Why does Doctor Strange have such a large black fanbase?

Why does Doctor Strange have such a large black fanbase?

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'cause he is black you whitewashing maffuga


They like bargains.
That's Dr. Yakub

Blacks love wizards and kung-fu. The Dr. Strange movie was a combination of the two.

He uses black magic/spoiler]

I didn't know he did. I'm only half black and his comics weren't my favorite but I definitely enjoyed them. The movie was one of my top three favorite capefag movies though.

The Last Dragon remake when
Power of the glow must flow

I never realized he did.

I've personally known a LOT of black people that fucking love Thor though.



same reason WW does



I think black people desparately want to be nerds but their tough guy at all costs culture won't let them. It's hilarious to finally see a black thug cut lose and finally watch cartoons or read comics.

In recent years it's actually become more acceptable. I can't tell you how many black dudes I've seen with dragon ball z gear on.

If you don't like Dragonball Z then you aren't black

also one piece

Blacks love wizards for some weird reason

Case and point


I don't know what your life is like but every 1 in 3 black people that I meet are MASSIVE anime fans.

You are so ignorant about blacks, it's not even funny.

black people dont really hate white doctors

its a south african taskforce of doctors helping

>also, use black people, not african, there are 14 'black' nonafrican peoples in the USA

Hes really not.

This describes me and a bunch of other niggas i know to a fuckin t.


And I know plenty of black nerds. Your fucking point?

you know black nerds

I Am a black nerd.

jiggaboo bullshit

Man, that Super fight looks like ass compared to the other 2.

It's not black people WANT to be nerds. Black people ARE nerds. We grew up with the same cartoons white people did. We ALL had CN, Nick, and Disney channel growing up. More black people are nerds nowadays simply because there's more nerdy stuff around than there was before the 90s. We're just really low key about it.

Shit you've never been to a BJJ gym. Biggest bunch of fuckin nerds I ever met in my life. I was in a car full of black dudes arguing about which power ranger was best in the earlier seasons. The consensus was the green ranger.

The consensus has good taste and was objectively right.


The best part is what were you going to say to the guys? They could literally kill you with very little effort. Good bunch of lads, bad taste in anime though.

>pimp cape
>pimp gloves
>pimp robe
>alliteration incantations

I cannot fault your outcome

they've been working on one for YEARS.

with Sam Jackson as Sho'Nuff

Why did you fags bitch so much about the wacky cape? I expected it to shit up the whole movie, but it was just three fucking 3-5 second scenes. It only negatively impacted one serious moment, the other two were during fight scenes.

lmao how sheltered are you

>posting the edit

Fucking guaranteed the sorts of people who make those sorts of posts got bullied by black alphas in high school and think they know everything about blacks now. As sad as it is funny.

>Why does Doctor Strange have such a large black fanbase?
White people have the Magical Negro trope:

Niggers have the Conjuring Cracker.

I never met a black dude who was into One Piece and I'm black.Everyone was into Naruto and when Boruto comes out in the West, dudes will be into that too.Maybe One Piece is popular with black dudes outside of NYC.

I know a lot of moms that love Thor. He probably reminds them of those hunky men from the covers of romance books.

It's not Sup Forums if we don't bitch about everything.

Well that's literally who his shitty movies were made for. Seriously, look at the cover for thor 2, it honestly looks like a shitty fabio romance novel.

I'll choose to believe this is the real explanation.

IM3 had a similar one.