Elektra #2 Storytime


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was this not storytimed on wednesday or something?



>was this not storytimed on wednesday or something?



No, Sup Forums did not exactly have a good reaction to the first issue (or, at least those who posted did not)

Makes sense
What the fuck? I've only ever seen her in Spider-Man, I know his rogues get barrows from time to time, but it seem like such a random, but pretty goddamm cool choice
Nice, I'm happy he hasn't been another X-men bad guy for a while now, I'd like to see him ruck with more and more heroes.



Only in Vegas


Elektra's in Vegas, and you would NEVER GUESS who the villain is! Arcade


Why would she think Doom is behind this?


Really? I thought the reaction was more or less "meh".


dat spongebob and patrick

Is always doom fault


Some people liking the art, some people hating the "netflix costume" and one guy freaking out about "purple sjw hair"



>some people hating the "netflix costume" and
Pretty much.



That guy is either massive, or she is tiny


>That guy is either massive, or she is tiny
according to comicvine. Height: 6' 0"

How often has Arcade operated in Vagas? That's literally the perfect place for him to set up shop.


The end.

Posting issue 1



Is that commentary on arena or comics in general?
Either way, I didn't think this book would go meta on me, and I think it's safe to say it won't be changing any status quo. It's good to have a book that doesn't try to "change things forever" every now and then.


why is this arcade guy in like every marvel book?




Last thread people were wondering if Marvel is spamming him to break him away from the old x-men connections


Is it wrong I'm starting to like this book?

I don't see it lasting past this first arc, but I think it would be better that way.





Now that I think about it, not even the 1st issue was storytimed. Well, into thr pile with Spiderman 2099 it goes.



I've liked it so far, but it started kind of low for a #1 (~44K). I'm hoping for a good single story arc with consistent art. This arc wraps up in June with #5


>that "wolverine"

That sucks the only Decent modern marvel female book is selling liked shit. And black widow is ending this Wednesday there my marvel pull-list

RIP vision
spidey 2099

This is a really cool page



Looking at the February numbers, Kingpin #1 only sold 36,095 copies, with Bullseye #1 at 33,511. Elektra actually happens to be the best performing one at 44,310


Yeah, I might pick it up as a trade depending on if it sticks the landing and gives a proper end instead of a cliff hanger for the next arc or an even tie in.

There just aren't enough self contained stories right now. This one could fit almost anywhere in the time line and very little knowledge of past events or characters seems to be needed. Don't get me wrong, I love Ewing and his deep lore to death, but sometimes I just need to get away from it.

This is an extremely casual friendly book and that's not necessarily a bad thing.



>Some people liking the art
looks like poser tho



I'm pretty sure I read it on here along with the second issue, the reception was pretty good.

The end. Thank you for reading.

> Running with the Devil

What's the deal with this?

This book is great for that because of this page. it tells you everything you need to know about Elektra in three panels - she fights groups of people, she has had a relationship with Daredevil, and she has scuffled with Bullseye. Without absolutely any prior knowledge of the character you can now comprehend references to Bullseye and said relationship and understand what she does with one page. The usage of different art styles also shows that she has a long history in the business.

i like the art, but yeah a better costume would've been nicer

So, can we all agree that while this isn't a great book, we could use more like it amusing they only last for one arc?

That's a pretty good cover with multiple Elektra's over the years

>but yeah a better costume would've been nicer


What an awkward looking kick.

I guess.