Oh no nononononononono
Oh no nononononononono
>Oh no nononononononono
Send help
So that's why his movies suck now.
what the fuck
>cherrypicking literal who kids
>known adults
hold on I thought he was the a list kid diddler that was about to be exposed
it's jewish media virtue signaling
>No goy, see? Spielberg is not one of them. he is a good liberal feminist you have to listen to his moralizing
That wouldn't matter. Meryl Streep likes kid diddlers
>Meryl Streep
Fucking Meryl Streep, not a single good movie since Bridges of Madison County (1995). How is she still relevant?
Jesus, this picture is fucking golden. You get distracted by Gandolfini at first but the shape of the guy's head on the far right and whatever the fuck that thing in the camo is are the funniest parts.
Is that fucking Amy Pascal?
Now would be the perfect time for Spielberg allegations.
Those kids look cute. I wish I had a group of friends like that as a kid
Looks like a videogame
why isn't there an edit naming them all yet
He's next isn't he? We're going to find out that he like, demanded actresses let him watch them pee or something.
4 strap ons vs. Kosher boy
Yeah, apparently it doesn't mattare to be caught red handed doing racist jokes in your e-mails, if you're a jewish woman.
t. Kevin Spacey
why the fuck did you post that? seriously what point are you trying to make
Shame, Spielbergs pre-2000s stuff is top quality kino. Now you can tell something is creatively stifling his films. Combination of SJW culture making everything bland, him getting old and running out of steam I guess.
That's why he's doing this. He's begging for protection. Sudden and conspicuous fashionable signalling of virtue is a dead giveaway.
But that's Amy Pascal to the right. If any female studio exec is gonna go down for sexual misconduct, it's her.
This is the wonderful thing. In clinging together for protection, they're just standing closer to another timebomb in their midst.
Are you shaming them for their looks?Not very progressive.
>all the seething polcucks replying
>thinking of tony first
>not bobby
get your fat proportions straight, ya fuckin’ queer.
he looks like a ventriloquist's dummy and somehow i doubt it's an accident
>west berlin, 1938
Theres plenty more in the daily kekistani hate thread on Sup Forums tbf
>some kids on a street corner with an american flag
holy shit alt-right BTFO how will Sup Forums ever recover?
What the fuck
I want this to be true so badly.
What if they were Dick Tracy villains?
what is this
remember when this happened
haven't you heard?
Post-feminism means raping a little girl until she dies. That does actually makes sense. "Post" implying that we've moved past feminism.
>not thinking of Nicky first
Yeah Elizabeth Banks, Jew, was accosted in Temple and so had to apologize.
haha he’s a great guy you can trust him with your kids or your daughter or your little daughter. He loves little girls hahaha great guy him and Georgie boy LOVE kids
me on the left
Its like Stranger Things political edition. This is the episode where they go to the New York rally and then find out that a mysterious girl who was chased by some Antifa into an alley and almost blows their heads up, was part of a government coverup.
why are all Wehraboos so ugly?
honestly whoever is not a feminist nowdays should just have their internet cut off permanently, its about time people woke up to the oppression of women and minorities suffer in a daily basis that the world is oblivious to.
Either wake up or no internet.
Who will portray them in the inevitable biopic?
The script writer is a woman and I'm guessing one of the two at the top, Amy is likely to be the one who bought the script and chased Spielberg to direct it. She has no experience and I was surprised that Spielberg would get attached to a project from a newcomer when he usually only works with experienced writers. It's 100% Amy bullshit. You just need to read the Sony mails to realize how tyrannical and clueless she really is. Add Streep self righteousness to the mix and you got a good pile of shit. I still love you Steven I know you are just playing Hollywood politics.
Idris Elba