Tell me one thing, ONE THING, he did wrong.
If only the scots would listen, they'd have castles as nice as Caernarfon
/LG/ Longshanks General
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Edward the Longshanks was an inadequate King to where he couldn't even raise his son to not be a flaming homosexual for the castle friar and only until near death did he try to sort things out to no avail.
Hell he couldn't even preggo the french princess before she got that big scottish bullcock semen inside her. Live like a slut die like a slut.
>Edward the Longshanks was an inadequate Ki-
>encouraged them to take up other professions.
nice move eddie
how come expelling all jews is such a repeating tradition in history? what is history trying to tell us by this?
how was the real, historical braveheart(tm)? was he brave and well read or just a peasant trickster?
that they were hated because they were different and therefore welcomed scapegoats for fuckups of the royalty / tribes / whatever.
Caernarfon sure is a nice castle too.
A lot nicer than Stirling.
Why does Mel hate Anglos so much? Is it his mixed American and Irishness? Gallipoli, Braveheart, The Patriot... does he dislike the English for stopping Hitler from eradicating all the kikes?
Anyway, Longshanks and his son Edward II were pretty based. His son was a faggot but not an effeminate useless queer like in the movie. The fact the Scottish were so affected by this fantasy film is sad proof of their crybaby impotent resentment.
t. Aussie
why isnt anyone executing 300 jew bankers nowadays? nobody has balls anymore.
It's really strange how all these different places throughout history chose to scapegoat the jews for a few recurring problems. Amazing how they always seem to be baselessly accused of predatory lending practices, political rabble rousing, peddling illegal goods, slave trading, organized crime and ritual child abuse wherever they go.
no he was a smart man and virtue was the same, believing Scotland was not under English rule.
Was a bald man though, and Longshanks didn't die the same time but on his way to battle Robert The Bruce couple years later. His son took over and whimped out fighting the Scots.
Thank fuck for Edward III being a man.
Edward II was shit
Didn't dishenrit his faggot son
Pretty patrician otherwise
>His son was a faggot but not an effeminate useless queer like in the movie.
Didn't his wife get the female equivalent of blue balls so bad that she took an army to his kingdom, captured the fucker and killed him by sticking a red hot iron poker up his arse?
Exactly. Edward I would have built castles along the coast to ensure protection from foreigners, akin to Wales.
This, desu. If Edward II was even half the man his son was then France wouldn't exist nowadays and Normandy and probably even Aquitaine, while both independent, would be speaking English
just a coincidence, goyi-- i mean, dude.
>Edward II gets rogered from the throne by his wife and her lover.
>Edward III takes back throne at age 17
Clearly took after his Grandad
>Female in the 13th century telling an army to do anything.
No. Also, the poker thing is a myth.
Remember the 6 million,goy.
lmao forgot about that
gets me every time, fuck i miss him.
well it's also telling that they were always expelled by WHITE societys. Really makes you think, no?
the bruce was a dirty kike selling out wullie wallace
Bruce's portrayal is so historically inaccurate in Braveheart it's staggering. Thankfully there's a new Robert the Bruce movie coming out soon.
My pal is an extra in it, he said there will be blacks in it.
>mfw what happens to his son
hu yes and? And see what has become of the white societies since they rule us. Pretty telling indeed.
Sadly, Hollywood did not exist by then.
>13th/14th Century Scotland
>Black people
Jesus wept