Kelly does it again!

Kelly does it again!

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Wait, are bees endangered for real? i always hear something like that but i though it was just something alarmist were saying


I don't get it? Are conservatives Captain Planet villains or something?

It bothers me more how hard invasive bee species are to tell apart from the endangered bees. So, through fear of killing endangered bees, people will not kill the invasive ones. Thus, ensuring the invasive bees win. Those fucking genius bees.

We're fucked if Bees die off, and its not exactly unwarrented




They were declared endangered based on absolutely zero evidence. Bees used by honeyfarmers are inbred as fuck and extremely vulnerable to parasites and fungi.

But rather than blame the actual cause - overuse of artificial insemination - they blame cell phones.

Specific species of bees. They all look the same, so it's easy to not realize it.

are you fucking stupid
of course they're in trouble
why do you think everyone is freaking out about it

>Bees used by honeyfarmers are inbred as fuck and extremely vulnerable to parasites and fungi.
Well damn.
I sure like honey though.

Well the good news is Africianized honey bees are doing fine. Because they're not inbred.

Where's the lie?

What a relief.
As long as we don't get any of those deadly superbees Fox scare-mongered about back in the 90s.

Africianized honeybees just have an instinct to swarm sometimes. Which makes them slightly harder to control, but that swarming behavior isn't "KILL ALL HUMANS", but rather it is a colony relocation practice.

Yes. Fucking pesticides man.

It is funny how they'll chase you for a quarter of a mile if you antagonize them, like damn, that's a bit much.

Bee's aren't the only creature to pollinate. Some bumble bees don''t pollinate, the go out of their way to stab into the nectar without pollinating the flower and killing the flower before it can pollinate anything.

The breeds of bees we domesticated with hive keeping are fine and are the most numerous.

>Some bumble bees don''t pollinate, the go out of their way to stab into the nectar without pollinating the flower and killing the flower before it can pollinate anything.

Source? That sounds hardcore

This is a real issue people are affected by. The strip makes the issue look silly but it's a salient point. Kelly is a liberal faggot

Sometimes they are.

But this is a parody. Blowing up minor problems to distract from the main issue is a common tactic in politics.

They are trying their hardest to become one that's for sure

>rolling back all climate change regulations
>investing a stupid amount of money in fossil fuels
It almost feels like a generic Captain Planet episode

>We are fucked if we destroy the rainforest because there won't be any oxigen left
>We are fucked if we keep using dehodorant because then the ozone layer protecting us from the sun will collapse
>We are fucked if we keep using cars because the pollution will suffocate everyone
Telling people they are going to die is the oldest trick in the book, remember the red planet or the end of the world in 2012
Please remember global warming when next scare comes

Most bumble bees are pollinators though. Many insects will "rob" nectar however.

The great irony of Kelly is that his character is cooler than the smug douche who makes the comic.

Well it is the most efficient way to power our electronics today, even those windmills need to get that metal from some refinery pumping out smoke.

Their is wanting for a more healthy energy source, and there is just be naive.

Neonicotinoid pesticides are giving them brain damage en masse.

It's almost like the planet does this on a regular basis... nah my ego tells me it's all US!

Isn't china the super villain of climate change and america one of the only countries with decent regulation as far as factories and fossil fuel mining goes?

Now perfect, but we could be worse and i for would would be more than happy to cuck china out of factories considering they are the leading cause.

We also can't do much about it unless we can force places like brazil to stop deforestation and force them to mass plant forests. Seeing how the lack of trees is why we can't control the co2 we produce.

Its not like we will ever simply stop producing pollution, but we can do good in fighting it but many people i talk to about climate change actually don't know what needs to be done about it. Its always ARGH AMERICA BAD GUYS
or ARGH CARBON TAXES or some other stupid shit.

The solution to climate change is basically imperialism. Forcing everyone to play by the green rules.

Yeah, random retards being stung by bees is totally a real issue. Them going extinct isn't.

Well don't be sad, I'm sure the next trending thing will kill us all

> not inbred.

>Isn't china the super villain of climate change

They do lots of stuff to help, more than many other countries, but it's impossible to ever make up for the sheer amount of environmental rape they do.

