Lapis Lazuli

Can we have a Lapis Lazuli thread?

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No, join /sug/ in the /trash/ and suffer Indexers wrath.
Besides that, she would've killed us all before she was put in the mirror.

But why though?





>Can we have a Lapis Lazuli thread?


That still doesn't answer my question though.




why must blue cutie be cute


If Sup Forums didnt limit me with timed posts i would
here ya go

lapis called me a fuckstick


sure we can

Lapis is cute, CUTE!!! And prone to murdering everyone around her if her mind snaps

shit character, if anything she made me hate "water" people

bunch of treacherous pussies

I don't know shit about SU, but I can confirm the cuteness

Thank you for your testimony kind user!

Since Jasper getting corrupted by fusing with a corrupted with a corrupt gem seemingly imply data transfer, does that mean there's a little bit of Jasper in Lapis?

Yeah that's why Lapis looks dumb and ugly now




My sunshine, my only sunshine




worst gem should get shattered


>worst gem

I want to protect that smile!

I like this gem.

From /toy/ with love.

Why does everyone have a nose except Lapis?