These two need to kiss already

These two need to kiss already.

Nick ruined one of my favorite cartoons of the last 10 years.

I feel so bad for Greenblatt

Piri Piri is winning the good-boybowl

kiss fee would be pretty disgusting

Trick her into drinking a bottle of Listerine first.

It'll help with the breath and get her mildly tipsy.

According to fuckwit Grennblatt, they won't

Claire is gonna end up munching Fee's carpet as the ultimate form of rebellion against her mother.

Sorry, but Harvey's heart belongs to someone else.

And she will resort to voodoo to keep it.

>being this autismo
Greenblatt knows what he's doing. Trust in him

What if Harvey is gay?

Good for Dade

The last episode made it pretty clear they are still kids and not ready to understand romantic feelings yet.

>Harvey Beaks is a Queer Duck prequel

>Carl delivers the message tastefully in an episode
>instead of bitching out fans on Twitter
Take notes, Hirsch

Was getting canceled a part of his plan?

Why do people say "canceled" when they mean "not renewed"?

Sometimes shows dont get renewed bro, but it is getting an ending.

Perhaps he's wondering why someone would cancel a show, before throwing it onto Nicktoons?

I still say this show should have a booru.

Alex really is a cunt on Twitter.

When it comes to TV, they're pretty much the same thing.

We can't even get threads to the bump limit. Just cool your jets and enjoy what we got.

A show that doesn't get renewed still has a contract for a certain number of episodes and everyone stays employed until that contract's finished.

A show that's canceled just stops. They may have a half dozen episodes in different stages of production but everyone is pretty much just fired and goes home.

I just think we should have a proper archive of Harvey Beaks related screenshots and fanart

Wouldn't nearly all shows have a contract for a certain number of episodes?

True, Claire is obviously Fee's bitch slave. Though I doubt there's gonna be any carpet for her to munch.

No they didnt, they ruined it's scheduling, but Greenblatt ruined the finale himself. I dont even know if it's still airing

these are the only good pairings in the show for Fee

I genuinely wonder why. These seems like a show that could house discussion but doesnt.


Well she is just interested in Foo because he's everything her mom hates, so it wouldn't be that crazy to assume she'd start kissing girls just to piss her mom off.


>No they didnt, they ruined it's scheduling
Literally the same thing.
They didn't market it, and they didn't air it.

The fact that you don't know whether it's still on or not is precisely what I'm talking about.

Greenblatt didn't deserve to have such a beautiful product shat on by its network.

Being imps, aren't Fee and Foo going to outlive their mortal friends by millenia?

We'll find out in the finale.

...why would Listerine get someone tipsy?

Back when the storyboarders were posting and making podcast commentaries, these threads were fucking popping.

I miss them, even though they devolved into Claire threads near the end.

Claire threads best threads.

God, it feels like yesterday when crewmembers were posting and asking us to support the show to keep Nick from canning it. I did all I could. ;_;

It was a good time to be here, Sup Forumsmrade.

I still appreciate the odd Harvey thread. I hope we can still have them once the show's gone. They'll be few and far between, but I feel like the show needs to be remembered.

Once the series concludes I'm going to put up a commemorative torrent on MySpleen with all the 1080p episodes, comics, song dailies from Ego's YouTube, animatics, commentaries, the works. If anyone's already collected some hard-to-search-for things like storyboards (anyone have "The Ghost Problem" board with the cut gag of Fee about to make Kratz and Dade kiss?) or official crew sketches and concept art I'd be grateful for a Drive or Mega of whatever you have

God bless Myspleen.
Comfiest goddamn tracker on the web.

If you make that, I'll seed it forever.


I've already got most of that stuff but I'll seed for others to keep it alive.

It depends how the finale builds up to it, though actual kissing would feel a little out of character between the two - as much as I'd like to see it.


Thanks doc.

Carl has said we get nothing more between Harvey and Piri so if he's going to end up with anyone it will be Fee - though there's been no real build up to that either, other than occasional shippy glances and hand-holding and her parallels to Miriam.
I'd imagine we'll get closure on who at least ONE main character ends up with given it was written with the knowledge that it's a finale but who knows

I mean, I agree with you on that.

Well, it all depends if they are going to take the Chowder route and end the show showing some sort of time skip. A lot can happen and Shippuden Harvey may have time to develop feelings for Fee.

>we get nothing more between Harvey and Pir
But the way he phrased it, he made it seem like he wanted to do more.

Harpiri is all but canon

Yeah, the most we'll get is a stronger allusion to Harvey's parents

give me a sweet hug dammit

Yes, that would satisfy me a lot. And then Fee joins the hug and ruins it in a good way.

Teenage Fee in a band with Foo as her roadie and Harvey at every concert?


>Greenblatt ruined the finale himself


What about a platonic kiss?

You know, just a friendly kiss between friends. Just for laughs.



