Fuck this was good. Finally a superhero film that doesn't need to stick in a million teases to some other films that won't be out for years like all the other DC films do. I was so happy when the credits finished without a single post credits scene. Wonder Woman will actually stand on its own long after this cinematic universe crap is over.
Fuck this was good...
Other urls found in this thread:
Doctor Doom was also perfectly cast
This film sucks and you know it.
Name one good thing it has
Chris Pine.
Your move.
>I walk undisturbed in the German army thanks to my perfect Deutsch
>Hey, yeah, that's my cock
>But... We must marry to sleep together
>That's my team, a bunch of useless idiots
>I'll teach you how to dance, in bedroom (so the weddings...)
>I stare at your boobs and lose my chance with porcelain woman
>You are a goddess, but I'll sacrifice myself anyway lol
Your turn
Yes, he was a very likable character. Your point?
It was a stupid (and useless) character that changes idea in a matter of minutes. It had no expression beyond the smug "you think there is Ares" look.
Not counting the fact that he discovered a secret island with a fog barrier and Greek myths and didn't care a bit.
It has no depth as a character.
Overrated like this stupid film.
What about the action
Looks good to me.
Doesn't sound that good if the only positive thing you can say about it is it doesn't tie in to even worst movies.
Why do you keep calling him "it"? What's wrong with you?
>even worst
Indian detected.
It was pretty good, but i think it gets a little more praise than it deserves.
Felt a little drawn out towards the end...
Also worth pointing out that they only had the balls to go full mythical with the amazons because 'Thor' paved the way
Overall a good movie though, and better than most the marvel flicks.
What's wrong with "it"?
Not a fan of Stephen King.
Slowmo and dance fighting it's action?
Do you want to see recent good action? Look at Atomic Blonde
>Overall a good movie though, and better than most the marvel flicks.
I was actually surprised that Sup Forums kept comparing it to Marvel movies and calling it "quippy." I can't think of any Marvel-style quips it had. It had humor, but they were just normal jokes. Nothing like "So do you talk first or do I?" or "Mister Doctor."
I thought it was a silhouette of a pregnant woman
t. not english
OK I got it, I used the wrong pronoun, change the "it"s in "he"s.
The point remains.
she doesnt even guard against some of the bullets...
>I'm sure when the fat whale read this she would let me touch her!
post the finale webm where she ice skates on pavement lel
Or the one in which she disintegrates the church with her shoulder because of the sniper.
I mean if you made such an obvious English mistake I'm unconvinced you know enough English to properly understand the dialogue in this film.
I like how your only defense of this shitty movie is to attack the grammar of anyone that doesn't like it.
She dodges them like in Equilibrium.
>what are subtitles
I actually would appreciate if someone posted that webm in particular, I want to create a thread about it. I think it is pretty funny that an Israeli woman tackles a church.
Congratulations, you played yourself.
>still not addressing the point
This was really great. 3rd act was sluggy but that was it. It was a nice change of pace considering the past CBMS that preceded it
The BO record are proof enough.
Unfortunately, everyone on this board are beta hating virgins who think every female in the world wants to actively push an agenda.
>i'm 17 and the girl i like turned me down so now anything associated with women must be awful.
don't worry, you'll grow out of it
What is dubbing.
Absolute kino.
>No man can cross it.
Its really a good capehero film. I put it a notch below Ironman. Gal Gadot is pretty, her personality was refreshing when she visited the city, and Pine was amazing, carried the whole film. Apart from the weak 3rd act it was perfect
I don't care about the fact that the director is a woman, or that the protagonist is a strong heroin: I care about the fact that the film sucks and I can't comprehend how a lot of people liked it.
It's OK if you liked it, nothing wrong with that, but saying that's a good film is unjustified.
I still don't get why they decided to get jewish skeleton woman to play super buff amazon.
The only reason it was anywhere tolerable was because this was 30% coming of age story, some back story, and rest exploring the real world.
She is still discovering her powers that's why it was nice.