>america one of the only countries with decent regulation as far as factories and fossil fuel mining goes?

Give it time.

>Yet among nonhuman animals, the creatures that cause more American deaths than any other are bees and wasps. In a typical year, nearly 100 American deaths are caused by bee stings. In fact, this number probably represents an underestimate, since some bee sting deaths are erroneously attributed to heart attacks, sun stroke and other causes.

>A crazy homeless man told me I'd die if I ate apples because the government poisons them
>I ate an apple and didn't die
>Therefore, everything all humans claim involving death is a hoax and I am immortal

Not really? They kinda are one of the worst when it comes to pollution. They fuck shit up all the time and don't have nearly the amount of land mass americans have.

Explosions, cancer, spillage, you name it. America isn't clean, but the Chinese have far bloodier hands than ours its an outrage to trust such a delicate system to them considering the track record user. You have to be memeing if you really think china is a shining example of proper regulations they are a laughing stock and a disgrace.

Oh no, we need to let more Mexicans in and get rid of college debt or else the bees will die and then there will be no more plants
I also think the media behaves like a crazy hobo tho

Wheat is self-pollinating. Garlic isn't though.

>I also think the media behaves like a crazy hobo tho
This motherfucker gets it. The media's cried wolf so many fucking times it's hard to tell what's an actual issue and what isn't.

I realized i misread your post, my fault for that.

But you are still naive. You are admitting their recklessness and horrible contributions to damage to our mother earth but you trust these very people to be saviors? you can't be a hero and a villain at once. You have modern actions and history and the scale will tip to one side or the other.

Its like trusting the child who broke dishes all over the floor to clean it if you look the other way long enough. Someone going to get hurt because the brat wont do it and you shouldn't trust him without supervision.

>The planet cuts down a fuck ton of trees in the Amazon artificially on a regular basis

Is this guy serious? Bees are actually really important for getting rid of pollen and making it into honey.

And what should we do about this? We occupied them once, should we do it again?

Asking nicely doesn't work, i hope you've noticed.

>but you trust these very people to be saviors?

No? I didn't say I did, I was just answering your question.

But if you trust America to do anything about it then you're naive too especially now that they have an unironic climate change denier in charge.

its actually easy, the real issues are the ones they refuse to report

>beehive in your front yard
>try to remove it
>get arrested
muh endangered species

>eating bug barf
The fuck is wrong with you?

that's a really adorable little bee

America has some of the best nature reserves and regulations, expecially a country our size. Infact, our of all our competition, we are propbably one of the greenest and have the best basic human rights laws.

Maybe places like Sweden can be better at these types of things because they don't have near the amount of industry of people we do. You have to consider more variables and make fair comparisons.

I love conversations on these things becaus eboth parties learn a lot if its civil, but please name countries comparable to our size and industry who are nearly as ferocious on nature conservation, health codes, ect ect. I will never say we don't have room to improve, everyone does, but if we are playing a finger pointing game point somewhere else.

There's no reason why they can't wean them off of it, though. You know, a gradual change?

Trump's reversing a lot of the Obama-era climate laws. Pretty soon he might just dismantle the EPA.

Because the jobs of coal miners are more important than ensuring lakes aren't set on fire.

ITT Cletus explains why bees don't exist

What? No. The ones we keep as honey bees are the ones that are disappearing without clear reasons why

I wonder, if we went back 180 years or so, would you guys be among the people denouncing germ theory and telling us that we shouldn't waste money on this "sanitary movement" hoax.

Giving people no option but to literally throw their shit in the street is bad? No, can't be! Poor people just die more often because it's God's punishment for their immorality!

Meh, environmental catastrophes usually happen in those places where they voted for Drumpf. Fuck them.

Are you the same shill in the capeshit threads on Sup Forums?

Don't question Kelly. He is always right.

>Because the jobs of coal miners are more important than ensuring lakes aren't set on fire.
They are.
If they want their lakes on fire, who are you to stop them?

Wasn't it pesticides? I thought they figured that out a few years ago. Anons inbreeding theory is a good reason as well.

I honestly see them all the time around the dumpster at work unless this is another kind of bee. My blueberry push was absolutely swarmed this spring too. And i mean swarmed.

