering how shit the reception of it is almost everywhere else, it is ot likely.

I think you overestimate the worth of the avg Sup Forums poster

What did he mean by this?

Nah, the snyderfags are the only one that I see screaming that their shit is perfect and smell nice, and ranting how they "MUST CONTROL THE NARRATIVE!"