>mfw Sup Forums says mad men is kino even though they had this retarded faggot plotline thrown in
Mfw Sup Forums says mad men is kino even though they had this retarded faggot plotline thrown in
they hit the eject button on him pretty abruptly
I thought it was ok, I mean I worked with a guy before he came out and he'd say shit like "oh man I would destroy that chicks ass" and it would be the most boring looking ass and he would do it just to try and seem straight
point being gay sub plots can be interesting if they are not ridiculous
whatever numale fag, i have yet to see a gay plotline that wasn't shoe horned and try hard as fuck.
>i have yet to see a gay plotline that wasn't shoe horned and try hard as fuck.
What about the video tape of you being conceived?
The part where your mom broke in the door halfway through and raped your dad was pretty well done
>he isn't sophisticated enough to appreciate homo-kino
I feel bad for you
I remember on another thread some user mentioning that he was canned because he said the son of a producer was a shitty actor, which he is by the way (he's that kid that falls in love with Mad Men's wife and then goes to Nam). I would have love to see his gay ass one more time just as a throaway thing.
>mind instantly goes to dad rape
Guess how I know you're a homosexual. Ain't my fault your family never minded enough to make sure you weren't molested, might as well kys.
same goes for you
oh god that kid was dog shit, he was totally right but you cant say that shit out loud.
>he can't figure out why Sal and Don got along
I can't even conceive of being this much of a brainlet.
the brit guy and the crazy guy's plotlines are more retarded
>Ain't my fault
whatever nigger, what so I gotta be gay now just because I think having them in tv shows isnt unrealistic?
where did you pull this from?
The fat retarded kid? The one Sally befriends?
Jesus i always wondered why he was in the show. Now i know it’s due to nepotism.
I hope he knows he stinks
No, youre a typical virtue signaling gayboy who will stomach some thrown together plot where the audience is supposed to feel bad for the stereotypical closet fag, over and over again
Calm down you little shit
>typical virtue signaling gayboy
All gay people can die for all I care
But this particular time it was ok because it fit the time period.
Can you just discuss things without ad hominem attacks you dramatic soy boy
Well that sucks. The kid was terrible and Sal was a good character. I always liked him. When he was axed I always wondered what happened to him be so abruptly cut out..
The show is so bad that it doesn't have niggers yet still unwatchable and not important enough to shoehorn diversity into it
Didnt you find it amusing that since it was a time before gay stereotypes were well known people didn't immediately recognize Sal as being gay?
Also it was like 1 episode?
Mad men had off color jokes and risky ass non pc shit in it
You are being very petty
I read they were talking about having Sal show up for a scene with the Stonewall riots toward the end of the show (Summer of '69), but I'm guessing Weiner was still butthurt about muh Glenn, kek
Why are people in positions of power such assholes? If you are honestly criticized, you're supposed to improve, not act like a spoiled kid and fire who disagrees with you.
People like you will never be satisfied by any gay plot line. It's show or movie dares to have gay characters you'll just sorry out and say it's shoe horned. One of t the major themes in the entire series was exploring the social climate of the day which was why Sal's storyline makes sense. So you could just ignore a part of the shoe you don't like and enjoy the rest of the show that made it so great or I guess you could just whine about the Jews ruining your life on a Chinese cartoon website.
It’s hilarious, but I did some quick research and I’m glad to find out we’re not alone in thinking the kid was a terrible actor and character. The funny part is is that i stumbled into a reddit post about how some people identified with the kid.
I mean jesus i genuinely thought the character was supposed to have autism or something with how wooden his acting was. A kid from a highschool drama class could do better.