>We are fucked if we keep using dehodorant because then the ozone layer protecting us from the sun will collapse
Do you actually believe this was fake? Were you even old enough to remember all the changes we made to prevent this?

Just because we managed to avoid the catastrophe doesn't mean the catastrophe was never going to happen you retard.

But they're Christians, right? And lake of fire usually mean Hell! Do they really want a piece of Hell in Jesusland?

The people who cry the loudest about climate change tend to lead the most hypocritical lifestyles, which brings their sincerity into question.

Jesusland is in Isreal, Joseph Smith.


Complete exaggeration. Most bees will chase you away from their hive if you fuck with them.

Most bees sure, but Africanized bees in particular are known for pursuing people for a much greater length.

t. Drumpf voter who uses Obamacare

Wow thanks for your meaningless anecdote that has literally nothing to do with the scientific validity of global warming.

But fuck who cares about science as long as you FEEL BAD about how SOME GUY YOU DON'T LIKE ACTS. You fucking jackass.

But you're probably going to be ok when i tell you about the massive amounts of freshwater the dumped into the delta in order to(and failed to functionally) save a species of smelt? Why couldn't they breed them in captivity and release as needed? Why allow so much water to go to waste when farmers are loosing their trees they'd spent decades to nurturing? Why do liberals see hording water as good(as in the case of California) when the best solution is irrigating the land with man made lakes and rivers(as the older generations of Californians did and brought much abundance to the land)?

America isn't perfect, political parties aren't perfect, but we are certainly not the biggest losers. We are simply one of the biggest, is all.

Man, lay off the bees Kelly. Bees are cool.

Joke's on you, I don't have health insurance and thanks to Trump the IRS isn't enforcing the mandate anymore. :^)
Scientists aren't infallible, even large groups of them.

China is making massive strides to reduce their carbon footprint. It's gonna take a fucking long time because there's a googleplex of them, but they're trying.

Brazil has pledged to reduce the Amazon deforestation rate to 0% by 2020. They probably won't do that, but still, they've cut it down massively from what it was years ago.

Almost ever country in the world gets that this is important shit and are trying to do something about it to the extent of their economic ability. You don't need to force anyone, they're already willing to play by green rules because they all like breathing clean air.

>I don't have health insurance
Well, duh. When prayer cures cancer, who needs it?

>t. retard who doesnt understand empiricism
>"if i dont see immediate effects now, it must be false"

Everything you listed is "in progress" or "sure white man we wont cut trees"

They've already done their damage, we can't trust them to clean it up. You're going to have to pick up a broom eventually or die before you ever get the chance.

Many countries are great, high five to them. I'm looking at you switzerland.

But the ones that arent, though they arent a majority(unless you include africa), they make a huge impact that hurts us. For instance, china is probably why the great barrier reef was poisoned. It'll come back, but its going to take a long time.

Brazil has lost so many trees it makes me sick. They are the only culprits either.

Britain was 70% farmland, now they are 70% forestry iirc. There are many people making progress, but they are small pockets when you look at the entire picture. Brazil, china, africa, india, ect all have contributed to not only pollution but over population(less brazil on the over pop but still).

Now we have to figure out how to keep this earth afloat and these all unions of political hacks aren't going to cut it friend.

As far as I'm concerned, any speculation for these places cleaning up their act is speculation. Promises aren't results. Also China is colonizing africa and gaining mineral rights all over. They are going to extort them after we were shamed for doing the same.

Its also incredibly stupid to judge America as a whole and not by different states when it comes to things like this. The laws in a state like California are super different from Wyoming which are super different from Florida which are super different from Vermont.
No one ever does direct comparisons of the comparably sized states

>100 people a year
>a real issue
you are literally more likely to be struck by lightning than die from a bee sting

It wasn't just to protect a species of smelt, water was being dumped to protect the entire ecosystem of the delta which is in awful condition.

They do have successful smelt breeding programs in captivity. The problem isn't keeping smelt alive, it's that when smelt start to die off, it's a clear sign that everything else is about to start dying as well.

Its almost like I'm arguing with people who have a small understanding of a big, BIG topic.

