ITT Post your favorite movie, others guess your age and personality
ITT Post your favorite movie, others guess your age and personality
Other urls found in this thread:
I think I was sixteen when I was really into this movie
I'm going to go with sixteen, but it could be fifteen or seventeen too. Surely not eighteen+
Probably 20+ and I think you're a quiet guy who is into kino instead of mindless action like in capeshit.
Now guess me.
The Grave (1996)
Children of Men (2006)
>image for ants
25-30 and probably a lazy NEET with an idealistic view of how the world should be.
You're a 34-year-old introverted white male who doesn't have any kids and probably never will because women are a disappointment and life is already such a struggle to subject another person like you to it. You've contemplated suicide and some occasions you've used it to push yourself at something difficult (you didn't save anything for the way back).
Your a faget
I'm 40. Why did you randomly choose 26? I'm surprised anyone replied actually, no one on Sup Forums seems to even be aware of this movie besides me.
We had to watch this movie in college for a Bio-Ethics module.
Is there something about being an asian teenage girl where you have to look like you're dead inside most of the time
Change the order.
That was fucked up.
Greatest sci-fi film ever made, IMO, even though it's not my favorite (that's BR2049, which is about ten years ahead of its time), it is the most relevant for science as we know it and practice.
wow that's me but my favorite is Barry Lyndon though.
We were studying Biomedical Science and we just had to watch it to teach us about ethics or something. We had to write a report on it. I thought it was an ok movie.
25 yo weeb
Also my all time favourite OP, and I though I was alone. My second is The Fountain, what's yours?
The movie doesn't teach anything. They show you a movie like GATTACA in class to stimulate new thoughts on the subject and perhaps even provoke your feelings so that you can examine them.
Male clearly, under 26
You've never studied Biology past the age of 16, maybe you did/do physics
You still think, given the right incentive ie somebody kidnaps your family, a world war, a year of intense kung-fu on a mountain, you could still be a bad ass. Maybe you fantasies about rescuing a girl from a crime and her being oh so thankful etc
If you're
Well if you're me.
32 year old engineering graduate.
Watched this film every night while doing honours and drinking too much vodka as the sun comes up only to do it all again the next day. Why did I choose such a hard life? Should have been an electrician or a doctor. Obviously I love this film.
I don't have a favourite movie.
>I was in highschool in the late 2000's
18, INTP, 100ish IQ
watched it in 9th grade biology
The movie does teach you something. It's about nature vs nurture and how even if you don't have the best genes, anyone can exceed what is expected of them if they try hard enough.
If you browse Sup Forums and have seen those race vs iq memes, you can apply this movie to that. We shouldn't judge people because they are statistically likely to be less smart, we should put everyone in an environment that lets them reach their maximum potential.
Probably male, but outside chance of female
Manage to pass as a normie in public, probably dislike team sports on tv
>Pic is mine
23ish. Let's Sup Forums rule his interests a bit, unknowingly or otherwise. Watches the odd popular history person on youtube but can't really get into the nitty gritty because it's a bit too dry. Not a full blown Sup Forums poster but easily gets suckered in by their rhetoric.
Then again I feel like I pretty much described anyone on here, including myself.
Hi Dad
If you are looking for something good to watch, give it a try
I tried making my own but got bored and annoyed halfway through.
you got me.
That’s precisely why it’s my favorite. My dad used to let me stay up and watch it with him when I was little. That movie will always remind me of him.
fuck yeah guild wars (1)!
Oeh! guess me! :D
not a meme
18, possibly 17. At least mentally no more than that.
you became 32 last month
>self diagnosed aspergers
>a love for nighttime cityscapes
>likes electronic music but not heavy stuff like dubstep
>possibly into cars and mechanical nature
>unsure of what to do in life career wise
>mid 20s
Pic related is my favorite movie
Mid twenty year old female with a diverse music taste who often finds themselves wondering about death and pain detected
Arachnophobia (1990)
That may be one of the things you learned from thinking about the film, but GATTACA is not an instructional film.
There is quite a lot that can be learned from thinking about it, more than any other film, IMHO.
it's literally part of highschool curriculums since the mid 2000's
what went so right
>carly banks
cool thread OP
probably quiet and nice
cool.guy probably doesnt joke often but is funny when he does
someone who is striving for a purpose in their life
probably a lone a lot, at first by your own choice, now you cant help it
someone who can relate to this movie a little too much
>cherry picking jerk that didn't give my post a reply
>probably has aids
i just cant comment on the movies i havent seen or remember accurately i am sorry user
While Guild Wars 2 isn't nearly as good as 1, it's in a pretty good spot right now. Best it's ever been.
thats still a shit crusted roadstop toilet compared to 1
doesn't matter because it lost it's legacy players within 6 months of launch
what's the point of being that sexy if you're hardly in any good videos.
I didn't give a fuck. I only got into science for the well paid job. Couldn't give a shit about ethics or stimulating ideas or new thoughts.
Nah. I'm 27. Don't browse any boards here except Sup Forums and Sup Forums. I have zero interest in political stuff. I just like to watch movies and play games. I don't really watch any youtube channels. I mostly use youtube for listening to music.
>someone who is striving for a purpose in their life
Yes very much so. I come from a medical background and got into it to try and help people but it doesn't feel like I am getting anywhere. I want to do more.
Around the age of 30. Nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor.
56 YO male, probably not so tall, possibly a memember of some kind of sect or cult.
The fifth Element
So is Contact. I watched it in my high school astronomy class. That doesn't mean I know jack shit about ET, not unless I think about it and apply sound reasoning.
>he fell for the STEM meme
Well it worked out for me. I got a job in the BioPharma industry.
I meant for
very off
Either lives in a French speaking country or had French parents/relatives.
t. me too man