The moment she becomes a god like being the movie faces with all the problems DC has faced in converting the characters into a movie their characters are too OP.
They should have learned to use their powers appropriately and have some base level. Every single character in DC universe is capable of destroying dozens of buildings with a sneeze.
The first movie was alright, the second will not be as good as the first one, if at all they make one since DCEU seems in jeopardy right now.
Without Chris Pine to offset Gal's horrible acting it would be terrible. They need someone to counter balance Gal, someone fun. Hell Gal was the worst thing in JL and she had so much dialogue it was so painful to watch
I'm certain they will make a second one because Wonder Woman is the only DC movie that has actually been a financial success. Worst case scenario, they drop the DCEU and it becomes a Wonder Woman cinematic universe like the Raimi Spidermans.
Apparently Chris Pine has signed on for multiple movies so I don't know how they're going to work it but he's probably going to have survived somehow.
Reminder that the retarded wojacks picture are a forced meme coming all from BUTTHURT DCucks. Notice how there are less response about pajeet shill in super heroes movies thread ? How after many rumors destroyed the reputation of the justice league movie, no DCucks even dared to even use based Armond White reviews to defend it, it isn't a matter of winning or losing. Warner Bros shot themselves in the foot by asking whedon to cut a snyder movie in half, that's it, one of the stupidest move in the history of cinema production. So now, you these posters can no longer hold to the reputations of DC movies to defend themselves against marvel fans or anyone else who will criticise super heroes movies. They themselves can't defend it and they are reduce to call everyone who even mention anything related to capeflick stupid, vainly trying to gain a little feel of superiority. Remember, they adopted the terms capekino and capeshit for dc and marvel movies respectivly, they were in majority having the childish behavior of calling capeshitters stupid and retarded and now they are using the same methods behind those wojack pictures. They can't fathom that their favorite brands failed so they spam in capeshit related threads in attempt to disengage any discution in that category. They will respond by telling you that you are defending marvel if you criticise their thoughs or tell them that taste in movie is not directly related to intellect. All the while trying to persuade themselves they hate all kind of comic books movie. They can't accept that they have always seem retarded by exposing they're stupidity. So by believing that everyone who watch anything they hate is dumber than them to feel superior for some (you)s. It is not even subtle that its dkeks cryings..
Yes, I know that, but the mods delete the posts if you report them so that's all you have to do.
>Every single character in DC universe is capable of destroying dozens of buildings with a sneeze.
Uh, Batman? And all of Batman's villains. This is why the Dark Knight movies worked so well and why Suicide Squad was an interesting concept which unfortunately still ended up being about them fighting a god and somehow winning.
I like batman and the The Dark Knight Trilogy but let's be honest here.
Batman defeated Superman, takes punches from few of the most powerful beings in the world and still stands still, he is the most OP of them all because he is a plot device.
She looks nine months pregnant in the thumbnail
Batman defeated Superman because he had prep time and Superman's one weakness, kryptonite. Anything more is just bad writing on their part. In the comics, when he goes up against Darkseid he gets his ass fucking rocked, as he should.
>prep time.
yes of course and 100 million gadgets he has on his belt.
You know why he has those gadgets? Because he had time to prepare them.
>gadget envy
The movie was just "meh. Not offensively bad, but not good either. Also Gadot is a terrible actress. And fuck those retarded guitar riffs.
It was good until she killed the fake ares, then it turned to shit steve sacrifice was dumb considering wonder woman could jave solved the problem easily if she wasnt being a emotional dummy
This is the low mental level of these DCucks and the lack of cinema knowledge
all her life she was taught that by just killing Ares everything would be alright. Well she did kill the general and then she got confused why people are still not turning back
>meet superman for the first time.
stop defending Batman.
are you guys retarded? the guy said Batman is OP, and you're proving it. Fucking Noobs.
This is pastabait
Lelling at someone who's envious of Batman's gadgets is not the same as thinking Batman is good. Nice try though.
He didn't have time to prepare yet.