I want to plant a platonic kiss on Fee's butthole haha

as a prank haha

The way King of the Hill did this between Bobby and Connie could've worked for this show.
Harvey's worried about going to a dance with Piri ("What if I lean in and I drop my drink and as I lean down to pick it up I accidentally peck her eyeball ou- OHMYGOSH"), Fee sees how panicked he is and tries to calm him down by offering a practice round to show it's not that bad. They give each other a little peck, Harvey marvels at how easy it was and thanks her, to which she acts non-nonchalant and says "no problem dude". And then looks at him while he walks away..
And then in a few episodes' time when things go bad between Harvey and Piri he realizes that maybe Fee likes him a little more than she lets on
never ever tho

>Slip her some tongue, dude. Whatever that means.

It's never too late

>They may have a half dozen episodes in different stages of production but everyone is pretty much just fired and goes home.
Can you give me an example of this happening?

Why don't you make it and maybe others will upload

Plenty of shows do this. Think of any live action show that gets cancelled mid season and they just stop airing episodes

You know what? I might

On second thought, I don't feel like having that kind of responsibility

Pic related in the linked post.

Clerks was a show that actually got shitcanned. They ended up finishing just six episodes and only aired two. Out of order.

Mission Hill and Invader Zim both had episodes that were partway through production and were never finished.
It's rare in children's TV though, unless like Zim it's exorbitantly expensive they usually finish the season regardless of how bad it bombed


>yfw despite a merciless death we're still going to end with 3 more half hours than Chowder, without the seasonal rot
coulda been worse fellas

Still, it kills me knowing that they had plans for s3 that'll never get realized

desu 100+ segments and an actual finale is very respectable.

>yfw you realize Harvey Beaks would be more successful if it was more like late Chowder

What episode is that?

>"more successful"
>already lasted longer than show you're citing
Nick maybe would have "got it" more if it were a spastic ADD fest but I don't think the ratings would have been any better because the show would have been worse. It would have died a similar way, only the threads here would be less populated.
Then again, The Loud House is a successful show despite textbook mediocrity, so what do I know?

If i'm not mistaken I believe it's from "The Ballad of Muesli
and Jangles", which airs next week but leaked months ago.

desu this show is an enigma.

It got fine ratings (around 1.2 mil an episode) but the fanbase seems small-ish. But yet everyone likes it and talk about watching it. Yet it underperformed on the channel. Yet, it was competing with the three highest rated kids shows on air at the time

I legitimately dont know if it was a success or not.

I dont think the ratings would have been much different though because the same thing happened to Sanjay and Craig.

The real problem with the show was no promotion and no reruns.
The ratings were quite good considering they aired less total hours of Harvey all year than they air of Spongebob reruns in less than a week.
If Nick would have tried, the ratings would have been genuinely good enough to call it a success.
But their new strategy is to make their schedule out of the cheapest pieces possible, hence Carl's "Garage Sale Network" post
It was probably intentionally killed off so it could be replaced with something cheaper, i.e. not hand-drawn or scored by an orchestra

This is true. Though I dont think it was intentionally killed off. Or like, not in a malicious way.

Plus, digital shows are still hand drawn. Or at least some of them.

But you're right about the reruns. Nick just doesnt rerun things. I realised this when all of FoP's reruns were on Nicktoons, even before the show got sent along with Harvey Beaks. They just dont rerun anytihing but the most successful things.

The one consolation is they arent quite as insane as CN right now.

>The one consolation is they arent quite as insane as CN right now.
True. At least Spongebob is a genuine Simpsons-level phenomenon, as much as I disagree I understand why it's been the SB channel for years. I don't know what the fuck CN's getting at with airing nothing but TTG!, Gumball, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but I think the implication is that they're moving away from their TV-PG shows. I kind of fear for kids nowadays who end up watching that garbage for hours on end, though at least they have the app I think part of the schedule nonsense going on in kids' TV right now is because the broadcast feed itself is becoming an afterthought. I do like a few shows on each channel, but most of their programming is only getting aired once, the schedules are all just so much less varied now than they ever were before.

I actually think this is the implication too. Plus their aversion to action shows that are so strong that even Ben 10 Omniverse was too much for them. And their obvious disdain for Regular Show

And yeah, the schedules are less varied than ever right now. Except Nick who's more varied than 12 hours of SB followed by 12 hours of Icarly.

Having the highest watched cartoon and kidcom together really made them complacent those years



o f f i c i a l a r t


I love conflicted christian homo bunny

They really toned down his christian values in the later episodes in favor of playing up his big family and Harvey lust

What was that episode?

I wonder if Savino has some sort of grime on Nickelodeon for them to actually give his cartoon a chance. Fuck, I can't think of anything in recent years that's been sort of successful besides TUFF Puppy.

Secret Gordon

Also it came up in Buds Before Studs with Claire and Foo

>asking Sup Forums to help keep the show alive
I demand proofs.

remember Dadeposting?


I member

dark times

Glad Claireposting replaced it