Usually their suggested solution is "just ask them nicely"
we've done that since the 90s. I will make a bet rainforest deforestation will end by 2020 simply because there will be none of it left, and if any at all a state park at best.

And where are the trees to replant them? If they wait too long the soil will become sick and unable to grow a forest.

>smelt argument
>implying one of the major reasons wasn't to prevent sea water from creeping further up river

Global warming is a fucking meme. It's not real, never has been real, and never will be. Libtard bitches like you have been crying forever about MUH NATURE and we're all still here, nor dying to acid rain and shit. Stupid fucking cuck.

The judge ruled it to protect smelt dum dum.

It's honestly probably a combination of pesticides, inbreeding and increasingly drastic changes in weather. It certainly doesn't help that if you're not paying attention you can just straight up lose over half of your established hives just because the queen decides she's tired of your yard and wants to fuck off somewhere else.

>Garlic isn't though.

Oh shit, with no garlic, Vampires will reign supreme.

We should have listen to schauberger

>Global warming is a fucking meme.
According to who, your meme president?

>bee extinction is a vampire conspiracy

Of course it's "in progress," What the fuck did you think, that the planet can turn its industry around on a dime?

That doesn't change the fact that they ARE trying, and ARE getting results. Brazil has cut its deforestation rate to something like 0.1% per year. They're getting there.

Go back and read the apocalyptic predictions of climate alleged-scientists from the 80s, 90s, and 00s. According to them we should be in the post-apocalypse now.
>And politicians and corporations have been ignoring the issue for decades, to the point that unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken within the next 10 years, the world will reach a point of no return, Gore said.

Yes that was the end ruling which took advantage of the existing endangered species protection laws because judges can only rule on what's on the books. The root cause behind the whole thing was preventing the salt water from infiltrating the area in a time of drought and ruining it for years.
The strawman argument against this would have been the state just dumping fresh water for literally zero reason. Instead the smelt thing was chosen for its legal precedents as well as being a far more imaginable goal (something that regular people can actually imagine) than prevention of sea water movement.

The shitty state of hydraulic managment and the lack of recognition for its extreme importance is an incredible issue that everyone forgets about.

Pesticide use is the main culprit, you can't even buy pollen patties anymore because the fucking chinks are the worst fucking suppliers and US sellers are the laziest shits.

Being a hypocrite doesn't make your point less valid, I do wish people would realise that instead of using "HURR YOU HYPOCRITE" as some sort of argument ender to people.

If I say stealing is wrong every single day for a year and then on new years day go and shoplift or whatever, does that make stealing any more or less wrong? It makes me a hypocrite, sure, but what I said before doesn't change.

Fuck people who use "muh hypocrisy" as a smokescreen for their lack of an argument.

That's actually a lie. The fact is that Africanized bees swarm, which makes bees that follow you more noticable.

One bee after you is easy to dismiss because it'll sting you and that'll be the end of it.

>lets ignore the consensus among 95% of scientists just because a few idiots exaggerated

> to the point that unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken within the next 10 years, the world will reach a point of no return, Gore said.
We DID take measures to reduce greenhouse gasses since then you fucking retard.

>Hurr why do we keep taking vaccines if we never get sick being sick is just a scam

been "in progress" since the 90s. This isn't the first time we trusted them, this isn't the last of their betrayal.

>he doesn't know how the build up of scientific knowledge actually works
>he thinks popsci accurately reflects the state of knowledge and alarm in the scientific community
>he thinks that industries haven't been using carbon/sulfur/phosphorus scrubbers for decades

Meanwhile, Radiative Forcing has finally paid off and presented a smoking gun directly relating the anthropogenic increase of CO2 in the atmosphere with the increase of average temperatures

And yet they've never stopped complaining and insist on more and more drastic changes.

>And yet they've never stopped complaining
Because the threat doesn't fucking go away you dumb fuck do you cut yourself and then wait for your skin to heal up and go "WOW TIME TO CUT MYSELF AGAIN WHY DO PEOPLE WORRY ABOUT BLEEDING OUT". Do you even understand this analogy? Do you understand it, or is it beyond your comprehension because you're just a news spamming bot without an organic fucking body? Christ.

>we are propbably one of the greenest and have the best basic human rights laws.
Not for much longer mate.