Wonder Woman was literally in the middle of fighting Ares when Steve sacrificed himself. I don't know what you expect her to do.
Why is there a singer named Labrinth? Does he not know how to spell Labyrinth?
Stop for a second and fly up there? They had enough time to have a tearful goodbye.
It wasn't Batmeme V Supermeme
And shoot it with what? She doesn't have a gun. Steve does.
I like that Ewen Bremner was in this and not a single person mentions it because none of you plebs have seen Trainspotting.
Most DC movies do a fine job standing on their own. BvS is actually better if it's left ambiguous if Superman is gonna return.
BvS on its own means you have that completely nonsensical "knightmare" and Flash cameo which foreshadows something that doesn't even happen in the film.
I would have nailed porcelain woman desu
I really enjoyed her being a cheeky bitch when they first got to the city. I would have watched a whole movie of just that. Everything else had me cringing and I stopped the movie a little after they liberated the town. Gal was fucking terrible in the fight scenes.
Wonder Woman was a fucking 4/10 you pleb. Patty Jenkins is a pretty shit director. Not only did she do nothing new, most of her filmography is complete shit. Wonder Woman is alright but nothing special unless it's the first film you've ever seen. Grimdark superheroes were already done in Tim Burton's Batman, the "hero that wants nothing more than to help" complex was already done in Richard Donner's Superman, World War superhero drama was already done with Captain America, female superheroes were already a thing with the old Wonder Woman TV show, and the movie's script is literally a saturday morning cartoon script in live-action. But really what makes WW shit is it lacks any subtlety whatsoever, the cliches are turned up to 11, and a lot of the shots look like they were rendered with a $50 green screen and Blender software. Really, it's just a film that feminists and easily impressed plebs that lack taste eat up. If you actually think Wonder Woman is good after seeing anything prior by superior directors, your taste is highly questionable and ought to be checked for early signs of down syndrome.
Basically this. It wasn't Quipy (from what I remember)
Quips are usually pretty cynical and makes it so no one takes the film seriously and thus above criticism.
WW was generally pretty serious all the way through
I am fairly certain they actually had sex in that scene in their room but they couldn't show it because it was a PG-13 movie.
>I would have watched a whole movie of just that.
You can, it's called Thor.
Yea this film was like a 6.5 out of 10, but it looks better than it is given it's the only good film in a string of bad films. Hell I even liked it.
It's like a family where all the kids are drug addicts, and one manages to graduate high school with all C's they are a miracle.
WW was a solid 7/10, which is its current critical average. It's one of the few times I've looked at a critical score and thought "Wow, this is actually completely accurate."
Not an argument.
>good action scene with very few cuts and nearly invisible CGI
>still gets hate
I'm convinced you don't actually watch film.
Unfortunately for you, nobody cares about your opnion
Lmao so he's gonna be to Wonder Woman what Bucky is to Captain America.
Luckily for me, I don't care about your opinion
How come she never goes back to the island in between WW and BvS? It's not like she was being Wonder Woman for those 100 years, she was just hanging out restoring artwork
He's going to be Wonder Woman's gay lover?
The BvS/JL Wonder Woman is inconsistent with the WW one because they weren't sure what direction they wanted to go with her at the time and they admitted as much in an interview. I guess we'll have to wait for WW2 to see if they address that.
>stands for both Wonder Woman and World War
WWII ambientation is WWII confirmed
So why did she peace out in WW 2?
I actually am really curious about that.
>Ares is responsible for World War I
>Wonder Woman kills Ares
>Hitler still happens
Who's behind this one?
I am Acting
oh wait, you're serious, let me laugh harder
Not an argument.
I still have no idea what I'm supposed too notice in this webm.
Jewish woman defeats Germany, they couldn't rub it in any harder could they?
There's all kinds of inconsistencies even now. In JL she says the Amazons CAN'T leave the Island and that's why they just warned her, even though it's just a cloaking magic device that hides the Island and she just left in a boat in a couple of hours.
Except it was set during World War I which had nothing to do with the Jews.